In Love With All of These Vampires...

*** Sake Let Go!

“Mirei! Where are we going?” Evie yelled in frustration…well more liked gasped as we’d been running for about half an hour, without stopping. I finally stopped and tried to slow my breathing.
“To…see some…people…you probably…haven’t…seen for a …long time” I spluttered out. Her face was still confused looking and I sighed. I could see her brain working and piecing everything together, creating a huge grin on her face.
“Ding ding ding! We have a winner!” Sophie laughed, getting to her feet after collapsing.
“Shush, I am kinda slow but…are we really going to see the guys?” she asked shakily, realization obviously hitting her fully. Me and Sophie nodded, smiling at her. They got on so well. My old best friend and my new best friend. Yay!
“They’ve changed a lot from the last time you saw them…they did talk about you” Sophie said smiling at Evie from the floor where she was tying up her Converse.
“Wait…you know them? And friends with them? Bah! I am confused!” Evie said grabbing her curly hair and pulling at it. Sophie nodded standing up and straightening out her clothes.
“I’ve known them…what, about 3 and a half years now” Sophie said, more than likely happy that she knew just awesome people. We knew we were on the out skirts of the town because we could see the twisted building winding towards the once again blood red sky.
We stepped into the town, cautiously, not knowing whether Evie was welcome here or not, but no-one seemed to notice her presence. We walked quickly past shops, taking sneaky peeks as I didn’t get much time to browse because I was being chased. We turned down the alley the led onto another alley, that then led to our destination. Very complicated. They could of picked somewhere that didn’t involve falling right on your ass or flying to escape.
“Okay…where the fuck are we going?” Evie asked, completely confused as we turned down the second alleyway.
“When the guys got accused of killing the…the Princess, they had to go somewhere where no-one would look…and here is the place they found obviously” Sophie said. Just like before Sophie pointed and pulled open the small gap in the middle of the black, twisted bramble. Evie stared at me in disbelief as I lowered myself into the hole and waved before disappearing out of view. I fell the short distant, this time being ready for the impact and stopped, about 2 inches from the dusty floor. I hovered there for a moment then jumped off my little invisible, squishy bubble onto the floor. I squealed at my achievement. As I was brushing myself down I heard a huge scream and my head quickly snapped towards the gap. Evie was doing exactly what I had done on my first trip here…but Sophie was having more trouble getting to let go off the black plant.
“Evie! You have to let go!” I yelled up to them. She wriggled her legs trying to pull herself back up.
“You do remember your wearing a tutu don’t you?” I said, trying to shield the view of Evie’s ass.
“You’ve seen it before!” She giggled from way. I pretended to retch, while Sophie continued to loosen her grip.
“Fuck sake let go, Evie!” Sophie yelled, frustrated. Sophie face was getting more annoyed by the minute and obviously though drastic action was needed. She lowered her head, after that I didn’t see what she did, but Evie screamed and let go, falling to the hard, dusty ground with a THUD.
“OWW! What the fuck did you do?!” she screamed, stumbling to her feet. She looked at her left hand and growled at Sophie who had just dropped in.
“You bit me!” Evie hissed.
“I didn’t…I dug my fingernails in, to give the impression I was biting you so you’d let go…” Sophie said matter of factly and walked towards the tunnel entrance.
“Anyway I don’t know what you problem is with Vampires…6 of your best friends are Vampires…” she leaned against the jagged wall and looked at both of us. Shit! I hadn’t told her I had been turned yet.
“Oh great!” Evie said throwing her hands up in the air.
“Well what are you then?” I said, scratching my neck, confused shitless.
“She’s a witch…” Sophie said quickly from the floor.
“O…kay, that’s different” I said, shocked.
“Not as different as being a Vampire!” Evie shot back. I was starting to get the feeling she didn’t like us very much. Evie stormed off towards the far wall and sat down, crossing her arms and legs.
“Why don’t you like Vampires, Evie?” I asked, wanting to find out why my best friend disliked me so much.
“I just don’t, no reason…I never have, have I?” She said, turning towards Sophie. She shook her head and looked down.
“But what about the guys? You gonna treat them differently too?” I was angry with her. She didn’t have a reason to not like us and just chose to hate us.
“I’ll talk to them if that’s what you mean…but when I met them they weren’t blood suckers…I didn’t know they were blood suckers” She said stubbornly.
“This is going to be fun..” I huffed, walking away with Sophie to leave Evie to her thoughts.
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SO FUCKING SORRY YOU'VE HAD TO WAIT SO LONG FOR THIS!! And it's not even that long *hangs in shame*
I will make it up to you...I promise =D
Comments = love! =D
Synyster Skittles.