Status: Synacky :)

Always Be There for You

Zacky's got a problem.

Sure, he's one of the guitarists from Avenged Sevenfold, life perfect for him, doing what he loves to do when on tour or in the studio.

But, things aren't that perfect for him.

He's in love with his best friend, and pregnant with his baby.

It's time for Brian to step up and help his best friend through the tough nine months. But along the way, he discovers things about his own feelings he wished he shouldn't feel.

***NOTICE*** Don't own any of the Avenged boys, nor do I mean any harm or shit to them by this story. As you can see, it's slash, so if you get offended about gay people and m-preg, then you should stop reading now. For the rest of you, enjoy the story!
Major credit goes to IvoryJaied for making me post this
  1. Chapter One - Pregnant
    "Is that... even possible?"
  2. Chapter Two - Doctor
    "It's like you were made for each other."