Status: Not active at the moment, sorry. Doing a lot of do-overs on this story.

Just Once


Right when I got off work Justis was there and he didn't hesitate to kiss my forehead right in front of Rainy.

"Um, so...I'm just gonna go now." Rainy smiled and grabbed her keys out of her bag. My heart skipped a beat. I'm so nervous. I say yes to hanging out with him and I don't even think about the fact that I could maybe possibly be nervous.

"Okay, see you tomorrow." I allow Justis to hold my hand.

"Don't do anything you wouldn't do in front of grandma." She shoves sunglasses on her face.

"My grandma's dead."

"Not the point." Rainy gave me a side hug and waggled off.

"She's so hot." Justis looked after her and then I felt that little something that was not a good sign. Jealousy.

"Shut up."

"But you are hotter." He brings my lips up to his.

"I know," I pout.

We head back to my place, for the first time. I know we're going to have to sneak in the back door because my parents will be in the living room watching the news and I do not want them seeing that I'm with someone other than Will. I don't want them seeing me with anyone.
I lead Justis through our back door quietly and point for him to go upstairs.

"Mom, I'm home!" I yell into the living room as soon as Justis reaches the top and rounds the corner and my mom comes in the kitchen to give me a hug.

"Hey, sweetie."

"Hey, mom. I'm gonna go up do some homework."

"Okay hon, chicken's in the fridge if you get hungry."

"Oh, thanks...goodnight." I run into the living room to give my dad a hug and then I bolt upstairs, skipping one step at a time.

Justis is right around the corner waiting for me and he pulls me into his arms and gives me passionate kiss.

"This is so wrong." I say into his mouth.

"No, it's not...don't think about it." He presses his mouth harder into mine and licks my lips. I pull away and pull him into my room.

"So, this is your room?" He looks around and walks over to a poster of Justin Bieber. I blush.
"Bieber, eh?" He chuckles softly.

"Shut up!" I whine and push him gently.

"No, no. I respect him. Honestly. When you can seduce girls with just your voice, or just by being in your presence you gain respect from me."

"Is that the only reason?" I ask, "He has quite some accomplishments. I admire him a lot."

"You mean you admire his ass?" He smiles.

"That's just a bonus." I wink. "but you're sexier." I give into him again when he kisses me. He leans into me and pushes me onto my bed so he's on top. He starts kissing down my neck to my collar bone and I'm in a trance. This is incredible. He begins to nibble on my ear, unaware that it's my sweet spot. I giggle because it tickles a little bit but am loving every single second of it. Right then my phone buzzes and I reach into my pocket and open it.

"Shit, again?" I read Will's name.

hey luv. chill tonight?

I text back:

you text at the worst times
i'm doing homework.


awwww shit. i love you..
c u at school tomorrow


I love u too. ttyl mwah

"This has got to be a sign." I whine into Justis's sexy neck. "He texts every time!"
"He has no idea," He whispers in my ear and it makes me giggle again. I love this but I hate it...
♠ ♠ ♠
Short chapter D: