John's Revenge


*Liv’s POV*
After I’d given them all a snack, I piled them back into the car. I knew Billie wouldn’t ring for the next hour and a half at the least. I pulled into the drive at home and the kids jumped out of the car and lined up by the door, waiting for me to come and let them in.

I got the suitcase from the trunk and took it up to the house. I unlocked the door and let them all in. I went to the spare room and set up the twin beds. I unpacked their toys and put them out on the beds along with their clothes that I put in the wardrobe. I put their toothbrushes in the bathroom and went downstairs.

They were all in the garden, Alyss and Joey were on the seesaw, Addy was on one swing and Mona was going on the slide over and over again, giggling. I started cooking dinner, chicken noodle soup.

We ate dinner and I put them in the living room watching Arthur while I went to call Billie again. It had been three hours since I’d rung, they should have finished ages ago.

Billie’s mobile was still off, as was Tré’s but Mike answered his.

Hello, Mike Dirnt.

“Mike! It’s you! Where’s Billie?”

He went out with Tré ages ago, they went to some bar that Terry had left a message saying he was at.

“What? So the three of them are out getting drunk? What about you?”

I’m in the hotel, I wasn’t in the mood to get drunk. Why do you need to talk to Billie?

“Adrienne took Jakob to hospital earlier today, he was having convulsions and he had a fever and everything. They think he’s got meningitis.”

Shit. Have you tried Billie’s cell phone?

“Of course. It’s off, so is Tré’s. I need to talk to him.”

I swear to you, I will get him to call you the minute he gets back.

“Thank you Mike, you’re fantastic.”

Anytime. Bye.

“Bye.” I hung up and went to go back in the living room.

“Aunty Liv, what’s menin-jenny-tis?”

“Addy! What are you doing?”

“I went to find you.”

“Well, Jakob’s a bit poorly and he’s got a nasty disease called meningitis.”

“Oh. Will he be okay?”

“I hope so.”

* * *

I sat in the living room with a tub of Ben and Jerry’s and a glass of wine. I was waiting for Billie to either call me or switch his cell phone on.

The phone rang and I answered it, quick as a flash.


Liv, have you managed to get hold of Billie?

Adrienne sounded as if she’d been crying all day, which she probably had.

“No, sweetie, but Mike says he’ll get Billie to call me.”


I heard the dial tone and realised she’d hung up. I hung up and the phone rang again.


Liv, what’sh up?

“Billie Joe, are you drunk?”

Maybe a bit.

He was slurring his words and he kept giggling.

“Billie Joe, this serious. You have to come home tonight.”

I don’t wanna come home, it’sh borin’. I wanna stay ’ere.

“It’s Jakob.”

Izit? Sounds like Liv. When did you learn ’ow to talk, lil’ buddy?

“No, there’s something wrong with Jakob.”

I heard the dial tone and threw the phone across the room. It landed on a chair and didn’t break. I sighed and went upstairs. I’d ring Billie Joe in the morning.