John's Revenge

Christmas With The Armstrongs

**December 25th, 1995**
*Tre's Point of View*
I woke up and saw Liv sitting on the bed with Mona.

"Merry Christmas," Liv smiled, kissing me on the cheek.

"Merry Christmas," I replied. "Hey, Mona, this is your first Christmas, isn't it?"

She smiled and giggled, holding her arms out to me. I took her from Liv.

"Shall we go and give Mona her presents?" Liv said. "The camera's already downstairs."

"Sure, this should be interesting," I grinned, walking downstairs towards the living room.

Mona squealed with delight when she saw the Christmas tree. We had put it up a week ago, and Mona loved it.

"Look," I said, pointing down to the floor. "Presents."

She frowned. "For you," I said, poking her gently in the tummy. She chuckled again and pushed my hand away.

"Come on, Frank, put Mona down and show her what to do," Liv said, getting the camera ready.

I sat Mona down on the floor, a couple of cushions supporting her back, she could almost sit up by herself, but every so often she'd start to tip back.

I passed her the present from my parents. I tore a little bit off the corner and passed it to her. She threw it down and started half-shuffling, half-crawling towards Liv.

I pulled her onto my lap and showed her how to do it. She caught on and soon paper was everywhere.

She looked at the teddy bear my parents had given her.

"Wow, Mona look! Teddy!" Liv cooed, taking pictures.

She shrieked with laughter and hugged the teddy, before throwing it down to the floor.

Liv sighed. "How about the present from your sister?"

I passed Mona a present with shiny silver paper. She caught sight of her reflection and pointed at it, then back at herself.

"Yes, Mona, yes! That's you!" Liv smiled.

Mona kicked her feet around grinning. I tried to tear a bit of paper off, to remind her what she needed to do, but she pulled away from me, moving the present away too. She then went back to looking at herself in the paper.

"This could take a while," I said to Liv, smiling.

*Billie Joe's Point of View*
I walked downstairs and sat on the couch whilst Adie helped Addy and Joey open their presents. I was on picture duty.

"Wow, Joe-Joe, what a cute teddy!" I smiled at Joey. He was crawling along to me with a soft-toy panda in his mouth. He held it out to me, then pulled himself up using the table. "What a pretty toy! He likes you the best." I tried to pass the toy back, but he kept pushing it away and pointing at me.

"Ooo! Ooo!" he insisted.

"For me?" Joey nodded ferociously. "Thank you, Joe-Joe." I kissed the teddy and put it on the couch. He held his arms out to me, and I pulled him up onto my knee. He put his chubby arms round my waist and hugged me. I kissed the top of his head, then I looked towards Adie, who was watching us with tears in her eyes.

I passed her a tissue, smirking.

"Don't look at me like that," she sniffed. "I'm a girl! I can't help being sentimental!"

"Yeah, well us guys aren't scared of anything are we, Joe?" I grinned.

Joe smiled and I high-fived him.

"Bah!" yelled Addy, jumping on the spot and promptly falling over. Joey, startled, screamed and fell down. There was a second of silence as Adie and I held our breaths, waiting for them to start crying. They glanced at each other and started giggling.

Adie and I were so relieved we laughed with them.

"We must be the craziest family in all of Oakland," I chuckled.

I heard a hammering on the door.

"Quickly! The spaceship's are coming, and we have to pack our stuff!" yelled Tré as he barged into the house. "Hey, BJ, 80, babies."

Adie raised one eyebrow at me as Liv and Mona came in.

"I stand corrected."