Status: Not active at the moment, sorry. Doing a lot of do-overs on this story.

Just Once

Back to reality

The next day I'm about to pull into my usual parking space at school. Damn Kyle. Parked in my spot again. I pull into the space next to him and then hop out of my car. Walking into this school was like walking into hell. I always dreaded going to school in the morning. I know dreading is a pretty harsh word but that's the only way to describe it. I hate school. Another twist though, I only got A's and B's. I was obsessed with getting amazing grades and it sucked.

I walked into the building and went straight to my locker. It gave me something to do. A lot of people liked me but I was not extremely outgoing so I wasn't the kind of person to walk up and start hanging out with someone I wasn't really good friends with. I saw my friend Lily though so I walked over to her instead.

"Hey, you hungry?" She asked me.

"Yeah sure, what's for breakfast?"

"I don't know." She said as we headed towards the lunch room, which was in a different building. Our school was so cheap they couldn't even have separate lunch rooms for middle school and high school.

"Mm, hey there baby." My heart sank as I heard Will's sweet voice.

"Oh, hey..." I grabbed onto his hand and led him to the lunch room with me and Lily.

"Hey, Will!" Lily said with excitement. She had a crush on Will forever. Everyone knew it and sometimes, ohhh, it pissed me off.

"Hey, Lil," he said sweetly. "How's, uh, life?" he squeezed my hand to reassure me that he wasn't interested in her.

"I got a prom dress! Oh, it's soo pretty! It's poofy and green with a shimmery blue tint to it and I got the. best. shoes. ever." She paused in between her words when she said that.

"Sounds awesome." Will said, obviously uninterested in her prom dress discovery. He hadn't asked me yet. Which I wasn't completely freaking out about because I knew he'd ask me sooner or later. Will opened up the door for Lily and me and we began our trek down the long ass hallway that led to the lunch room. Could our school get anymore pathetic?
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Ally's Outfit for Monday