Status: Not active at the moment, sorry. Doing a lot of do-overs on this story.

Just Once

Accidentally Attracted

Justis and I hopped in my car when we got out to the parking lot and I started backing out.

"Where to?" I asked, hopeful that he would have something in mind so we wouldn't have to drive around the city aimlessly.

"I mean, it's weird to ask but you wanna go to my place?" I paused for a moment, scared to answer that question.

"I have a boyfriend."

"Yes. I know that."

"Okay, but no funny business." Did i really just say funny business? I am such a loser.

"I promise," He looked at me and laughed.

We pulled into his driveway, finally, after bad directions and almost running into like, three other cars because he wasn't being a very good direction giver. Okay, maybe a little was my fault for staring at him.

"Here is my humble abode," We hop out of my car and walk into his house.

"This is," I pause and look around. "Pretty nice."

"What were you expecting?"

"I don't know. Judging you, someone who picks up random girls, i thought it might be a little chaotic."

"Nah, my mom keeps things running in good order." He takes a rootbeer out of the fridge and hands me one.

"Thanks," I said and my phone vibrated. "Oh wait, i got a text." I pulled it out and it was Will. Now I feel like crap.

Hey babe..whats up? wanna
hang tonite? ;)
I texted back:

oh im hangn with a friend
right now..but maybe later?


who? rainy? ok sexy. i guess
we'll hang some other time
i love you :)

and me:

ok ill txt u when we can k?
i love you too

"Who was that?" Justis looked at me from behind his soda.

"Oh, it's uh, my boyfriend...Will."

"Oh. I have a girlfriend."

"Um, that was a little random. Do you wanna tell me about this 'girlfriend'?" I air-quoted. He's lying, I know it.

"Well, she's not exactly a girlfriend. We mess around."

"Oh yeah? You mess around? Like what?"

"That's a little personal."

"Bullshit. Personal? You? Mr. Blowjob?" I raise my eyebrows in a jokingly suspicious way and that's when I hear someone clear their throat behind me.

"Hey, mom." He starts cracking up, looking behind me.

I turn around. "Oh, oh my goodness. Wow, hi. I'm sorry...that's not what it sounds like. I was just...I was kidding." I try to explain.

"I see," She raises her eyebrows with an amused look in her eye. "Mr. blowjob?" and when she said that, my faced turned, I swear, redder than a tomato. Literally. I can't believe a mom just said blowjob. I hate myself. I am such a bad person.

"Mom, don't mess with her. She's new." Justis says.

"Sorry, sweetie." She comes over and kisses him on the top of his head. "Hungry?"

"Nah, we ate at the mall, Ally? You hungry?"

"Oh, no." My face still ten shades of red. And possibly purple.

"Honey?" His mom comes over to me. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you. I don't mind if you go around calling Justis, Mr. Blowjob. Because I think that suits him kind of well."

"What?" I look up at her with disbelief. This woman is sick!

"She's kidding!" Justis runs up to me and grabs my arm. "Come on, I'll show you my room or something."

"No blowjobs!" His mom calls after us.

"Your mom is gross." I say, and he just laughs.

"She's like that. She's just really open and straight-forward about everything." He leads me up to his room. Which I must say, is very clean. Considering it's a guys room. That doesn't mean there's nothing on the floor or the bed isn't made. I'm just saying there's no pizza crust or nasty juice molded into the floor or anything. It looks good. I walk in and plop down onto his bed.

"Oohh, I love your bed," I smooth my hands over the covers. "It's really squishy and soft."

"I'm glad you like," He says and comes over and lays down on the bed behind me.

"Um," I stand up.

"You can sit down, Ally," He says. "I'm not going to molest you. We're just friends..."

"Okay," I walk back over and sit down on his bed. He's not a poor kid, that's for sure. He has his own t.v. and PS3. He has some pretty cool posters on the wall of Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops and picture of him and some girl.

"Who's that?" I point at the picture and ask.

"That's my...was my sister."

"Oh...what happened?" I suddenly feel bad that I asked.

"She had cancer. It seems like it would be off t.v. or something...It's weird to have someone you know, someone in your family, actually have cancer." He looks away, sad.

"Hey," I put my hand on his stomach and look him in the eye. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. It happened a long time ago, as you can see." And I did. He looked about twelve in the picture but that would only be about 4 or 5 years ago. "Don't worry about me, seriously, you just met me too."

"I guess so, but your very likeable."

"Really?" He smilled at me.

"Hell yeah, and ho-" I cute myself off and blushed. Did I really almost say he was hot? I'm so dumb. I need to stop myself.

"I'm a ha? Funny?"

"Nothing. Yeah, funny. I love your jokes." I say quickly, and he looks at me weird.



"So," He puts his hands behind his head.

"This is kinda awkward."

"Yeah, I guess. That's weird because we haven't run out of things to say all day."

"I know," I decide to lay back beside him.

"Aren't you afraid I'm going to try to shove my wiener down your throat?" He says and I laugh.

"No, I think I'm getting more comfortable with you."

"Oh, nice," He smiles and rolls on his side to look at me.

"What?" I look back at him.


"Then why are you looking at me!"

"So now I can't look?" His gaze travels over me and pauses on the patch of skin where my shirt came up a little.

"No!" I yank my shirt down.

"You're so fuckin' hot."

"What?!" I laugh. "Knock it off." I elbow him. He looks down at me and leans in.

"Stop, Justis!" I push him away.


"No, jeez, we're just friends." I insist.

"But you're awesome!" He gives up and leans back.

"I know that," I laugh to try to ease the tension. "But Justis, you're hot too. I just wanna stay friends...although you're damn hot."

"Then just kiss me...once." He gets back up on one elbow.

"Justis..." He leans down again and this time i let him kiss me. It was the best kiss I ever had. With Will it was just bland and spitty. This was, he kissed so good! I pulled him down on top of me and put my hands on his hips. I lost myself in the kiss and forgot all about Will. Justis's hair brushed my forehead as he moved his tongue in and out of my mouth.

"Justis...I can't believe I'm doing this...What about Will?" I pull away.

"Hey, hey. Don't think about Will." he pulls me closer to him. "This is perfect. You're perfect..." He kisses the top of my head and my phone buzzes.

"Holy shit." I say when i pull my phone out and find that it's Will.

"Let me see it," He takes my phone and reads it out loud.

hey lovely. im bored.
wut u and rainy up 2

Justis texts back:

we're just messin around

"Screw you." I tell him and grab my phone.

"What..." Justis grabs my hand. "I thought you liked it." and he weakly smiles at me.

"I don't know, Justis. I thought I was in love with him...I mean, I am in love with him."

"You obviously don't know what love is, Ally."

"I very well know what love is." I look at him harshly. I don't even know him. What the hell was going on.

"Hey, hey...don't fight with me." He leans and kisses my cheek, and the sad part is, I let him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Way fast, i know!!