Status: Not active at the moment, sorry. Doing a lot of do-overs on this story.

Just Once


Justis's Point of View

I jumped in the shower really quick, my bus was about to come and I was running a little late.
Yesterday Ally said 'love' when we were making out. I'm not going to be immature and say that it was all bad and everything, I'm just saying that it was weird and awkward. I mean, seriously, love? All we had been doing was kissing a little bit.
Then Stephanie, damn. I felt bad about I was cheating on Ally. Like I should tell her. What the hell was I thinking? I didn't need to tell Ally shit. She wasn't my girlfriend.
I got out of the shower and dried myself off. I didn't want to hurt Ally though because she was honestly a nice person even though she was cheating on her boyfriend. Man, I am so going to hell! First, I make this chick like me and cheat on her boyfriend. Second, I make out with Stephanie while Ally is saying shit about love...I don't think she'd ever forgive me if she found out about this.

"Justis! Hurry! The bus is down the street!" My mom called up.

"Okay!" I ran into my room grabbing my stuff as fast as I could, trying to throw clothes on at the same time. By the time I reached the bottom of the stairs I looked like a complete mess but I didn't care, my mom would kill me if she had to drive me into school.

"Bye, mom." I ran over and kissed her on the head.

"Bye, hon." She gave me a side hug and ran out the door to my bus, which was just pulling up to my house. I jumped on and said 'hey' to the bus driver.

"Yo! Justis! Over here, man." My friend, Conner called from the back of the bus. I made my way back to him and plopped down beside him.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"Going to school, same as always," He took an earphone out. "You?"

"Same." I said, putting one of my earphones in.

Ally's Point of View

"Babe, what's up?" Will asked, looking over me carefully.

"What?" I asked startled, looking up from my fingernails.

"You only chew your nails when you're nervous. What are you nervous about?" He pulled me against his body as much as he could. We were sitting out in my car again, waiting for the bell to ring.

"I don't know, I just..." I was about to tell him. About Justis, about everything.

"Hm?" He kissed my ear.

"I, uh, I have a biology test," I sighed. "and I didn't study." He chuckled softly into my ear.

"Want me to help you forget about it?" He started kissing my jaw.

"School starts in," I paused, looking at my cellphone. "seven minutes."

"That's enough time."

"No..." I trailed off. "I'm not really in the mood."

"Why can't you just tell me you don't want to have sex anymore?" He says, a bit annoyed, but sweetly.

"I do!"

"Then why haven't we done it since the first time?"

"Because! It's been like two days!"

"So...?" He looks away.

"We don't have to do it every single day..." I looked at him. I felt completely terrible. He was so cute right now I was just about to die. His brown hair was a perfect match with his pretty light blue eyes. I just wanted to eat him up, but in a little kid way. I didn't want to kiss him or touch him. It seemed wrong to me. I couldn't do this anymore. I needed away from him, I wanted out of this relationship. I couldn't believe I was thinking all this...

"Ally..." He said, softly

"Yeah?" I said, almost crying.

"I, uh, I feel like this isn't..." He paused. "It's not exactly...perfect."

"What are you trying to say?" I said, shocked.

"Ally, I love you. I just...this isn't...right" When he said that I didn't feel pain, I felt relief. I couldn't believe he was ending this. Not after what I was thinking, I was just thinking I wanted out and now he's saying it. This dude was reading my mind.

"Is it because I won't have sex again?" I said, wondering.

"No! Ally, it's not that at all." He hugged me tight and again, I felt horrible. I should be feeling ripping pain right now, I should not want this to end. I wanted to love him.

"Is this supposed to hurt?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Am I supposed to be sad?"

"You don't feel sad?" He kind of looked hurt.

"I'm sorry..."

"No, no. Don't be sorry. It's better if it doesn't hurt...right?"

"Yeah, I guess so." I said. I was such a mean person.

"You know, you were the girl I definitely felt the closest to," He smiled a little bit. "but when we had sex it felt so wrong, I realized all I wanted from you was to be friends."

"Really?" I said, smiling with him. "That's nice...I want to be friends."

"I know you think I'm a total player too and that I'm a jerk."

"You are."

"Only with other girls."

"I know..." I said. "I know." and then the bell ring.

"We better go...would you like me to walk you to your first class?" He said, too sweetly. This was ridiculous. This did hurt!

"Sure." I smiled at him and kissed him on the lips.
♠ ♠ ♠
A bit of a filler.
Thought Will was a jerk...then turns out to be kind of decent.

Ally's outfit for Thursday

Subscribers: 7, Comments: 3.
If I get a couple more comments, I'll update. <3