Untitled For Now


I stared at sketch I drew of my brother Mikey for a long time before sighing and putting down my pencil. “This is as good as it’s going to get dude,” I handed him the sketch pad.
“The fuck Gerard this is awesome. Thanks!” He smiled at me and stood, I grinned back. I don’t get to see Mikey smile a lot anymore since out parents split so I treasured every second that he does.
“No problem,” I said awkwardly as he pulled me from the desk into an awkward hug. He then rushed out the door saying something about showing it to someone, I couldn’t hear who. I turned around and looked about my dimly lit room. It was a mess. Comic books, CDs, papers, everywhere. I liked it that way. It only bothered me when my desk was unorganized, which it was right now.
I sighed again and began balling up the failed portraits I’d done of my brother and tossed him at the trash can, where they all fell around the edge, none of them making it in. I didn’t want Mikey showing everyone he knew my drawing, not that he had many friends or it was that bad, I just didn’t want people to have another reminder that I was “that weird art kid.”
I sat down with a thin point sharpie in hand to do some more drawing when my mom called me, sounding urgent and nervous. Curiously I walked into the den of our apartment and saw her wringing her hands on the couch with Mikey standing uncomfortably in the kitchen doorframe.
“What’s up…?” I asked slowly, bracing myself for a negative answer.
“Well Gee, good news and bad news,” She glanced at me as if she wanted me to say something before she continued, I just nodded. “The good news is…We finally have enough to get you a car!” I blinked at her, Mikey scoffed.
“…And….the bad news?”
“We’re moving.”
It sounded so final, so definite, and so lovely, I didn’t question why. We’re moving. I can have a chance to start over, a new city, new school, new people. This isn’t bad news, this is great!
“Where are we moving to? When are we going?” I was practically bouncing off the walls I was so happy.
“It’s a little town called Westerhill, Texas. We’re going to finish the school year here, take our vacation at grandmas during the summer, and we’ll move all our stuff down there in late July.” She eyed me warily and I did a little cheer before running back to my room, feeling very inspired considering the circumstances. I heard Mikey mumble before leaving, “He is messed up that boy…” I smiled to myself and silently agreed. I knew I was messed up. I liked being messed up.
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The prologue is REALLY rough and suckish. Don't lose faith :)