Status: Not active at the moment, sorry. Doing a lot of do-overs on this story.

Just Once


The next day Ally didn't have work. Some girl, Shantay always worked on Wednesdays at my time. I haven't seen her but Rainy says she sucks pretty bad. So after school I went straight home, my parents weren't home because they both had work until 8:00.
It was only 4:00. Ugh. Sometimes this house could just suck, nothing to do. I wanted Will to come over...or at least I was trying to fool myself into thinking I wanted him to come over when all I wanted was to have Justis here. I picked up the phone and called Rainy.

"Hello?" I got on the other end.

"Hey, Rainy! Sorry for calling you at work but could you happen to get Justis's number from Trey?" I leaned back against the island in our kitchen.

"Um...Hold on," I could hear her clicking around on her phone. "Okay, it's 555-3656."

"Thank you! I owe you."

"Yes, you do. An explanation! Gotta go! I love you!" she said in a hurry and hung up. I dialed in his number and sat there nervously as the phone

"Hello?" Justis's mom picked up.

"Um, Yeah, hello? Is Justis there?" I said.

"Who's this?"

"This is Ally..."

"Oh! Gosh, Ally! He'll be happy to hear from you!" She exclaimed and she pulled the phone away from her face and called Justis's name.

"He'll be here in a sec." She said and placed the phone down. This was nerve racking for a simple phone call. What if he doesn't want to hear from me? Of course he wants to hear from me, he likes me.

"Hey, Ally! Miss me?" Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes!!!


"Ouch, harsh."

"I want to see you."

"Booty call?"

"Don't be immature...I just want to see you. I don't miss you, I don't want sex. Nothing. I just simply want to see you."

"'Kay, I'll have my mom give me a ride over...See you in a few."

"Thanks, see you." I hung up the phone. That was the lamest phone conversation I've had in like, never.

I sat on the counter in front of the window until I saw his mom's Prius pull into our driveway and I hopped down. Walking over to the door suddenly seemed intimidating and I paused. I shouldn't be doing this. He was like my addiction now and it was scaring me. What if I couldn't quit him?
He opened the door without knocking because he knew I wouldn't invite him over if my parents were there.

"Hey beautiful." He came over and put his arms around my waist, pulling me in as close as he could get me.

"Hey..." I trailed off as we began kissing. The kiss seemed more urgent this time and his hands slowly ventured down towards my butt. I didn't mind though, it felt good and I didn't want him to stop...this felt so wrong, but so right. He tucked his hands into the waist of my jeans pushing inside of them so he could touch my ass bare. He pushed past my panties and starting massaging my butt. I wrapped my hands in his hair and kissed him as hard as I could.

"Ally..." He moaned into my mouth as I started feeling something hard around his...southern regions. I kissed him faster and more eagerly wanting to taste as much as I could of him. I wanted him all. He removed his hands from my butt and put them under my shirt on my hips. I loved the feel of his hands, they were so big...and rough. They felt delicious on my bare skin. He brought his hand to breast and started massaging it through the bra.

I pulled back. "Justis...I don't think we should do that." I tugged at his arm.

"Why not?" He smiled and leaned in, hand still on my boob.

"Because!" I pulled away again. "If you loved m--" I stopped myself. Did I just say love? Did I just say love!?

"Did you just say love?" He was obviously taken aback.

"No, I mean, yes...but no, I didn't mean it like that. No. I didn't say it." I stammered.

"Kiss me again." He pulled me in again. What the hell did this mean? He loved me?
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh oh, the L-word.
:D haha.

Ally's outfit on Wednesday