In Love With All of These Vampires...

Run. Run, Like There’s Something Chasing You. Wait

He marched me down the corridor and stood in front of the principal’s office.
“Mirei…what has gotten into you! You’ve never done anything like that before!” He looked truly worried about me, his eyes sincere.
“To be honest Mr. Dudley…I really don’t know…it was just this cold, icy rage…” I looked at the floor. I didn’t want to continue. I didn’t want to tell him the strange anger that kept filling every square centimeter of my body, pretty frequently. He nodded and knocked on the big oak door. Mrs. Spepple, the principal’s receptionist and administrator, opened the door.
“Hello” She smiled sweetly. Eurgh.
“Hello. I wondered if it would be possible to see Mr. Mayton?” She nodded and pulled the door further open, allowing us entrance to the room.
“He is seeing some new students at the moment, but he should be finished soon. Would you like to wait?” Mr. Dudley nodded and made me sit in the most uncomfortable chair in the universe and the next, no lie.

10 minutes later
I was growing bored of sitting and staring at the same old fucking powder blue walls and thinking about what my mom would do to me, when she found out.
“Mr. Mayton will see you now Mr. Dudley” She smiled and nodded, while Mr. Dudley told me to stay where I was sat until he had explained the situation.
The principal’s door creaked open and out walked five boys. The first boy was quite small, with short black hair except at the front where it swept gracefully over his right eye, wearing black skinny jeans, converse and a hoodie. The boy who followed him had lightish brown hair, that was styled in a weird but wonderful way and wore thick-rimmed glasses that suited him remarkably well, wearing the same as the boy before but wearing an Anthrax t-shirt. They must of been around my age. Two more followed after them, one with a fro wearing an Iron Maiden shirt and black skinny’s, the other with short blonde hair, wearing jeans and a hoodie. And last, but definitely not least…shoulder length black, messy but neat, if that makes any sense at all, pale skin and hazel eyes that shone, without needing any light to reflect off them. Tight black skinny jeans and a Misfits t-shirt, a hoodie fitting cosily on his shoulders. But those eyes were just…magical.
They occupied the 5 seats on the other side of the room and began talking to one another. I pulled my legs up and rested my chin on my knees. What the fuck are they doing in there! As if they heard me, the door opened and a disappointed principal summoned me inside. I sighed and stood up, straightening myself out. The five boys looked up and stared at me. Oh geez, they’ll be like everyone else and want to beat me up!
“Hey, we’re new here and you look…pretty awesome…could you show us around later?” I was shocked. I smiled at the gorgeous guy and nodded.
“Yeah, sure…” I could feel my cheeks fill with color, and quickly entered the room, not focusing on what my punishments would be anymore.

Just great! I have to apologies to the little fucker, sit in after school and lunchtime detention for the next 3 weeks and also I’m being separated from the rest of the school ‘cause I apparently I don’t ‘co-operate’. Would you fucking blame me?! In a school full of little immature, sex-mad whores…and I’m not just talking about the girls. I walked to my locker mumbling curses under my breath at everything and everyone. I arrived at my locker, ignoring the death-threats stuck all over it, and pulled it open. I grabbed my The Nightmare Before Christmas bag and slung it over my shoulder. I shut it, nearly shitting myself on doing so.
“Fucking hell! God, you scared me…” The boy from the office earlier just smiled, his little white teeth sitting perfectly in his mouth.
“I heard you can’t show us round anymore?” He said, shifting his weight from one foot to another.
“You heard right. I’m kinda like in solitude for the next three weeks”
“Well that sucks…so we won’t see you around school then?” I smiled. The first people in, Ooo, 15 years who’s been nice to me.
“No probably not…”
“What about after-school?”
“Well after my school detentions, sure!” I was so happy. My mom wouldn’t be, but fuck her, I don’t care anymore.
“We’ll see you later then…the coffee place, at 5? That okay?” He smiled, straightening up.
“Yup! I’ll see you then” He walked past me, turning round half way, and winked, disappearing down the corridor.
Grrr. I pulled the rest of my stuff out, shut the metal and headed towards my 2nd home for the next 3 weeks…yay, fun.

2 lessons and a detention later…
Halle-fucking-lujah! The day is over! Fuck what time is it?! 4:45! I legged it through the schools doubles doors and into the cold night air. It was a 20 minute walk but a 10 minute run to the coffee place. Luckily I could run pretty fast. Trees, houses, cars and people rushed passed me as I ran to my destination. I refused to be late.
I skidded to a halt outside the door and leant on my knees, trying to gain enough energy to speak when I walked in. I walked in and looked at the little clock on the counter. It pinged 5 o’clock and silently yelled in victory.
“Hey! Over here!” I turned round to see them sat a 6 seater at the back of the room.
“Just in time! Frank what the fuck are you doing? GET OFF!” The guy I presumed was called Frank, was scuttling over the table. He threw his arms round me and I burst out laughing.
“As you might of already guessed, that’s Frank” He was cut off. “FRANKIE! GODDAMMIT!” He returned to his seat and crossed his arms, sulking.
“Okay ‘Frankie’, I’m Bob, that’s Ray…” pointing to the guy with the fro, “Mikey…” gesturing to the boy with glasses, “ and his brother Gerard”. Gerard placed his coffee on the table and smiled.
“So, how was your first detention?” Mikey asked, throwing Skittles into Frank’s mouth.
“Grrr! Boring and I have them for the next 3 weeks!”
“What exactly did you do?”
“Punched a jock…” A chorus of ‘woop’s’ and ‘go you!’ erupted around the café.
“Go you! Wait…we still don’t know your name?!” I laughed.
“It’s Mirei”
“Oh wow cool name!”
“OWWWW!! FUCKING HELL!!” Frank had leant too far back to catch a skittle and was sprawled all over the floor, holding his head.
“I did warn you not to do it didn’t I Frankie? But NO! No-one listens to Mikey!” He suddenly burst out laughing and everybody else joined in, including elderly people sat far away. Maybe this was a sign that my life could get better…
We said our goodbye’s and I left in the opposite direction to them. I pulled my iPod from my back pocket, one of the precious things that actually belongs to me. Different Worlds by Iron Maiden blasted through and I quickened my pace, considering it was quite late and there were some dodgey people living round Utah.
I stopped at the top of the alley that I dreaded walking through whether it was day or night. The hedges rose high above my head and met in the middle making it a constant hideout for nocturnal creatures. I pulled my hoodie tighter round my body and walked quickly through it. I noticed something hovering above my head, but looked up to find nothing there but the inter-twining fingers of the hedges. I carried on walking but stopped abruptly again when I felt something brush my shoulder. By this time I was terrified. There was only two ways to get out of the alley…back the way I came or straight forward and as I was adamant something was there I wasn’t going back. I spun round again and turned my walking to a sprint. I took my headphones and I wished I hadn’t. I heard a rustle, then a crack, then dull footsteps, followed by a loud hissing sound. FUCK! I sprinted through the alley, the exit getting seemingly further away. I managed to reach the end and ran non-stop until I reached to relative safety of my front room.
What the fuck was in that alley with me?!?!
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Thankyou to all the AWESOME people who have commented and subscribed to my story! Skittles for you all!! :)
Comments would make me feel better, as I don't feel too good at the moment...tell me what you think of it so far and whether I should continue or not :)
Another update will either be on tonight or tomorrow depending on how many of your comments make me smile =D!!