In Love With All of These Vampires...

Get Out Of My Classroom!

8:15amI had arrived at school. I definitely didn’t want to be here. As soon as I stepped through the gates the stares, the verbal and physical abuse and the sniggering, exploded into action. In a weird way I guess I’m quite popular. Everyone knows my name, everybody hates it, including teachers but everyone knew it.
I sighed heavily and made my way to registration. My form tutor was probably the only guy who actually liked me. He was in his 30’s, short brown hair, with an always shaven face. He was kind to me and is the only teacher who has not put me into detention.
“Good Morning, Mirei…how are you this morning?” Mr. Dudley, said cheerily. If only I could be or act so happy.
“A little tired but I’m okay, thanks and you?” He nodded and smiled, turning round and humming a song that I vaguely recognized. I flopped down into my usual seat at the back of the classroom and pulled out my sketchbook and pencil. I started drawing faint lines and then making them darker. It was only when I had finished it that I realized what I’d been drawing. The black figure from the park this morning. The door opened and in walked the rest of the group. The preps, the jocks and the odd nerd placed here and there and as the nerds were more popular than me, I wasn’t even prepared to talk to them.
“Dirty fucking Emo!” Hannah jeered from the front of the room. Her plastic minions Brittany, Chloe and Megan sniggered along.
“That is enough!” Mr. Dudley yelled from the front of the room. Hannah ran her finger over her neck and spun round to face the front. I laughed silently, knowing anything that the whores put me through…I’d already suffered, intensified by 10.
I felt someone tug at my hair and a quick snip, followed by a stinging sensation in the back of my neck.
“OW! What the fuck?!” I turned round and was met with the face of Danny, the schools biggest twat and of course, a jock.
“Thought you’d like the pain and the blood, you stupid emo scum…no-one fucking wants you so, why don’t you just go die?” It wasn’t really a question, more of a hope. The same anger that consumed me the night before, surged through my body again.
“OH HOW I WISH I COULD! AND I DO FUCKING WISH!” I screamed at him. He seemed taken aback at first and then his face contorted in rage. I pulled my fist back and slammed it into his face, causing him to stumble backwards.
“MIREI!!” I stood there, panting heavily as realization hit me. I could hear the scraping of chair legs, as the majority of the class stood up, their actions obvious.
“MIREI! GET OUT OF MY CLASSROOM RIGHT NOW!!!” He grabbed my arm and led me forcefully out of the class and down to my inevitable fate. I’ll probably get expelled now…great job, Mirei. Great fucking job.
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Comments = skittles & love!
Here's the 2nd dose, hope you like it!!!