In Love With All of These Vampires...

I’ve Known Him For So Long…

I must have fallen asleep on Brian because I woke up when he moved underneath me.
“What’s going on?” I said sleepily, rubbing my eyes. Brian took hold of my hands and pulled me up. All of a sudden I felt my legs buckle and fold, sending me crashing to the floor.
“Mirei!” Brian gasped, grabbing my arms and pulling me up. I held on to him as I still felt my legs bending and folding under my own weight.
“I’m fine…just…why the fuck am I so weak?!” I shouted, getting annoyed at my own weakness and that I couldn’t walk anywhere without some kind of aid.
“Because you haven’t eaten since you became a Vampire which was how long ago now?” Jonny said, looking at me. I thought about it and realized I had been a Vampire for about 4 days altogether.
“About 4 days…I think…” Brian just stared at me, a worried expression plastered all over his face that made me love him even more. Someone actually cared about me.
“Brian…pick her up…she needs to feed now” Matt said, ushering everyone out of the cave. I heard their muffled footsteps exit out until they were just echoing thuds of them flying out of the entrance.
“Come on babe…you gotta get up…” Brian whispered trying to pull me up but I seemed to be stuck to the floor. I looked at Matt, who was also now kneeled down next to me.
“What happens to me if I don’t feed soon?” I asked, trying to keep all traces of fear, absent from my voice.
“I’m not gonna lie to you…you will die, if you don’t feed soon…” my eyes widened and tears started to fall…I was only 15, I didn’t want to die. I placed my hands on the floor and tried my hardest to push myself up. Matt had hold of my right arm while Brian pulled me up with my left. I felt Brian pick me up bridal style and walk briskly out of the cave. Through the narrow gap. Into the narrow passage and out into the cave.
I felt dizzy even though I had no chance of falling over. Since I had woken up, I felt more and more like shit.
“Matt! She’s not speaking to me anymore!” I heard Brian cry hysterically.
“Calm down!” Matt yelled back at him.
Then I just got blackness…

Brian’s POV
“Matt! She’s not speaking to me anymore!” I cried, my heart racing.
“Calm down!” Matt yelled down my ear, making me flinch. I know he knew what to do…but everything was happening too slow for my liking.
We had arrived outside and the sky was as grey and as overcast as usual. I felt Mirei go limp and I started to panic again.
“What do we do?! What do we do?!” I shouted, lying her on the floor. I felt Matt pull me up by my shirt collar and look me straight in the eye.
“She’s going to be fine…I will carry her okay?” I nodded numbly and let my best friend pick up the lifeless girl, that I loved.
We started running along the uneven ground and I turned left. I looked back a second later to find Matt down the opposite alley.
“What the fuck Matt?!” I said angrily. He was wasting time…time that Mirei didn’t have.
“Brian we don’t have time…follow me…” I sighed but followed him regardless.
We walked for a short while until we came to a grassy clearing. Matt laid her down near the edge and I walked cautiously in, watching him carefully. He looked at Mirei and then at my confused expression, smiled reassuringly and then bit into his wrist. I immediately shot forward, skidding across the floor and stopping in front of my best friend.
“Matt! Shit! What are you doing?” I yelled, grabbing his wrist away from his mouth.
“She’ll die without it Brian!”
“But Matt…fuck!” I screamed as his blood poured from the wound and down Mirei’s throat, staining her pale lips. I looked at his face, expecting him to be getting paler from every drop of blood lost down her throat, but he hadn’t changed at all. Mirei began to stir and I jumped straight to her, picking up her hand.
“Mirei? Speak to me?” I whispered, stroking her hair. Matt sat from his kneeling position, cradling his wrist next to his chest.
“Hey…” she said weakly. I managed to pull her up and she rested on me, so she wouldn’t fall back down again. I buried my face in her hair and I heard her gasp.
“Matt…what happened?” I looked up and saw Matt laugh. Why is he laughing?
“I had to…otherwise you’d have died…my blood taste nice by the way?” he said, smiling and standing up.
“Oh god…I hate this…” Mirei said, slumping further down until her head was on my knees. Matt stopped beside her and knelt down.
“Look…don’t worry” he held out his wrist which he had bitten into, “I am fine…” I stared hard at his wrist but there was nothing there. No blood. No scar. Not even a scratch. He poked her nose and walked off.
“I have known that guy so long…and I really don’t know him at all...”
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so sorry it took so long to update and I am also sorry for it being so short...

I am writing a new story called You've Got A Lot To Learn...Well So Do I... I would really appreciate it if you would check it would make me so happy!

This chapter is dedicated to Evie because it is her birthday today!
Happy Birthday!

Anyway comments would be awesome XD
Synyster Skittles.