In Love With All of These Vampires...

Battered. Bruised. Raped. And Saved. All In One Ni

I only stopped when I reached my front door. I gulped and pushed the handle down. As soon as I had opened the door the smell of drugs, alcohol and smoke hit me like a train going 100mph. I choked and slowly closed the door behind me. It suddenly grew dark, a angry silhouette covering my small body.
“So you do know where you live?” She snarled. She pushed me forward and revealed that she wasn’t alone. Three, scruffy men were sat on the couch and all smiled at me.
I knees began to knock together as my so-called mother pushed me up the stairs.
“Wait in the guest room, whore…” She growled. She had room to talk!
I ran the rest of the way and slammed the door shut, locking it giving me a slight sense of security.
I heard footsteps and knew what my fate was. One of them men knocked lightly on the door.
“Hey…open the door…I won’t hurt…” You know when someone sounds so innocent, you know they aren’t? That’s what his voice sounds like.
Yeah, of course you won’t fucking hurt me, twat! I thought to myself.
“Yeah, of course you won’t fucking hurt me, twat!” I yelled. I immediately clasped my hand round my mouth, forcing any more words that would make this even more painful, secure in my mouth.
He grunted. Then silence.
A huge CRASH filled the room as the lock flew half way across the room. The man stood in the doorway and looked pissed off. I scurried further into the corner, trying to protect myself. He grabbed my feet and threw me onto the bed, ripping at my skinnys and underwear.
“You know you want it…” He whispered into my ear. He kneeled over me, undoing the fastening on his trousers. He pulled them down and discarded them along with my own. He opened my legs and I screamed out in pain as he pushed himself forcefully into me. Tears erupted from my eyes. Each thrust made a whole wave of new ones form and fall. Each thrust made me cry out in pain. Each thrust made me wish I was dead.
“P-p-please s-s-t-top!” I cried out as he slammed into me again. I must have been bleeding by now. Every second seemed to last for an hour.
He finally slowed, riding out his orgasm in my limp, fragile, violated body. He pulled out, pulled his trousers on, laughed at me and walked out, slamming the broken door shut behind him. I scurried off the bed, grabbing my underwear and jeans and pulling them back on. I felt so dirty and used. I had just lost my virginity to a complete monster. I ran over to the chest of draws and attempted to move them in front of the door but they were too heavy. I wasn’t ready to give up yet though. It moved a fraction and I felt relief as it started to move easier. I had pushed it quite a way when I felt the door being pushed into it.
“Move this fucking piece of shit…NOW!” The big guy from downstairs, yelled banging his fists on the door.
“Fuck you!” I screamed pushing with every once of energy I had left. Unfortunately, I think I made him a little angry. He started thrashing at the door and the edge of it splintered as it slammed into the chest of draws.
“I’ll fucking kill you when I get in there!”
“Well maybe I should let you in then!” I bellowed in return. “But I’m not going to because I now have people who actually care about me…ugly fucker!” His face grew red and new I’d snapped his last nerve. He rammed at the door and the chest started to move away from the door. I left it and made my way to the window. I threw it open…SHIT! My iPod and phone. Okay, I know they should be the least of my worries but without them, I wouldn’t actually be here, going through this now. I pulled my right leg back into the room and stumbled over the bed, grabbing my iPod and my phone.
“Hello…” Oh holy Jesus. The guy that was stood outside my door was now…stood right in front of me. I backed into the corner of the room and slid down the wall, holding my phone and iPod close to my chest. I closed my eyes and imagined I was all alone in a black and red room. Well not completely alone…with Gerard. I’d only known him for a few days but already I’d developed feelings for him. I wasn’t sure what they were yet, though.
I thought the guy might of actually killed me by now but I was still waiting, my eyes tightly shut. I plucked up the courage to have a peep and see where my murderer had gone. I opened my one of my eyes, followed by the other one. My breath caught in my throat. My heart stopped all together and my body went limp.
Five black cloaks were hovering by the guy, who was now laying, petrified, on the floor. His body convulsed violently on the floor. A loud hissing noise filled the room and they all lunged at him, clawing at his body. Blood erupted out of the gaping hole in his neck, arms and stomach as the things ripped his body apart. Blood spattered up the wall and over the floor. I was horrified, mainly at the mess but wasn’t scared at the things that could potentially kill me. They slowly stood up. One by one. And turned. Towards me. I tried to cry out but knew if there was anyone still alive downstairs that they’d probably want them to kill me. I stared at the figured and recognized one of them as the guy at the park. He must of caught my gaze and smiled, showing very long, very sharp canines, blood dripping from the tips.
I gulped. Four of them stopped but the one from the park, kept coming towards me. He kneeled down and rested one arm on his knee. Okay now I was frightened of them, but they did save my life, although they’d probably end it now. I started to shake as I felt the room turn cold and the person’s ice-cold breath touch my cheeks.
“I said I’d never hurt you…” He reached for his pointed hood and started to pull it back, revealing his face.
I stopped breathing. It seemed to do that a lot at the moment…
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I'm sorry, first of all because I said I'd update twice the other day but:
1. Word deleted my whole chapter 8 (bastard!)
and 2. I got kicked off the computer...
So, really sorry for the wait! Thank you to everybody who has commented and subscribed! More would be fucking awesome! This story is now at 3 stars but I think together we could make it 4!!
I shall update tomorrow...I promise, because I won't be home until Thursday afternoon! :0
Hope you enjoy it! Remember comments = Skittles or whatever sweet treat you want! =D