Status: Done updating, the sequel is still going, though.

They'll Never Take My Heart


I blinked several times before fully realizing what just happened. She was a robot… and she just self destructed. That shit was awesome…
“Hey, Kobra, can Adrenaline self destruct too?” I asked.
“Give up on being Chemical Lantern already?”
“No, she’s still me, or maybe I’m still her, but either way, this side of me wants to be Adrenaline right now.”
“Ah. No, you can’t self destruct. Guts are hard to clean off the ceiling.”
“Bummer. Would’ve made a great conversation starter.”
“Adrenaline, did you have any of those little red pills…?”
“Nope! I think… um, I don’t really know, but the toast behind you says that I just sniffed some of the fumes.”
“Right, we blew everything up and there’s still pills all around… shit, did anyone remember to bring the replacement slash anti-pills?” Killer asked.
“Got em, I figured if we were already here,”
“Wait- why ARE you here? Didn’t I get Show to watch you guys?” Poison said, coming to the sudden realization that we should’ve been back in the die-ner.
“Um, no?”
“How’d you get here anyway?”
“You know, there’s actually a really funny story about that, tell them, Adrenaline.” Killer said, pushing me forward.
“Oh no, no no no, don’t go bringing me into this, they made me do it!” I yelled, pointing accusing fingers at Killer and Silver.
“I only came so they wouldn’t be killed!” Killer replied,
“And I came because- um,”
“Is that my BIKE?” Kobra shrieked.
“Is that Show’s helmet?? He NEVER takes that thing off!” Fun added.
“You three, are grounded as soon as we get our families back. Now, we can use all the help we can get. Killjoys, move out!” Cue the blank stares towards Poison. “What? I’ve always wanted to say that.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Our first day of school was today. High School. I feel old.