In Love With All of These Vampires...

It's Not An Option...

We just stayed there. Looking quietly into the sky, wrapped in each others arms. I had totally forgotten he was a Vampire.
He stood up abruptly, without warning and stalked back into the house. Had I done something wrong? Confused, I followed him back into the house.
“Gerard, what’s-” I stopped dead still as they were stood like a barrier in front of me. They all stared at me, their hoods again covering their faces…apart from Gerard. He was stood looking at the floor, a single tear falling from his eye. He gave me one last look, before also pulling his hood up.
“I’m so fucking confused…and your scaring me…” I started stumbling backwards, and pulled myself up onto the kitchen counter, pulling a knife out of the draw.
“Gerard…what’s going on?”
“I’m sorry Mirei…you know about us now…” Now I was definitely frightened.
“You said you’d never hurt me!” I screamed at him. He winced.
“I’m not gonna hurt you…well not kill you…”
“Oh, that makes everything better does it?! Your not gonna kill me, thanks!” I cried angrily.
“We don’t have a choice, we have to turn y-” I cut him off.
“WHAT?! I HAVE TO BECOME A VAMPIRE!!” Now under any normal situation, I’d think being a Vampire would be fucking awesome. However, this was a very, very, very different situation.
“Shhh…and yes you do…you know so you have to become one of us…do you want us to get killed?” Frank chimed in.
“Right now, I could kill you myself!”
“Try it…” Mikey said quietly. I gripped the knife even tighter. I didn’t even think about it, I just did it.
I jumped off the counter and ran straight towards Mikey, the knife poised steadily in my hand. I threw myself at him, aiming for his chest, he ducked causing me to stab him in his shoulder. I stood back and gasped.
I’d just stabbed one of my friends.
He could of killed you!
So! He was still my friend!
He still could of killed you!
Shut the fuck up brain!!
Fine…your funeral!
Mikey stood up and pulled the knife out of his shoulder. It glistened with his blood. He dropped it to the floor, making it clatter and drip. I stared at the knife and noticed that Mikey’s blood was…black.
A hand enclosed round my wrist and pulled me sharply towards their body.
“Don’t try to fight me…you just stabbed my brother, now I need words with you” He spoke softly, but menacingly. He told the others he would be back soon, and pulled me out of the kitchen, up the blood drenched stairs and into the well lit bathroom. Now I could see how much he changed when he became a creature of the night. His hair was still the same gorgeous, shiny black locks, but hidden under the hair was deathly pale skin. His normal sparkling hazel, were a black color. His canines were long…and sharp. He seemed much skinnier and his clothes looked old. In the light, I noticed a odd looking symbol, on the underside of his arm, near the bend of his elbow.
Thought he didn’t like needles?
“I don’t like needles, but I didn’t have a say in the matter…” He looked at me. Huff. I don’t think I’m enjoying this ‘I can read your mind’ shit.
“So what ‘words’ do you need to have with me?” I asked sitting on the edge of the bath. He stood in front of me and looked down at me.
“You need to turn…now…” The seriousness radiating out of his eyes was immense.
“What if I don’t want to?” I said, folding my arms. I bent down and looked me straight in the eyes.
“It’s not an option…you have to…” Tears started to fall slowly from my eyes. Gerard grabbed my shoulders. I looked up, my eyes still watery.
“Okay…but will you do it?” He smiled and nodded. He pulled me up so I was stood directly in front of him.
“It will hurt…I’m not gonna pretend it doesn’t…” He said quietly.
I nodded. “Just do it…” I closed my eyes and waited for him to do whatever he needed to. I felt him touch my lips gently with his thumb. Again, I felt his hands on my shoulders and I felt his breath on my neck. I felt his face get closer and closer to my neck, and soon his sharp canines were scraping the surface of my skin. I have to admit, it felt so nice. His teeth pierced the top of my skin, sinking deeper and deeper into my neck and I screamed out in pain.
He wasn’t kidding when he said it hurt!
I felt something squirt into my neck and I immediately felt weak. My knees gave in and I crumpled to the floor. I had enough strength to put my hand to my wounded neck. I looked at it. My blood was black…just like Mikey’s. My eyesight went blurry, and continued until Gerard was just a fuzzy black blob with fuzzy surroundings. I felt something touch my head gently.
“I’ll see you soon…” A voice whispered.
Then complete blackness…
♠ ♠ ♠
Well I hope you like! Thank you so much for all those awesome comments, for the last update...I was surprised when I checked this morning! It made me so happy!
Comments = Love and Skittles!! :)
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Love all my awesome readers!!