Status: Uh....story kinda died. You can blame it on Bettman :P

While You Were Away


I let out a small laugh as Harley chased Chester around mom’s living room. Amy had gotten her two days ago and seemed to be adjusting well. Apparently Harley loved running around the back yard that Amy and Val have. After Amy adopted Harley, we didn’t waste any time getting to a pet store and got the things she needed and plenty of toys. We hadn’t brought her around any men yet so we weren’t sure how she’d react to Val when he got back tomorrow.

“I still can’t believe you two just went and adopted a dog.” I heard mom mutter as she passed by the living room. I didn’t hear Amy’s response but caught my name in the conversation. I crossed my legs over each other as I adjusted myself on the floor. Frowning, I rubbed my side as Junior kicked a couple times before moving. That caught Harley’s attention. I rested back on my hands as she slowly approached me with her body low. She pressed her nose to my stomach then jumped back as Junior kicked where her nose was. Growling, she approached again, putting her nose back on my stomach. She jumped back again as Junior kicked, barking at my stomach.

“What is going on?” Amy asked coming into the room. I didn’t answer her as Harley came back to my stomach again. After the same response, Amy started laughing. “Is the baby kicking her?”

“Yeah, she came over after he moved and she noticed my stomach.” I told her as Harley finally laid down with a sigh. I looked up at Amy and held my hands up.

“Why did you even,” She huffed as she pulled me. “Sit on the floor?”

“I don’t know,” I told her, rubbing my lower back. “The game is on soon right?” I asked as I took a seat on the couch and rested my feet on the coffee table.

“Yep,” Amy answered as she turned the TV on.

“Okay girls, I have some of the food ready.” Mom said as she brought in some of the food. We quietly watched the TV for awhile until mom broke the silence. “Amy have you and Val set a date yet?”

“Uh, a tentative one.” She said sheepishly.

“For when?” I asked as I picked at the chicken wing.

“Late July, early August. When are you due again?”

“Around mid August,”

“Well you need to figure it out so we can start planning things, like your dress.” Mom told her with a stern look on her face. I held in a chuckle as Amy muttered a ‘yes ma’am’.


I helped Amy set the stuff up in her house seeing as Val was coming home sometime today.

“Oh shit, help me get something in the basement.” I followed her down to the basement and searched for the box she was looking for.

“Why do you need this?” I questioned looking for it still.

“Because—” She started say but paused when there was a loud crashing noise upstairs. Eyes widening, we both went up the stairs as quick as we could. Peaking out heads around the corner we held in a laugh as we spotted Val sitting on the floor, Harley in his face licking him.

“Honey, when did we get a dog?” Val asked as Harley continued to lick his face. He slowly raised his hand to pat her head, making her tail wag more.

“Val where do you—hey when did you get a dog?” Todd asked as he stood in the doorway. I bit my lip as Harley stopped moving and stared at him. The lady at the pound told us she either got scared or aggressive with men. Especially men who have tattoos.

“Todd, be care . . . full,” Amy looked over at me and I laughed as Harley jumped up trying to lick Todd. “Apparently the lady at the pound was wrong.”

“Or she just like’s hockey players.”

Val finally pulled himself up off the ground and brushed the dog hair off his shirt. He looked over at Amy and I with narrowed eyes. We both just gave him innocent smiles, while Todd had crouched down to pet Harley.

“So we have a dog now?”

“Yes . . .”

“Was it your idea or hers?” Val asked looking between us. Amy quickly pointed to me.

“Hey, you could’ve not gotten her! But you didn’t hesitate to get her and said he’d have to be okay.” I said defending myself.

“Well you picked a beast of a dog,” Todd commented as he closed the front door. “What’d you mean by the lady at the pound was wrong?”

“Oh, well Harley was abused before she came to the pound and they couldn’t place her because she was bad with men.” Amy answered as we walked into the house.

“She said that Harley didn’t like men with tattoos the most.” I added looking at Todd’s arms.

“Well she loves me doesn’t she?”

“She’s a good judge of character.” Amy told Todd with a smile. “Are you staying for dinner?”

“Oh no, have to get home.” He told Amy giving her a hug. He shook hands with Val then came over to me and placed his hands on my stomach. “Active little guy, eh?”

“Very much,” I answered him with a smile.

“That’s good, tell Jack I say good luck, okay?” I nodded and gave Todd a hug. I watched as Val walked him to the door, Harley following closely behind them.

“Well . . . that went better than I expected.” Amy said as we watched Harley become Val’s shadow.