In Love With All of These Vampires...

The Return...

“And that’s supposed to change things is it?” Gerard barked back. The girl chuckled and I heard footsteps walking towards us. Gerard never let down his guard. Me on the other hand…I was quivering on the floor with Sophie. The girl stepped out of the trees and I nearly screamed my head off. Her once gingerish hair was now more like a reddy brown, but it was still as curly as ever. Her eyes were covered in thick black eyeliner and was wearing a black and white tutu, with stripy purple and black tights and a black tank top. My best friend…
“Oh god not you…” Gerard snarled, “ I think I might just kill you now” He lunged forward. I suddenly found strength in my legs and sprinted in between them.
“Huh?” She obviously didn’t recognize me, then again I had changed a lot.
“Get out of the fucking way Mirei!” Gerard hissed at me. I folded my arms, glued to the spot in between him and my best friend. I spun round and looked her right in the eyes.
Come on! You gotta remember me! You have to remember me!
Her expression softened and her eyes became teary and then I knew she remembered me. She jumped and tackled me, throwing her arms round me into a tight hug.
“Evie!” I hadn’t seen her for 5 years, and 5 years between best friends is a heck of a long time.
“No no no no no!” Gerard said in frustration, slamming his fists into a tree. Sophie walked cautiously up to us, searching Evie’s eyes for any sign of attacking but found none and hugged her instead.
“I never Imagined you could like me!” Evie laughed, hugging Sophie back. Frank was sat on the floor, looking shocked.
“How the fuck do you know everyone?” He said in disbelief. Gerard was leaning against the tree he had slammed his fist into, a suspicious look playing in his eyes.
“Mirei, I want to speak to you for a minute…” He said walking away slightly, then turning back round, waiting for me to follow. I began to pull Evie and Sophie with me but Gerard obviously didn’t want them two dragging along.
“On you own…” He growled only at Evie and she glared back at him. I pouted my lip at them and walked away, following Gerard in an over grown area, out of ear-shot of the others.
“How the fuck do you know her?!” Gerard hissed angrily, making me feel scared under his gaze, but knew he wouldn’t hurt me. I hope…
“I-I- I’ve known her since I was 1 year old…she’s my best friend, Gerard…” I replied, quietly. He ran his hands through his black hair and I stood up straight, instead of bent backwards.
“What am I going to do with you?” He sighed. I looked at my chucks and sighed myself. I heard him move, and then I felt him lift my chin up and stare right into my eyes. He pressed his lips gently against mine and I melted in his arms. He still knew how to cheer me up. He pulled away and stroked my cheek.
“She is an enemy Mirei…” I face fell again. Please say he wasn’t saying what I thought he was?!
“What do you mean?”
“I mean…she is friends with the men who killed our beloved Princess” I felt a stab of betrayal wash over me. I knew the real story and he just lied to me.
“And that means…” I was getting angry.
“That means you can’t be friends with her!” That was it. I pushed him away from me and he stumbled backwards, shocked.
“How the fuck can you just stand there and say that I can’t be friends with someone I’ve known for 9 YEARS!” I screamed, angry at how selfish he was. Everyone ran into the over grown clearing and I saw Frank, whack his head repeatedly on the trunk of a tree.
“Because I can and I just have!” My hand collided with his face. He had taken my anger to a whole new level.
“No you can’t tell me what to do and you won’t ever again!” I screamed at him and sprinted out of the clearing, dragging Evie and Sophie with me. They didn’t resist and started running by my side as well.
I knew where I was going and I think Sophie knew where we were going to…
I had decided I loved Gerard…but I definitely didn’t now…
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the delay...:(
I hope you like this and Evie has returned! (She will be happy! :P)
Comments are much appreciated and make me!:D:D
Synyster Skittles.