In Love With All of These Vampires...

Invasion Of Her Privacy

Okay. That just proved I still loved Mirei. Thank god she didn’t realise the rapid increase of my heart rate and the quickness of my breathing. I watched her shuffle away from me. I knew I had upset. It was blatantly obvious. My mind switched off, anything to do with the outside world vanished, it concentrating purely on the thoughts and brain battles going on in her head.
“Gerard?” I was ripped from my thoughts, by one of the five reasons I was forever barred from the one I truly loved.
“What?” I spat back, perhaps packed with a little more bitterness than I intended. His expressions didn’t change so I’m guessing he expected the reaction he got.
“She told me what happened…I mean…a few months back” he stuttered, thrusting his hands deep into the pockets of his black ripped jeans. I was shocked, to say the least. There were only me and the other guys that knew about it…for obvious reasons.
“She told you?” I replied, me eyes narrowing. He nodded.
“You surprised that she told me?” he said, leaning back against the dark stone of the monumental fountain.
“A bit…”
“I want to thank you for saving her…” he said, taking a deep breath, sucking back the pain of thanking me for something more than likely, and facing me.
“Thanks” I said blankly, not sure of what to make of it. He didn’t know her then. She was mine then.
“I now know your not as heartless as we make you out to be!” he smirked. My temper was boiling. It was something, however hard I tried, I could not control. Numerous times I had tried…it never worked.
“You know what? Fuck you. I didn’t do it for you…you didn’t even know her then! I did it, because I love Mirei! You might not like that but I really couldn’t give a shit!,” I shouted, standing up forcefully, my body towering over his sitting figure. He pushed himself up, throwing me backwards with his hands, “I have a heart…and it will forever belong to her”
“Yeah I know full well that you love her but I’m warning you now…you go anywhere near her…I will kill you…” I smiled, folding my arms.
“Your warning me? I’m glad you didn’t dare me!” I laughed, unfolding my arms and skipping away, “but I have taken your warning, I’m thinking about it…and guess what?” he just stood there, his anger boiling up inside his body, his blood reaching almost impossible temperatures.
“What?” he spat, literally spewing out his anger in just one syllable. I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. The dark sky was beginning to grow lighter and I knew that in a few hours, the streets of the Underworld would be crawling with true creatures of the night.
“You will never keep me away from that girl…never…” I whispered into his face. I spun round and walked off down the paved centre, hearing the bubbles of Brian’s anger whiz dangerously round his body.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay I am so sorry about the huge home on Sunday from Ireland and found out my fucking computer didn't work...only started working today so today was the earliest I could update! So sorry....I really am!
I know this chapter doesn't look very big and it isn't but there is another chpater that will be on tonight it's just that I have to type it up first :)
Hope this is good enough...
Comments would be awesome...Oh and wish me to get some Exam results tomorrow :S!

Synyster Skittles.