Status: Hiatus

Like the Waves That Crash

Chapter One

Eleanor's muscles ached as she ran as fast as she could, forcing her feet to slap against the ground and push her forwards. She knew she was fast approaching anaerobic respiration and it would result in a huge oxygen debt, but she ignored the science of it all and continued to run.

Moving her short legs faster, she eventually managed to cross the finish line, giving a gasp of relief as she slumped to the floor. It was stupid to not warm down and Eleanor would pay for it later on when she had to spend the next day or two with terrible muscle cramps.

Yet despite Eleanor's valiant efforts, she had still only managed to scrape forth place. Already sat a the field side benches were the slender and smiling Rebecca Moore, the pink and black haired Niki Samson, and the always gorgeous cheerleader, Honor Smith. Everyone of them looked unfazed by the tedious run, either they all kept supplies of hairspray in their shorts to reapply throughout the Physical Education lesson, or their hair just miraculously defied gravity and maintained it's perfection.

"Hey Ellie!" A happy-go-lucky voice called, which could only be Rebecca Moore, Eleanor's close friend.

Eleanor propped herself up onto her elbows to nod weakly at Rebecca who was beaming at her tired friend. Every single athletics lesson Eleanor ended up laying at the finish line, breathing heavily and trying to get enough oxygen into her body to remove the lactic acid from her muscles, whilst the top three sportswomen sat watching the rest of the class struggle to reach the line.

"Hi Becca." Eleanor managed to pant in reply. With a lot of effort Eleanor managed to clamber to her feet and walk slowly over to the small group. "Good run?"

Honor snorted unattractively and brushed a hand through her blond hair, "Not for you. Your legs were all over the place. You looked like a spastic."

It was obvious Honor's remark was meant to be harsh but it fell a little flat. It was most likely because Honor tended to use the same offenses after every cross country run. Unknown to Honor, she was a creature of repetition. Her bulling was predictable, but Eleanor wouldn't let on to it. In a way it was a secret which Eleanor thought gave her the upper hand on the violent words Honor occasionally through her way. It was unnecessary, but it gave Eleanor that little confidence boost.

"Just the way I run." Eleanor replied with a small smile.

Honor sniffed and turned her head, pulling her mobile phone out of her P.E short waistband, and beginning to text rapidly, her false nails tapping noisily.

Subtly, Rebecca stuck her tongue out at the obnoxious cheerleader. Niki and Eleanor giggled childishly in response.

Niki nudged Eleanor gently, "You don't run like a spaz. You're pretty damn quick actually, getting faster in fact. Honor only comes first 'cos she practices every day to beat us lot."

"I still get forth place though," Eleanor grumbled despite knowing that Niki spoke the truth.

"Yeah, out of thirty. Do the maths, Ellie. That's good!" Rebecca butted in with a laugh. "You beat twenty six people!"

"Twenty five actually, Jenny twisted her ankle skipping to the start." Eleanor quickly replied, but she smiled all the same. Rebecca could always make Eleanor smile. "Anyway, let's leave the subject of boring old sport and concentrate on something more interesting. Any gossip?"

The other girls were silent, the only noise was Honor's constant texting and the heavy breaths from other runners as they eventually crossed the line. Niki's brow creased in frustration, really concentrating. Suddenly, her eyes lit up.

"I've got a boyfriend!" She beamed.

Rebecca and Eleanor stared at the joyous Niki. How on earth had it taken her so long to remember that?

Rebecca leaned across and poked Niki's slender legs, "Since when and whom?"

Niki blushed slightly and flicked a pink hair out of her eyes. "Since yesterday and Alex Gaskarth. You know, the singer of the school band. All Time Low I think there called."

Eleanor nodded, "Yeah, I know him. The bands not bad."

A laugh escaped Niki's purple lipsticked lips. "You like that sort of music? I thought you were all classical and crap!"

"Oh no!" Rebecca objected with a huge grin, "Ellie is a total mosher. Head bangs and everything."

Even Eleanor couldn't help but laugh at Rebecca's statement. Eleanor headbanging was as likely as hell freezing over twice and pigs everywhere sprouting wings and taking flight.

"Don't your glasses fall off?" Honor spoke up, interested in the new subject of chat.

Eleanor shook her head and her glasses slipped forwards slightly. She pushed them up and this seemed enough for Honor to work out that Rebecca had in fact been joking, and Eleanor was the stereotypical classical loving nerd girl she was believed to be. Eleanor couldn't help it. She just fitted into every idea of nerd people could throw her way.

A sharp, high pitched whistle blew signifying the end of the class. Climbing up from the seats, the four girls headed back to the changing rooms with Niki and Rebecca headbanging, Eleanor laughing at their stupidity and Honor texting away yet again.

* * *

Hitching her satchel onto her shoulder, Eleanor left her last lesson. Unlike the other pupils Eleanor didn't scramble to escape. After all, it was a Monday and she'd still have to go to school tomorrow. A sudden knock to the side sent Eleanor slamming into the classroom door, causing the strap of her satchel to snap and spilling book along the floor.

Eleanor groaned and began scrambling to pick up the contents of her bag.

"Stinking mushrooms." Eleanor complained. She'd always hated mushrooms so using it as a cuss word worked for her.

"Ah, sorry for that."

Eleanor looked up to see Alex Gaskarth standing over her, rubbing the back of his neck and generally looking awkward and embarrassed.

"It's OK." Eleanor replied as Alex crouched down next to her and helped shoving books into her broken bag. As Eleanor fastened shut her satchel and began tying the straps together Alex sat and stared at her intently. Like he was trying to work something out.

"Eleanor, isn't it. Ellie Spektor?" Alex asked. Eleanor nodded in reply. "I thought I recognized you. Sorry about bashing into you. I has to get my-" Alex drew off and regained his awkwardness. He bit his lip for a few seconds before continuing, "-something."

Eleanor raised an eyebrow. "What?" She inquired.

For a split second Alex's skin turned a little red, "I left my whoopee cushion."

It took a lot of effort for Eleanor to hold back the laughter. Alex glanced down to the ground, his cheeks burning up slightly again. He was about as mature as last time she'd really talked to him. They were both about ten when they last had a proper conversation.

Eleanor grinned at Alex as he shuffled into the empty classroom to collect his whoopee cushion. His immaturity matched the childishness of Niki perfectly, they were probably a really cute couple.

"See you later, Ellie." Alex said as he left, giving her a rather stiff little wave.

"Bye, whoopee." Eleanor replied teasingly, hitching her slightly fixed satchel onto her shoulder and heading the opposite direction down the corridor. "Have fun with you three year old toy."

Quietly, she could hear Alex laughing in response as she opened the door to outside and set off on the ten minute walk home.

Unknown to both of them, that short meeting changed their lives forever.