Status: Not active at the moment, sorry. Doing a lot of do-overs on this story.

Just Once


"I love you, baby." My boyfriend, Will, smiled at me.

"I love you too." I smiled and rolled over to look at him. We had just had sex. For the first time. Well, for me anyways. He had done it plenty of times as far as I know. I wish he hadn't because he loves me now and he regrets it all.

"What do you wanna do today?" He winked at me, "Another round, perhaps?"

"Ha. I wish, but it's sunday and I have homework and we have school tomorrow. Plus, you gotta get out of here before my mom wakes up."

"Ugh, okay babe. I guess I should get out of here...that would suck. If she...walked in."

"That would more than suck." I said as he got up and put on his pants. "That would destroy

"Don't be dramatic," he leaned over and kissed me on the head. "Bye, Ally."

"Bye, Will." I looked at his sweet face and smiled. He threw on his shoes and shirt and quietly sneaked out my bedroom door. I honestly can't believe I just had sex with him. I wasn't going to...but I got caught up in the moment. It's not like that whole caught-up-in-the-moment-I-can't-stop thing. It was more like, I was undecided if I wanted to or not and it just happened. I guess that's how it goes though. And nothing magical happened. It wasn't like it was extremely amazing even. It kind of hurt. I regret it sort of...and I know that's a bad thing. He's super hot though. He has normal, brown hair and light blue eyes. An amazing body. I'm in love with him. I really am. He loves me too, I'm pretty sure because he says it all the time.

I got up to go to breakfast. Mmm, yummy bacon. I really should not eat a whole lot. I'm not skinny, I'm not fat. I'd just call myself average. I have hips, which I'm totally proud of, a little booty, and fairly big boobs.

"Hey honey, you need to get to work in about 10 minutes so hurry up!" My mom said in the cheery tone she uses every morning. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. I work on Sundays. At the mall. It sucks because I can't hang out with friend or go on dates with my boyfriend like normal girls. I have to sneak him over at night when my mom and dad go to bed. We usually just make out and fool around, talk a little bit.

"I know, mom." I start eating bacon like there's no tomorrow.

"So, uh, how's things going with Will?" She asks, and i glance up at her nervously, wondering if she knows.

"Oh, they're fine, I guess."

"Good." she smiles at me and strokes my hair. "Let me know if you need anything."

"I will mom, I should probably get going."

"Okay sweetie, I love you."

"I love you too." I grab my bag and keys and run out to my car. I just got my license about a month ago and I'm super psyched. Even though all I do is drive to school and work.

I run into the mall and make it into Values, the place I work, in just a couple minutes before 9:00 so I'm not late.

"Hey, giiirl!" Rainy runs up to me. "Just in time, there are some hot guys in the back."

"You know I have a boyfriend."

"Who says you can't look?" She winks at me.

"Everyone...?" I get pulled along to the behind the counter and I glance over. Wow, they really are hot. There were two guys, one with blonde hair and a nice, lean body and one with dark hair with what seemed like a more muscular build. But I couldn't stop looking at the blonde one. He was cute.

"Stop staring!" Rainy whisper-yelled. I looked away from him and back at her, "I'm not..."

"Hey cutie." One of the guys, the one with dark hair, came up to the register.

"Hey, you." Rainy said and winked.

"Um, I was wondering what you're doing after work." He said, flirtaciously and I wondered why he didn't come up to me. Well, I didn't really wonder because Rainy was beautiful. If i were a guy, I'd go up to her too. She had long, chocolate, dark hair and a cute little body. Plus a gorgeous face.

"Well...we'll see. Depends on if you wanna hang out."

"I do!" He said, a little too excitedly. "I mean, yeah..." and she laughed. I wish I were comfortable with myself enough to laugh at a cute guy.

"Great then. I get off at 12:00."

"Awesome...see you then." He started walking off. "Wait," He turned around. "What's your name?"

"Rainy. Yours?"


"Okay, see ya later, Trey." and he walked off. His blonde friend gave a little wave at us and I waved back.

"You like him don't you?" Rainy said to me.

"What? No. I have a boyfriend."

"You said that...and yet, you still stare at that cute little ass." She grinned and helped out a customer.

"I wasn't staring at his..." I looked at the customer and her young daughter. "Butt." I whispered and she cracked up.

"Oh, I'm sure you weren't."

When 12 o'clock rolled around Rainy was just getting ready to leave with Trey. He came with his blonde friend and I don't know why since him and Rainy were going on a date.

"Let's go, babe. And oh, Justis. Crap. What are you gonna do?" He asked the blonde one, apparently Justis.

"Uhh, I guess I'll just hang around the mall until you guys get done. It's all good."

"What if we go back to my place?" He turned and winked at Rainy who giggled and I rolled my eyes. Sex, sex, sex with this girl.

"In that case you better bring me home."

"I'm gonna kick your ass." Trey said harshly, but still smiled.

"Bring me home when you're done." He smiled and patted his friend on the shoulder.

"See ya, Ally!" Rainy said to me.

"See ya." I waved a little bit and they left. Except for Justis. Who was standing there awkwardly and looking cute and all that. Ugh.

"Um, so, Ally?"

"Uh, yeah?" I turned to him and scratched my head, which was probably not the most attractive thing to do.

"When do you get off?" I looked at him and I giggled.

"I have a boyfriend."

"Oh. Well, we can still hang, right?"

"Yeah, sure." I grinned at him. "I get off in about half an hour actually."

"Lovely," He winked at me. "I was planning to be here in about half an hour."

"I have a boyfriend." I said hurriedly. I couldn't risk this guy trying to hit on me when i had a perfect guy.

"You said that..."

"I do realize that," I smiled at him. "Just making sure you don't forget it."

"Okay. Well, I'm going to get myself a sandwich in the food court, 'kay? Don't run away."


"Later." He waved and walked off. Wow, this was going to be interesting.
♠ ♠ ♠

Ally's outfit for Sunday