Status: Done updating, the sequel is still going, though.

They'll Never Take My Heart


“I’m back!” Killer yelled and I heard the door shut. I think the CD player ran out of batteries, because it just stopped working in the middle of Fall Out Boy’s ‘Golden’. I kicked it after that, because nothing should stand in the way of a girl and her music.

“They think you’re a liar for saying the stories were real, so I told them to ask their dads about it.” I said, keeping my distance. He still had that baby with him, but it looked like new Silver was sleeping.

“Nine year olds make no sense.” He muttered, and I skipped outside. T

hey normally weren’t away this long, so the guys were probably going to come home soon. Bored of waiting after only a few minutes, I sat in the sand and tried constructing a castle. It’s a lot harder than I remember it being, maybe because the sand was hot so I couldn’t touch it much, and it was dry and refused to stick together. I was about to slash angrily at it (it was sand. It couldn’t get hurt, and it was annoying the hell out of me. Why shouldn’t I attempt to murder an inanimate object? Or rather, several, if you consider each grain a different object.)when I heard the Trans Am’s engine.

Bandit, Cherry and Lily came running out, and when everyone else went in, I stayed out and laid in the backseat of the car. The heat felt nice. I guess I fell asleep because the next thing I knew, I woke up on my bed. After that, for a long time, nearly nothing happened. We fought occasionally, I got left alone with the three 9 year olds on several occasions, and I could finally do a pushup right. I spent a lot of time outside for two reasons. 1, the heat felt nice, and 2, the die-ner was way too crowded now. Twelve adults, Killer, Me, Bandit, Cherry, Lily, and new Silver. Not to mention Candy and Angel were back to sucking each other’s faces off. At this rate, we’d have even more babies around, and I’d probably have to share a room with Cherry and Lily, too. I was drawing shapes in the sand on the day I realized I didn’t want to live like this anymore. Almost everyone had their old families back, so that made me some sort of alien.

“Killer!” I whispered, shaking him. It was late, so he was sleeping.

“What, Adrenaline? I want to sleep.” He mumbled

“I’m leaving, and I wanted to know if you want to come with. I just need to get away from this place. So, are you in?”

“Where would we go?”

“We could crash at Candy and Angel’s place for a while, it looks like they’re not leaving here anytime soon, and then we could meet up with Blood and Trigger.”

“Would we ever come back?” I didn’t answer. “I can’t do it. This place means a lot to me.”

“Alright, but at least you know that I wasn’t kidnapped or anything. Who knows? Maybe we’ll cross paths again. But seriously, don’t come looking for me. I’ll manage. Oh! And before I forget, I want you to have my notebooks. They’re too heavy to take with me, but I couldn’t stand the thought of burning them to get rid of the evidence of everything’s that’s happened, so I figured you could keep them safe.” I said, smiling wide, gesturing to the trunk I'd managed to drag into the room.

“You don’t have to go. Candy and Angel and new Silver will move back, and Dr. D’s been looking at some possible new spaces for broadcasting. It’ll quiet down around here.”

“I think I do. I have this feeling something’s gonna happen if I go out there, and since I can’t tell if it’s good or bad, I’ll just have to go out and see for myself.”

“And if you die?”

“See you in the next life, dude.” I said, giving him a small salute before tiptoeing back into the main room of the die-ner. I had a backpack instead of my messenger since it was easier to run with, packed with enough to keep me going for a few days. Water, some food, a quilt, my gun, and a lighter.

With a final glance over my shoulder, stopping momentarily to blow a kiss at what I'd learned to be my home, I set off into the night.

I never even saw the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W coming until he had his gun at my neck.

“You’ve caused us enough trouble.” He whispered and I heard his finger sliding to the trigger. “If you’re out of the way, Korse has one less pest to deal with.” I didn’t have time to move, to scream, or even blink. I heard the shot go off, but I didn’t feel it. All I saw was Silver, standing there. She grabbed my arm and pulled me up. I looked over to see my bloodied body still there.

“Let’s go, Adrenaline. We’ve got a parade to hunt down.” She said, and we were gone.
♠ ♠ ♠
The next is the last. This saddens me.