In Love With All of These Vampires...

I Never Realized The Sky Was So Beautiful...

“W-wh-wh?” I stuttered, shuffling even further into the wall, the blood making my feet slip and slide on the floor. He put his hand out stroked my cheek. It was deathly pale and extremely cold.
“G-get the f-fuck away fr-rom m-me!” I cried, grabbing at the wall, pulling myself up. This was something they forgot to tell me.
“Mirei…we couldn’t tell you, I mean come on…how would you explain this?” Frank chipped in, gesturing to the room, that looked like 50 people had died in it.
“W-well you could of at least tried telling me you were fucking Vampires!!!” I yelled, feeling more confident because I was stood up. Someone sighed.
Gerard. He was still in a kneeling position and had his head in his hands.
“Mirei…we only wanted to keep you safe…” Bob said, removing his hood from his head and leaning against the wall, totally oblivious that it was dripping with blood.
“And I thank you for saving my life…but your probably just as dangerous as…” I pointed to the door and theguymess on the floor, “them…” At the word dangerous, Gerard stood up in front of me. I pushed past him and ran out of the room. I stood at the top of the stairs and looked at the carnage below me.
“Oh my god…” I whispered my hands shaking as I spun round, and threw up all over the hallway carpet, emptying my stomach of any food that I might of eaten.
The whole house smelt metallic. You could literally taste the blood in your mouth. The walls looked like they had been in the middle of a war. The carpets squelched under my feet and the banister, was covered in the thickish substance.
My mother and her two bastard minions, were scattered around the room. Their chests and throats ripped to shreds as fresh blood slowly poured out of other limbs that seemed to be in any old position. I jumped the rest of the stairs, through the kitchen, which somehow had escaped being spoilt by the blood spray. My Converse squeaked across the floor, leaving red footprints behind me. I pulled the back door open and walked to the other end, the bitterly cold wind whipping at my body, sending my hair in all different directions. I wrapped my hoodie tighter round as I sat down on the bench in the far right corner of my garden. I cried into my sleeves. I didn’t even know why I was crying. I would of given anything for my mom to die, but then again I don’t think I was crying because of that.
My only friends…ever…just happen to be Vampires.
The only person I ever loved turned out to be a fucking Vampire. Yes, I had decided that I loved him.
“I wouldn’t…” I jumped at the sound of someone’s gentle voice. I looked up and saw Gerard stood in front of me. He had no cloak on this time, instead he was just wearing black skinnys, a black shirt and big gothic looking boots. I was confused and he obviously sensed that.
“I wouldn’t love me…” My jaw dropped. How did he know that?
“I can listen to people’s thoughts…” He said, ever so quietly but I still heard him.
“Oh…I better be careful what I think then?” He nodded and gestured to the seat.
“Yeah, why not” I shuffled slightly to the left so he could sit down. I pulled my legs up into my chest and rested my chin on them.
My life is so fucked up.
“Why do you love me?” Gerard suddenly said, not looking at me but found the grass much more interesting.
“Honestly, I don’t know…but from the moment I met you, I knew you were different. You didn’t want to kill me, or torture me, you just liked me for…” I looked at him and he returned my gaze, “…me…” . I felt his hand grab mine and squeeze it gently. They were still deathly cold but had more color than earlier. I smiled, looking up at the dark navy/black sky, the stars twinkling, not a care in the world.
“I wish I could be a star…up there all alone, no-one can touch you, no-one can hurt you…your invincible…” Tears escaped my eyes, as my hopelessness, spilled out. Two arms wrapped round my waist and pulled me close.
“Why are you so cold, Gerard?” I sobbed, my tears freezing almost instantly in the wind.
“Comes with the job description I’m afraid…” He said, stroking my hair.
Now I was happy…ish
There was still the slight problem that he might turn on me at any moment when he suddenly feels that sudden rush for blood again.
“I said I’d never hurt, I promised you that…” He whispered into my messy hair. I smiled, remembering him saying he could hear peoples thoughts. He gently held my chin and placed his lips on mine. I hesitated as his tongue ran across my bottom lip but soon allowed him entrance, as it felt so right. Our tongues roamed around each others mouth, exploring every corner. We eventually pulled away, red spreading across my cheeks like a disease. Gerard looked into the sky, a smile on his face. He sighed and closed his eyes.
The moonlight caught his face and he was truly amazingly gorgeous.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you to everybody who has read this and is still is!! I honestly am so grateful!! *hands Skittles to everyone*
I am so fucking tired, so now I am off to beddy-boos and hopefully when I check tomorrow, I will have lots of amazing kick ass comments! Woop!

Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment!
Hope you like it!