Status: Uh....story kinda died. You can blame it on Bettman :P

While You Were Away


“Sources have confirmed that Valtteri Filppula of the Detroit Red Wings and his wife Amy were in fact, involved in a car accident late last nigh-” I turned the TV off as I heard the door to my room opening. Val walked in, a cup of coffee in his hand. He set the coffee down on the table next to the bed before sitting down gingerly.

“How are you feeling?” He asked, brushing some hair from my face.

“Like I just got into a car accident,” I mumbled, looking down at the cast encasing my wrist.

“At least we’re alive,” Val said with a sigh and I laughed slightly.

“You faired a lot better than I did,” I said, reaching up to poke the bruise on his jaw.

“I would have rather it been the other way around…” He mumbled and I groaned.

“You wouldn’t have been able to play. Don’t be stupid about it Val.”

“I just hate seeing you like this… Oh, Emily called me on my way to get coffee. She’s here.”

“Here as in…?”

“She called and was at the airport. I think Darren went to pick her up. She’ll be here soon enough.”

“Why?” I gasped. “She should be worrying about Junior, not me!”

“Apparently everyone tried telling her that. Your mom is going to help with Junior. She’s really worried.”


Val and I looked up as the door opened slowly. A few seconds later, Emily appeared. She rushed over to the side of my bed Val was on, but he quickly stopped her, causing her to let out a loud huff.

Val!” She whined, giving him a look.

“You have to be careful…” At this her eyes went to me and I saw tears in them.

“Emmy stop it!” I cried out. I hated seeing her like that, even if it was because I had just been in a horrible car accident.

“You’re not allowed to get into a car accident ever again,” She mumbled, taking a seat on my bed and I chuckled.

“I don’t really plan on it.”

“So how did it happen again?” She asked, looking from me to Val.

“He was drunk. Ran the red light. I didn’t have enough time to react,” Val answered quietly, making it obvious he felt guilty.

I was about to respond but a quiet knock on the door interrupted me. It opened slowly and my doctor walked in, glancing down at a chart in his hand. He glanced up and stopped upon seeing Emily sitting with me on the bed.

“Twin?” He asked.

“Well duh,” Emily said quietly.

“Sorry, just wasn’t expecting that. I came in here to tell you that we have some bad news.” The whole atmosphere of the room changed when he said this, and I froze.

“What?” I asked, not sure I even wanted to hear what he was about to say.

“Well…it looks like, because of the accident, you miscarriaged.”

“I what?” I asked, not sure if I had heard him right.

“You miscarriaged… Did you even know you were pregnant?” He asked slowly and I saw Val turn to look at me out of the corner of my eye,
along with Emily.


“Oh...uhm.. We just assumed you knew, I guess.”

“How far along was she?” Emily asked quietly and he glanced at the chart again.

“We’re guessing around five weeks, possibly six.” He stood there awkwardly for a few seconds before nodding his head and slipping out the door.

“I was… We were…” I couldn’t voice what I wanted to say.

“Amy, calm down. Don’t get worked up,” Emily said, in a much more calm voice that I had expected from her.

“Emily, how am I not going to get worked up? I was pregnant and I didn’t even know about it! Now it’s gone…”

“We weren’t even planning on having a baby yet,” Val said quietly as he grabbed my hand.

“That changes when you find out you were going to have one though!”

“Amy, I know it’s intense finding that out, you really do need to calm down. Get some rest, you’re coming home tomorrow right?” Emily asked, glancing at Val and he nodded. “So just try to get some sleep. It’s late.”

I didn't respond, just looked down as I played with the blanket placed on top of me.