In Love With All of These Vampires...

Mom, me & The Park

“FUCK WHAT YOU WANT!” My mom screamed in my face, her face getting redder every second.
“What have I done wrong? Why do you hate me so much?” I sobbed angrily, trying my best to stop my knees from giving way.
“What have you done? YOU WERE BORN! YOU WERE THE WORST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE!!” That was it. The yelling, the screaming, the pain, the loneliness, the blood, the drink, the drugs…the nothingness. It had all got out of control.
I was suddenly filled with an angry rage that coursed round my veins, leaving a fiery kind of trail behind. I spat on the scuffed floorboards, inches from my mom’s feet, turning on my heel and sprinting to my dank, dark room. I threw myself on my bed and screamed into it, muffling the sound. Had I really been such a bad person? I rose from my bed, placing my hand over my bruised cheek and walked to my basement bathroom. My only companion and friend in the world sat contentedly in the dips of the sink. I smiled at it, picking it up and examining last nights specks of blood. I rolled up my sleeve and ran it over my arm, giving the cuts that already existed, some more friends. My scars had more friends than I did. The blade ran over my skin, leaving the 7th cut to drip onto the floor and the sink. I replaced the blade in its usual home and returned to my bed, flopping down onto it, drifting into a sleep filled with tears, screams and haunting memories.

I guess you want to know who I am. My name is Mirei Black and I am 15 years old. My first name is Japanese, don’t know why. I’ve been told it was because my dad had a fascination with their culture and always wanted to give his kids a Japanese name. He’s dead. I never knew him so I can’t miss him. I live with my mom who obviously doesn’t want me and apparently never has. My day consists of abuse and pain. No-one cares about me, no-one wants me. I have no friends, know nobody else in my family apart from my mother...not even social services want me.
I have shoulder length black hair with purple ends, layers everywhere and a fringe that hangs over my left eye. I’m quite thin, probably because I don’t eat an awful lot. I don’t follow trends, one because I can’t and two, I’m not that kind of person. I’m what people label as an Emo or a Goth, which I probably am but really could care less…

My alarm vibrates across my bed-side table and lands on the red carpeted floor with a dull thud. I groan and roll over, noticing the time. 5:30am. I have to be out of the house before my so-called mother shows her face, if not, I’m in for a lashing. After falling out of bed, I manage to struggle to the shower, turning it on and the hot water gushing out, pitter-pattering on the bottom of the bath. I step under it, letting the water wash away my blood.
I grabbed a towel and walked back into my room, the morning chill catching the droplets of water on my body, making me shiver. I scurried round my room searching for my black skinny jeans, my Iron Maiden t-shirt and underwear.
“A-ha! You little fuckers!” I whispered, locating my clothes behind my wardrobe. I quickly dried and pulled them on, plonking myself in front of the mirror and applying my eyeliner. Nice and thick. Just how I like it. I grabbed my bag and took the basement stairs two at a time. I tip-toe into the kitchen, grabbing the nearest edible thing. An apple. 6:15am. GRRR! I pulled on my hoodie and left the small hell hole to go to the big hell hole.
Okay, school didn’t start for another two and a quarter hours but at least I was out before my mom was up. That was the main thing. I made my way to the park where I spent most of my time. It was perfect, isolated by trees, a corridor like pathway leading into it, that made you feel as if you were walking out of your current life and into the next. At night, the stars shone brightly in the sky and at this time in the morning it was half dark and half light, sometimes casting orangey glows over the swings, round-about, slides and sand-pit. Usually, it is totally deserted, except for me, my thoughts and a few creatures that pass with a quiet rustling, but today it felt somewhat…crowded. As soon as I pushed open the rusted gate, I felt as if I was being watched by at least 3 pairs of eyes. I sat down in my usual spot, on the second seat of the swing set, letting my eyes focus on a black figure among the trees, stood next to the round-about. It seemed to stare back, without a face, just two shining orbs, that were mixed with a variety of different colours, then…it vanished. I shook my head and continued to stare, unable to pull my eyes away from the spot, where that mysterious, human like figure was once stood.
What was that thing?
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Okay, first chapter...what do you think?
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