In Love With All of These Vampires...

But You Can't Leave Me!!!

Hmmm. School. Safer than home. Probably more dangerous than the park. I walked through the double doors and stared at the clock. FUCK! I was late. I sprinted to my classroom to find it was empty, apart from Mr. Dudley, writing something about algebra on the board. I knocked lightly on the door and pushed the handle down.
“Oh, Mirei, what are you doing here?” He asked obviously confused on why I was at school.
“Erm…it’s Thursday…wait…argh! Crap!” I groaned, banging my head against the door, remembering why no-one was at school.
“Now you remember!” He chuckled, turning round and writing more shitty symbols on the board. Grrr! I had forgotten all about the bloody training days. Well one thing was for sure I wasn’t going back home. My mom would still be there.
“Mr. Dudley? Would you mind if I kinda hung round here for a bit?” I asked. I didn’t like school, but it seemed sort of…nice when there was nobody here.
“Yes, of course but may I ask why?” GRRR!
“Erm…just things at home and stuff, just want to escape it all for a bit..” He nodded and I slipped through the door and back into the old hallway. I walked to my locker and shoved everything into it.
Now what to do?
I wandered around to the back of the building and found the library. Usually it’s full of nerds studying for their next Geography or Maths test and teachers pulling out resource books and planning their next lesson but today it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. I pushed the door open and walked in. It smelt like old books, which surprisingly was quite pleasant. I noticed a kind of scrapbook wall at the back of the room. I don’t often come to library, which could be why I’ve never seen it before. I noticed a picture, that stood out from all the rest. I stepped closer to it and my eyes instantly started to fill with tears. I did have a friend. A best friend. I could tell everything to her. My loves, my hates, my problems…everything. Her name was Evie. I remember the picture being taken. We must have been about 10 when it was taken and was the last time I saw her.

“Ready or not! I’m coming!” I giggled and kept running away to find a suitable place to hide. These were the times I craved with my best friend, Evie. We would run to the little park and play hide and seek. I panted heavily as I hid behind a big tree.
“Mirei! Where are you?!” She laughed. I tried to stifle my giggles, even though it was impossible.
“Haha! I know where you are now!” Her footsteps became quicker and I was soon looking at her little red converse.
“You’ll never catch me though!” She giggled and started chasing me round the park. Her thin frame running after my equally thin one, her red and my black converse getting dusty from the bone-dry ground. I stopped at ‘the base’, which today was the round-a-bout.
“Oh Flenan!” I burst out laughing.
“What’s ’flenan’?” I asked, catching my breath. She shrugged.
“I’m not sure…I made it up!” We sat down on the seats and started chatting about everything and anything. I heard the gate creak open and looked up. It was Evie’s mom and dad.
“Hi!” She squealed. Her mom and dad loved her and she loved them. I didn’t have a dad and my mom didn’t like me, and I didn’t like her. She hurt me but I’m not naughty.
“Sweetheart, we are…we are moving away…” Huh? What? Her mom looked at me and held out her arms for me. I stood up slowly and walked into them.
“You will be okay, Mirei, I promise. You’re a strong little girl” I didn’t understand what was going on but I nodded anyway.
“What do mean moving away? Is Mirei coming with us?” Her mom let go of me and walked out of the park, making sniffly noises.
“Erm, no, darling…Mirei has to stay here. We are going to live a long way away…your not going to see Mirei anymore…” I understood that. Tears rolled silently down my small cheeks as they did down Evie’s.
“WHY?!” Evie screamed, that made me wince.
“Your Grandma and Grandad want to see you…all the time, and the only way to do that is to move to…New Zealand” More tears fell as it sunk in. I would never see my best friend again.
“But I-I don’t wanna g-go!” She cried. Her dad picked her up and hugged her.
“We know you don’t but we have no choice…say goodbye to Mirei” He placed gently back on her feet and she ran to me, wrapping her arms round me, me doing the same.
“I will miss you!”
“Please, don’t leave me…” I sobbed into her curly hair, that I loved so much. She pulled away.
“I’ll miss you and I’ll never forget you!” She cried while walking away with her dad.
“EVIE!” I felt like someone was attacking me. Everything hurt. My head, my throat, my chest, my tummy, my legs…
“Bye bye! I love you!” I saw her perfect curls disappear and a car start up.
“NOOO!” I ran along the path they had disappeared down and out onto the road, using all my energy to catch up with the car, that had my only reason for living in. She placed her hand on the window and the car changed gear, racing off down the road. I stopped running and sat in the road, trying to get my breath back. Tears poured out my eyes and showed no signs of stopping.
“But…y-you c-can’t L-LEAVE M-ME!” I screamed.

*End Of Flashback*

“But you can’t leave me…” I whispered running my hand over the picture. 5 years I’ve lived without her. I had no hope of seeing her again.
“Mirei…are you okay? I heard you screaming…”
♠ ♠ ♠
I was actually crying while writing this chapter!
lilevilevie asked to be in my story so I made her part of it! If I need a character or you want to be in it, just tell me and I'll put you in it! :)
Big hugs and Skittles for lilevilevie, Here's my lullabye, GottaLoveMCR!, Converse Addict, K-TGales, Tatianna76 and Black_Queen for sending such awesome comments!
Hope you like this chapter and comments are rewarded!