In Love With All of These Vampires...

I Wanna Show You Something...

“Mirei…are you okay? I heard you screaming…” I quickly wiped at my eyes and turned round to find my art teacher, Mr. Carter looking worried.
“Yeah, sorry about that…yeah I’m fine…erm I’ve got to go…” I hurriedly walked round him and into the hallway, pulling my cell phone out of my back pocket. Where the fuck is Gerard’s number…a-ha! I pressed the green call button and prayed to god he would answer.
“Hello?” Hallelujah!
“Hi Gerard, it’s Mirei…can you meet me somewhere?” I asked rubbing my forehead and walking out of the school doors, despite Mr Carter’s voice echoing down the empty hall.
“Yeah, of course…where and when?”
“Anywhere I really couldn’t care less and now…preferably” I replied, stopping at the edge of the sidewalk.
“Fine. The coffee shop in 5 minutes, is that okay?” I smiled.
“Perfect. Bye” I put the phone down and started into a run.
I skidded to a halt outside the shop. I looked through the window and saw Gerard sat in the same seat as when we met 2 days ago. I smiled and pushed the door open. I walked to the back of the room and slid onto the seat, opposite Gerard.
“What’s up?” He looked at the table and I realized he had already got me a coffee.
“Erm…I think I’m just being stupid but I…I don’t know, just needed to see a friendly face, I guess…” He smiled and took another mouthful of coffee.
After sitting in silence for a at least 5 minutes, Gerard broke it.
“Come on…I wanna show you something…”He said quietly standing up and grabbing my hand. We walked out of the café and out to his car.
“What exactly are you gonna show me?” I asked, confused.
“Wait and see…” He said smiling and pushing the key into the ignition and the car came to life.
“Oh come on! Just tell me where we are going!” I giggled, Gerard’s hands blocking any intruding sun-light.
“Your so impatient…” He removed his hands, and orange exploded into my eyes making me squint. I blinked, re-focusing my eyes…to a room that was better than any daydream or fantasy I could ever imagine.
“Wow…” I couldn’t speak. I felt two hands rest gently on my shoulders.
“I’m guessing you like it then?”
“It’s amazing…did you do all these?” He walked in front of me and further into the room.
“Not all of them…some of these are the guys…”
The room was full of drawings, paintings and unfinished song lyrics. Drawings hung off the walls, all of various creatures that a brilliant imagination had come up with. Paintings of all shapes and colors, some half finished, some still in the drawing stages. I heard a jangle of keys behind me and I turned to face Gerard holding at least 5 keys. He threw them to me and I looked at them, then at him, confused.
“They are named…one’s for here, one’s for mine and Mikey’s house, one for Frank’s, and one for Ray’s house…Bob is usually round at mine and Mikey’s so, you don’t really need his” He said, still smiling that smile I was beginning to crave, whenever he wasn’t there.
“I don’t know…know what to say…”
“Say you’ll get straight out that house if something happens” He was serious. I could tell.
“But…why do you care about me so much? No-one ever does and plus…you’ve only known me for, what, 2, 3 days?” I turned and walked into the room, taking in every detail of the mind-blowing pictures on the walls. One caught my eye. Me. Every feature, every tone, every everything was perfect. And I recognized where it was from as well. The day at the coffee shop. Now usually, I hate photos or drawings of me, they just make me uglier than I already am. But this made me look somewhat…like an angel. A broken angel but an angel nonetheless. I smiled.
He can red me like a book…I thought to myself.
“Why do we care? Because I don’t know…you’re the only person who has met us and not think we are weird, dark, gothic freaks who slit our wrists for the fun of it, among other things!” He laughed slightly, resting on the chair in the centre of the room.
“That’s a bit like me with you guys…I could you trust you with my life, but I still know nothing about you” I said, popping my head round the side of a painting of a weird look elf-type thing. He raised his eyebrows at me.
“Your not meant to trust complete strangers…you don’t know what secret they could be hiding…” He said matter of factly, that smirk playing on his lips again. I simply shrugged.
“Why don’t stop at mine tonight? The guys are coming over as well, perfect opportunity to get to know each other better!” He said excitedly. I have never smiled so much since meeting these five…especially Gerard.
“That would be completely awesome…but…” He looked at me, obviously knowing what I was thinking about, “ Meh, screw my mom, she doesn’t care anyway…”
“Okay then…off we go!” He grabbed my hand and pulled me back out to the car locking the door behind him.
“Don’t I need some stuff first?”
“Nah…use Mikey’s, he’s a skinny little boy anyway!” He chuckled, reversing out of the drive. I couldn’t help but laugh at the description of his little brother.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, this chapter is definately not the best...maybe I should not write when I am ill? Hmmm...
Anyway, even though it's crapadoodles, I hope you like it! :)
I know comments will make me get better, so...please, please, PLEASE comment! I'll love you forever and give you Skittles :)