In Love With All of These Vampires...

Seven Against One- Still Gerards POV

We walked and walked and turned sharply down an alley that I had never noticed before.
“Where are we going?” I asked, struggling to follow Evie, through the winding alleys that seemed to get darker and darker. All of a sudden, she stopped in front of a black twisted tree like thing. She turned and faced me, a smirk pasted on her face.
“Now, when you see them…try not to kill them…” She said and slid into the hole. After about 2 minutes I heard her voice shouting from a cave below. “Come on, Gee…” I sighed in frustration and could see the smile on her face even though I couldn’t actually see her. I knelt down and shuffled into the hole. I felt my feet touch…nothing but I still let go. I hurtled to the ground and came to an abrupt halt just before the dusty ground.
“Impressive…” I heard Evie’s voice again. God, I wanted to slap her. I stood up and brushed myself down and started to follow Evie down a wide tunnel entrance. It gradually got smaller and smaller, until there was barely enough room for me. She stopped in a small gap that lead into an even bigger cavern than the one we had just left. The torches dashed round the room lit up small part of the entrance and it cast an orangey glow over our faces. My eyes took in the room but my heart was not prepared for what I saw. Mirei. Cuddling up to…him. The one I despised the most. Crying into his shoulder as he whispered comforting words into her ear, while the other’s just sat around them, spouting shit about me and my friend. Anger and hate erupted inside of me but I kept it under control…for now.
“He’s a prick…”
“Not the word I would use!”
“He won’t ever hurt you again…” Wait! What the fuck? I hadn’t hurt her! They had! Lying to her. Telling her I was the one who was in the wrong.
“I will kill that motherfucker!” Now that makes me laugh.
“Not if I kill you first…” I snarled, making Evie jump. I pushed her out the way and tried slipping through the gap but she grabbed my jacket, pulling me back in.
“You can’t fucking go in there! They would rip you to shreds! Seven against one I’m guessing, doesn’t have a good outcome, Gerard!” She said, desperate. I ignored her and carried on through the small gap into the dimly lit chamber. They noticed me as soon as I stepped foot in the cave and immediately stood up, shielding Mirei and Sophie.
“So this is where you’ve been hiding, is it? It’s nice…” I smirked sarcastically.
“What the fuck do you want?” Matt hissed at me.
“And more to the point, how the fuck did you find us?” Jimmy finished. I heard Evie’s small gasp from the cave entrance and a grin spread across my lips. I looked past Brian, and straight into Mirei’s eyes. She was scared and weak, I could tell. Scared of me and weak from not feeding.
“Your best friend, can’t really be much of a best friend, when she comes and shows me where you are and remains stood in the doorway, waiting for the action to start…” I said pointing to Evie’s hiding place. I heard her clothes scratch against the wall as she slid down it. Johnny sprinted to the door and pulled out a sobbing, black eyed Evie. Johnny’s face contorted in anger and I’m guessing he was going to kick the shit out of her but Zacky held him back.
“…I’m sorry…” She sobbed into her hands, her arm warmers being coated in think black eyeliner.
“Well ‘I’m Sorry’ doesn’t fucking cut it!” Brian bellowed from the sofa, where Mirei was curled up behind him with Sophie.
“Anyway…I didn’t really come here to stand and have nice little catch up…Mirei, come on, we’re going…” I said, striding towards her.
“Yeah…I don’t think so!” Brian said grabbing me by my arm and spinning me round. He slammed his fist right into my face and the pain was excruciating. I stumbled backwards but managed to stay upright. I laughed slightly, regaining my composure and straightening up.
“You’ll wish you hadn’t done that…” I sighed, wiping at my lip. I felt the others close in around me and saw Sophie and Mirei scurrying off to the side of the room, hoping that they would be safe. No chance…
“Don’t you think you’ve ruined our lives enough, Gerard?” Zacky said, letting his guard down slightly. Perfect.
“No” I stated simply and swiftly punched him full on in the stomach, with all the energy I muster, falling the ground with a light thud. The others just stood there shocked as there friend laid on the ground, writhing in agony.
“Zacky!” Sophie screamed from the other side of the room. I laughed and went back to knocking the rest of these bastards senseless. Yes, it’s true. They are all considerably better built than me, but my powers haven’t let me down…ever. I felt strong arms wrap round my neck and tighten. I tried to glance up but it just made me dizzy.
“You ain’t gonna hurt anymore of my friends…you’ve done enough…” I recognized the voice as Matt’s and he was serious.
“Think. Your. Gonna. Get rid of. Me that. Easily?” I gasped out as his arm tightened more round my neck. He spun me round, making me face Mirei. She was terrified. Black streaks were painted on her face and she was as white as s sheet, making her slightly purple lips ticked lips stand out of her beautiful face. I relaxed at seeing her face and Matt loosened his grip but only ever so slightly. She was huddled in a corner with Sophie and even Evie. All frightened. Of me. The person she used to love.
“I know you love her. You aren’t the only one who possesses a certain amount of power. You really wanna see her like this?” he said quietly. I didn’t but she had left me and come to five people I despise…I couldn’t forgive her for that. I reached up and touched Matt’s head. He instantly froze and fell to the floor. Temporary paralysis. Works a treat. I blew a kiss to the three girls on the floor and sprinted to the small hole while, the other guys ran to there two injured friends, cursing me at the same time.
The future looks interesting.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry. i said I'd update yesterday but I couldn't. One had to baby-sit!
Anyway this is quite a long chapter and has taking me a long time so I hope it is up to standards and comments for me when I get home from a hard day at school would be fucking awesome!
Synyster Skittles.