Status: Not active at the moment, sorry. Doing a lot of do-overs on this story.

Just Once

Number One Girl

"Hey, Ally!" Justis ran up to me, sandwich in hand, when i was walking out the doors from work.

"Hey, Justis." I turned to him and smiled.

"You remembered!" He grinned widely. "You love me don't you?"

"Oh yes," I rolled my eyes.

"Meanie." He pushed his bottom lip out.

"That," I paused. "you're right about."

"So, what do you wanna do?" He asked.

"Um, I don't know. I'm kinda hungry...then maybe we could go to the dollar theater or something?"

"I just ate...but i'd be happy to buy you something. Plus, the dollar theaters suck."

"Psh. Picky."

"Only the best for my number one girl." He smiles and dimples form around his mouth.

"I am not your number one girl." I said, maybe a little too harshly. He was only trying to be nice i know. Honestly, I was starting to think he was cute but I shouldn't because it seemed like a bad movie where the girl has a boyfriend, tries not to fall for the perfect blonde haired, blue eyed boy but does anyways and the boyfriend ends up heartbroken but it's okay because he understands and they're in love and all those shenanigans.

"I know...I was just...sorry." He flipped his bangs a little. Those cute bangs...

"No," I put a hand up about to touch him but then dropped it to my side. "I just...I really love my boyfriend. Nothing is going to change that, don't try..."

"I wasn't trying to! Trust me. This is totally business. We're just trying to get through the day because our friends ditched us for each other to go get laid because that's all they think about."

"Exactly! We're on the same page. So where shall we head to now?" I smile in understanding.

"Let's go...get you something to eat. I'll pay."

"What a gentleman."

"Shut up, and come on." He laughed a little bit and led me to the food court. "What do you want to eat?"

"Um, Arby's?"

"Sure." We walked over to Arby's and I ordered mozzarella sticks and jalapeno poppers. Of course, he paid. Will never paid for anything. He didn't have to though, he was so perfect. Justis and I walked over to a table and plopped my bag on it and gobbled up my food in, I swear, less than a minute.

"Slow down there, wouldn't want you to choke." I glanced up at him and he winked.

"I won't choke." I said, mouth full of food. Man, I am so attractive.

"Hopefully not until I get to you."

"Oh my word!" I couldn't believe he just said that. "I can't believe you just said that!" I stared in disbelief.

"I'm just kidding! Miss touchy. I wasn't even referring to a blow job, you nasty."

"How did you know what i was thinking unless you were thinking the same thing?"



"You're very cute." He said a little quieter and I blushed but kept his gaze.

"Well," I swallowed. "Thank you." I looked at him awkwardly for a second then looked down at my last popper. "You want it?" I said when I caught him looking at the same thing.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah...I'm kinda sick of them." I faked, and he grabbed it and popped it in his mouth.

"I was kidding...about the blow job thing. I really don't even know what it is." He smirked.

"Whatever. Every guy knows what one is. Every girl knows what one is."

"I was kidding, of course I know what it is but I've never had one." He eyes me. In a strange way and I shudder. Nasty.

"Like I'm supposed to believe that you man-whore." I said.

"How do you know if i'm a man-whore? You barely even know me." He said, defensively.

"I can smell a man-whore from a mile away. I'm good like that. You have no idea, ask Rainy."


"Uh, the girl your friend just left with?" I laughed. "You have a great memory."

"Oh. Her..." He smirked.

"What about her?"

"She's really hot," He said really pointedly. I frowned a little bit.

"I'm glad to hear that. Although I already know from the numerous guys who come into the store and check her out 24/7, sometimes even commenting loud enough for her to hear. It's really annoying."

"I'm sure that happens to you too and she thinks it's annoying also."

"Yeah, i'm sure all the guys in the world want...this." I laugh and sweep my hand over my body. "And I didn't mean it's annoying as in that I'm jealous. I meant it's annoying because she thinks it's annoying and I look out for her. She only likes the hot ones, like your friend."

"You think he's hot"

"No...I mean, he's okay." I stare down into my lap.

"It's okay if you think he's hot. Most girls do. Him with that...muscular body, and his luscious dark skin." He mocked that last part in a gay voice and I giggled.

"No, honestly! I don't think he's hot. Really. Why do you care anyways? Jealous?" I dragged my 'S' out.

"Just like you're jealous of Rainy."

"I am not!"

"Are too."


"Yes, you are if I'm jealous of Trey."

"Fine," I sighed. "You're not jealous. All I know, is we need to get out of here I'm bored." I looked at him again as he looked over at Arby's and his hair dropped in his eye and he flipped it out.


"Do you have a car?"

"No," he blushed. "Do you?"

"Yeah, I guess we could get outta here and go hang out somewhere else."

"Oh, that'd be cool just let me text Trey real quick and let me tell him we're gonna head out. Does Rainy care?"

"Nah, we just work together. We usually don't hang out later."

"Okay." He looked down at his crotch, to where his phone was. Hmm, his crotch. Whoa! You nasty pervert, Ally. Stop thinking about his crotch. Think about Will's crotch. Ah yes, Will's crotch. Good stuff, don't think about Justis, don't think about Justis.

"All right, let's get out of here."