Status: Not active at the moment, sorry. Doing a lot of do-overs on this story.

Just Once

Yet again

Will and I had hung out at my house for a long time making out, talking, and eating. It was just like old times. I forgot all about Justis and the torment he was causing me.
When I dropped Will off we said our usual goodbye's and kisses. I drove to work in silence. Which was out of the norm because I usually had my music on whenever I drove. This time I just wanted to think.

"Ally...what's up?" Rainy asked right as I walked in the doors. She knew something wrong.

"What?" I smiled.

"Don't try to fool me, woman." She narrowed her eyes, jokingly.

"Ugh, I don't know...How did your adventures go with Trey?" I said, trying to change the subject so I wouldn't have to make up some stupid, lame excuse.

She leaned back and sighed, dreamily. "Trey..."

"Uh, oh. Someones got it bad."

"Ha. You know I don't stay in relationships long. This one is no different."

"Oh puh-lease." I rolled my eyes and started fixing the shirts that people so carelessly throw back onto the shelves; not caring to fold them.

"Well, he's a hella good lover." She winked at me. "Not a great conversationalist though."

"Yeah well, most guys aren't."

"Except for Justis." She eyed me.

"What the hell do you know?" I smirked.

"Hey man, I know a girl who's hung out with a hot blond guy all day when I see one." She began helping me rearrange the shirts on the shelves.

"Yeah...I guess he's okay and everything." I folded more shirts trying to look nonchalant.

"I would've so hooked up with him."

"I'm not a ho."

"That was uncalled for."

I smiled. "I'm kidding."

"I know," she leaned over and hugged me, our first hug, I might add. "but just know I'm here for ya if you need me."

"Thanks." I thought about that hug for a long time. That's all I had needed.

When things wound down at work Rainy and I could start to relax more and talk about the things that were not important to anyone else but us.

I was cracking up laughing. "You should have seen the way Stacy went down in P.E. I almost peed--"

"Ally," Shit. Justis. I turned around waiting for some big explanation of last night he said, "Do you wanna hang out...after work, I mean."

"Justis...this is, unexpected," I managed to get out. "and...why?"

"Because I like you!" He smiled an amazingly irresistible smile.

"I have a boyfriend..." I halfheartedly said.

"That's the bagillionth time you've said that." He grabbed my hand and pulled me over into a hug. He smelled like heaven. He felt like heaven. He looked like heaven. Ah, hell.


"Sure what?"

"I'll hang out with you tonight." I said and he sighed in relief. "Good." He whispered in my ear.

"Am I...interrupting something?" Rainy came over, I looked at her meanly but she only had a hint of amusement in her eyes.

"No," I quickly said. "He was just going..."

"But I'll be back!" He exclaimed, joyfully. "In an hour." and he kissed me on the top of my head and walked out.

"In an hour..." I gazed after him as he walked out.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm in a writing mood! Expect more :)
Please, PLEASE comment. Tell me how I'm doing.