In Love With All of These Vampires...

Blood And Silent Torture...

I still felt unnerved and shaken about the whole Matt thing. I had drunk his blood and he didn’t even wince in pain. He just laughed and walked away…Strange. I guess being a Vampire took a lot of time to get used to.

--- 2 months later ---

Right now, I was in some kind of parking lot, to the right of me a gas stations windows had been broken and were now covered with hard board, which then had been covered in graffiti of an offensive nature, should we say. The sky was a deep purple and the surrounding was bone dry. The noise from the youths cut through my head like a double bladed knife, my over sensitive senses now working overtime, processing information and passing it to my limbs. My 2 months as a Vampire have been interesting ones. I had powers that even my elders didn’t have, but I still couldn’t control them enough to be the greatest of assets in the field. The people round here didn’t accept people like us…we weren’t ‘cool’. Fuck that shit.
“Yo…I think there’s someone over there…” one of them slurred, the presence of alcohol blatantly obvious, obscuring any normal feeling, sight or hearing. Perfect. We crouched, disappearing behind a leafy, dark green bush.
“Your fucking paranoid! No-one dare come round here…kick the shit them right?” I sighed at the immaturity, plus the lack of good English, of the young boy and knew just exactly how his life would pan out. Dead.
Brain blew a cold breath down my neck before leaving in a deadly silence behind Matt, Johnny and Sophie, leaving me behind with Jimmy and Zacky. The plan was to move swiftly, not because of them noticing but of local neighbors you stare anxiously out their windows, wishing that the yobs would go away. Sleepless nights for babies, children, teenagers and adults…all because of one group that blamed their parents for buying the wrong sized tracksuit bottoms. This was basically a Good Samaritans deed…just there was blood and silent torture. A quiet whoosh rustled through the trees and we knew that now was the time to move. Our black dress blended in to the surroundings as we made our way towards our targets, my black pixie hood literally stuck to my head, the rest of the material inches from the, soon to be, red coated ground.
“Who the fuck are you?” one of the yobs shouted, brandishing a bottle. He smashed it against the wall, already ready to attack at the first sign of retaliation. We walked on silently towards them, confusion, fear and anger etched on their faces. I dropped my hood, as did the others.
My knife like fangs prodded my bottom and I smiled in satisfaction. The boys started to back off in different directions, making them easier to pick off, not that it would have been hard in the first place. I heard a low rumbling scream and I smiled, looking to my right to see one of the boys being slammed against the wall by a tall, dark figure I recognized as Jimmy. As his back connected with the wall, his spine broke in two, pushed so forcefully forward it protruded out of the front of his stomach, some alien life form making itself present from the inside, spewing it’s stomach’s crimson contents onto the floor. The boy slumped to the floor, creeping forward and pushing his broken spine back into his dead outer shell, a pool of blood rapidly collecting around him. The dead boys’ friends stared on in horror as the rest of us picked out our victim. I picked out a tall, medium built boy. Blonde hair, blue eyes and a white tracksuit. I hated him already.
“I get a Goth chick! What you gonna do to me? Hmmm?” I stopped in my tracks and stared at him, my anger brimming, “She’s getting angry!”
I walked forward grabbing his throat with a death grip and throwing him to the floor. I dropped swiftly onto his chest, my hand still gripped to his throat. His breathing became abnormal and his blue eyes were beginning to fade to a bluey grey.
“Don’t underestimate me…no get up!” I snarled in his face, reluctantly pulling my grip away from his neck. He coughed at the sudden release but got up quicker than I expected him to.
“So…you wanna fight dirty…okay!” he lunged at me and I quickly dodged his fist, him crashing through one of the very last still remaining windows. I once again grabbed his neck and pulled him into me. I pulled his left arm past his neck and it broke with a sickening crack. He screamed out in pain and let him fall, rather gracefully, to the floor. I knelt down, level with his ear and whispered into it.
“You know what? I don’t like people like you. You cause so many people’s misery and you like it. Well I am going to show you the consequences of your actions…” I said, my voice dripping with venom. He whimpered and I smirked at his pathetic ness. I pulled him up by his collar and threw him against the broken shards on the floor, digging his head deep into the dusty crystals. I sat on his back and Lent down my teeth scraping across the top of his skin on his neck, “Say bye…” my fangs ripped easily through his thin flesh and he screamed out in pain. I knew the constant pain, the stinging of venom entering your bloodstream…
His blood swirled round my mouth and down my throat and I swallowed down the metallic liquid, smiling at his convulsing body. He was coughing out even more blood and I could see his body spilling its contents over the tarmac…his body turning cold and blue, my friend Death reaching for him through the dark depths of hell, which had called for me so many times before but never had the luck of taking me into eternal darkness, but it was inviting.
His grey eyes stared blankly up at me as he tried to speak through liters of blood.
“W-hat a-re y-you?” he choked out eventually. I straightened myself out and stared into his eyes, no sign of remorse present.
“You could just call me an Angel Of Death or simply a Vampire…” with that he convulsed violently and died staring at me. I took one last glance at my destruction and pulled my hood up and walking slowly to our meet up point.
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I am so sorry for the horrendously big wait...I honestly am...
I really don't know what I can do to make it up to...comment and add suggestions and I will try my hardest to do what you say! Promise!

I really hope you like this, please comment...remember with ideas of how I can make up for the big wait!

Synyster SKittles.