John's Revenge

The Cool Family

*Liv's POV*
My eyes felt heavy. I couldn't see anything; I could hear things.

"There she is. Oh God. I can't wait for her to wake up. I miss her so much. I've been so worried."

"Don't worry Tre, she'll wake up soon. I'm going to go to the bathroom."

"I'm going to grab a coffee in a minute. Do you want one?"

"No thanks, Adie."

I lay there, listening to these familiar voices. Frank. And Billie. And Adrienne.

I tried to lift my eyes. I saw a sliver of light. It was so bright. Again, I tried to open my eyes.

Just a bit further, a little further...

"Adie! She's awake!"

"Frank... " I groaned and jerked upright. Adrienne grabbed one of the cardboard-y bowls and I emptied the contents of my stomach.

"I'll go get a doctor..."

I closed my eyes and wiped my mouth with a tissue.

The baby.

My eyes snapped open and I turned to Frank. I saw our little girl in his arms.

"She... she.." Tears filled my eyes and spilled down my cheeks. "She's so tiny."

Frank was crying as well. "Do you want to hold her?"

I nodded, trying to stop crying. I took her carefully. "She's so beautiful. She looks just like you, oh my God. I can't believe it."

I burst into noisy sobs, my body was shaking. I felt Frank's arms round me. I held the baby as Frank hugged us.

I eventually stopped crying and shifted the baby's weight onto one arms as I mopped my eyes with a tissue.

"I'm sorry," I sniffed. "Hormones."

"Hey," Frank said, wiping a tear from my cheek. "You're allowed to be upset, emotional, all that sh - sugar," he grinned apologetically. "You just had our baby."

I smiled and kissed him.

We drew apart.

"Uh, what shall we call her?" I smiled.

"I don't know. How about," Frank paused, I saw a flush bring colour to his cheeks. "Don't laugh, I like this name; Ramona."

I stared down at my daughter. "Yes. She looks like a Ramona. Can I pick her middle name?"

"Of course."

"I was thinking, maybe Adrienne."

Tre smiled. "Of course. Adie will be so... well, moved. Oh, talking of Adie, did I mention that they called like, yesterday and asked us to be Joey and Adeline's godparents?"

"No! Why didn't you tell me?"

"Um, I forgot?" He grinned sheepishly. "Sorry. I take it you want Adie to be Ramona's godmother?"

"Well, yeah. I... Well, I lost contact with everyone apart from Adie and my mom. Then I found you guys again.." I trailed off and Frank took my hand.

"It's OK now. It's just you, me and Ramona."

I smiled and Frank sat next to me on the bed and put his arm round my shoulders. He leant in and kissed me. I knew everything would be alright.

**June 20th 1995**
*Tre's POV*
"We're HO-OME!" I called as I opened the door, letting Liv in, with a sleeping Ramona in her arms.

Billie and Adie walked out of the kitchen, followed by Mike and Annie.

"Oh! Welcome home!" Adie smiled, hugging Liv.

"It's great to be back here," Liv smiled. "Can you believe they kept me there for two whole weeks? What's that all about?" Adie smiled and looked at Ramona.

"Silly doctors! You and your Mommy were fine, weren't you?" she cooed, gazing at Mona. She turned to me. "I can't get over how much like Tre she looks! And she's grown so much! She's got to be twice the length she was when she was born!"

"Yeah, the nurses were thrilled, they said she's fighting fit!" I smiled, kissing Mona on the forehead. As I moved away, I took in her new baby smell. I kissed Liv on the cheek and I knew I was the luckiest guy in the world.