In Love With All of These Vampires...

Enemy or Ally - Gerard’s POV

Fuck! What have I done? I knew she loved me. It sometimes was a curse, this ‘I can read minds’ shit but sometimes it came in handy. I’d been searching for Mirei for at least an hour, maybe even an hour and a half but no-one had seen her or heard from her since she ran away from me.
I walked back into the town centre and sat next to the black fountain. The water was black but it was the cleanest water you’d ever get. I let the rippling water run through my fingers while I thought about where Mirei was and if I did find her, what she’d do.
“Gerard. Are you okay?” I heard Frank’s voice drift through the air and I glanced up at him.
“No not really…she loved me Frank, and I love her. And now…everything is just fucked up!” I sighed angrily. He sat down next to me and had a weird expression on his face. It was a kind of mix between ‘Do I tell him?’ and ‘Dude I’m sorry’.
“I’m sure things will go back to normal…” he said, shuffling slightly on the hard, stone ring that kept the water in.
“Will it? You sure about that Frank?” I asked, knowing it probably wouldn’t. He nodded.
“We need to find her first…so let’s get moving!” He jumped up and pulled me along with him. He went to the left while I went to search the house and then the shops and alleys.
I walked up to the front door of the house that we had been in previously before we were meant to go for a hunt…and shit, she still hadn’t fed.
“Mirei! Are you here?” I yelled into the dark, empty hallway. My voice echoed through the house and bounced off the walls and any furniture that may be stood in the way, relaying it back to me over and over again. I felt tears well in my eyes and I didn’t fight them back. They fell silently down my cheeks, one after another, cascading down my face, letting my hopeless situation wash over me.
“Awww, she left you?” a bitter voice rang through the kitchen area and I looked up, my eyes meeting Evie’s, hatred boiling up inside me.
“If you must know she’s gone missing” I shot back. She started to laugh.
“You really think she’s missing don’t you? Well then for once Gerard…you would be wrong!” she kept laughing. She knew where Mirei was. And she had to tell me where Mirei was.
“Where is she Evie?”
“Why should I tell you? What do I get in return?” She smirked. I lunged forward, grabbing her by the throat and slamming her against the wall, air occupying her lungs being forced out.
“I don’t kill you. That’s what you get in return.” I hissed, making her shake. Considering she said she wasn’t scared of me, she has yet to prove me wrong.
“How reassuring, yet you still grip your hand so tightly around my throat and tighten, even though I know beloved girlfriend is probably making out with one of your worst enemies…” She gasped out. I loosened my grip and slammed her once again, against the wall, making he gasp in pain.
“What you mean?” I shouted angrily. She started to laugh again and stood up shakily from the floor.
“Don’t you understand? My ‘so-called’ best friends, never left this shit hole…just moved out of sight…and guess what? Mirei found them” Evie began to cackle and she was really pissing me off.
“Don’t test my patience…tell me where the fuck she is!” I yelled. She stopped laughing and walked forward.
“I can be your best friend Gerard…I know all there is to know about those boys…but you still choose to push me away…” she reached up and gave me a swift kiss on the lips, “Come on…I’ll show you”
♠ ♠ ♠
So, so, so, so, so sorry for the wait...this wait wasn't as long as my other two though =S Anyway I hope you like this...I don't know thew quality of this chapter, I kinda just wrote it!
Next chapter should be up tomorrow because I know what's gonna happen =D
Comments mean the world to me and would be a awesome belated birthday present! =D
Synyster Skittles.