Status: :)

My Constant


The sun rose up from behind the trees. Cabel had woken me up at four in the morning so that we could get to the pond in time for the sun rise. We liked watching the sun come up, much more than watching it fall. Mornings represented a brand new day. Anything felt possible in the light of dawn. Cabel and I rested against the trunk of a robust sycamore tree.

“I don’t think I could have asked for a better summer,” Cabel whispered to me while winding his arm around my waist.

“Summer days drifting away,” I sang.

He laughed and nuzzled his face into my neck, “But uh-oh those summer nights.”

As I sat under the shade of the tree, I listened to the birds sing their lovely songs. I never wanted to leave this place. I adored watching the rippling water sparkle in the sunlight, and watch the fish dance around each other. Most importantly, I loved being able to experience it all with Cabel. Of course, now as our summer came to a close, my thoughts drifted back to homework, teachers, and long days sitting in an uncomfortable desk.

“Do you ever think about the future,” I asked Cabel as my eyes followed a small, brown squirrel up a tree.

“I think about it a lot actually, although, every time I do there is only one thing that always remains the same.”

I looked over at him and soaked in his features, “What’s that?”

He tightened his grip on me, “You. You are my one and only constant.”

With those few simple words, I knew he would forever have my heart.
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