Status: Done! :)

Will You Be There To Carry Me Home


“It’s over Luke!” I screamed getting out of his grasp.

“No, baby. I do love you! I fell in love with you through the bet.” He pleaded. I flipped him off.

“Just get away Luke!” I screamed, I slammed my bedroom door shut. I fell onto the floor.

“Fine, you fat bitch.” I gasped. I looked at my waist. I’m not fat…right?

Luke mumbled and left.

I sobbed. I need my brother.

I heard the door slam. Please let Jack come up, please let Jack come home.

“Kaly?” I heard my name being called. Please be Jack.

“Yea?” I asked, opening my door slowly and hoping the need to cry wasn’t audible in my voice.

“Sista! What’s wrong?” Alex said, apparently seeing the makeup on my face. I shook my head.

“Luke.” I gasped out, letting the tears fall.

“What did he do? Do I need to Zack to go kick his ass?” He asked sitting next to me. You may think Alex is perverted but he isn’t…all the time. He can actually be caring when needed.

“Please.” I said meekly. I laid my head on his shoulder as he rubbed my back as I cried.

“I was so stupid to think he would be different.” I sobbed.

“He lied. He’s an asshole anyway. And I told you that before, but we all thought he changed.” He said comfortingly.

“He said I was fat.” I added.

“Intervention time.” He said. Alex got all serious.

“Come down stairs then.” He said. I hated this. I’m a recovering anorexic, depressed, generalized anxiety nut. And then chronic headache and insomnia, but those are really fixable. Get it? Good.

I heard the door slam and Jack’s angry voice. Then Zack’s. I heard the door slam really fuckking hard..the whole house shook. I looked down…zebra strip tank top and skinny jeans. My usual bracelets. I got up slowly and walked down the stairs. Alex, Jack, Rian and Zack; all in the living room. I walked into the kitchen with my head down. I grabbed a water bottle and chugged it. I sighed and walked into the living room again.

“Kals; Flyzik with be here soon.” Alex said patting the spot between him and Jack. I smiled inside and nodded. I sat between them. Jack took my hand and squeezed it. I may have been dating Luke, but I like Jack…a lot.

“We’re waiting for Mickey boy.” Alex said. Just then, we heard a car door slam then the house door slam. I jumped. Jack squeezed my hand again. I looked over at him, he looked so mad and hurt. I squeezed back and he smiled at me a little.

“Who’s ass am I fucking kicking?” Matt asked angrily. I jumped a little. Matt walked over to wear Zack and Rian were on the other couch and sat between them. I took a deep breathe. I looked around the room. Zack, Rian, Matt, Jack and Alex. All here for me. I looked down and took my hand back from Jack. My eyes got glassy.

“I-I need a minute.” I said and stood up. There were some Okays and I heard a wait. I waited for a few seconds before standing up.

“I know why you want a minute Kaly. We are all here for /you/. If you need to cry, you’re doing it in front of us. Damnit. I can’t stand to watch you wither away because of that. Every damn intervention we have for you now, you look around then leave and come back with a tear streaked face.” Matt said. I watched as a tear fell down his face. I took a ragged breathe and said “okay” and sat down.

Alex looked at me and he looked so sad and hurt. I looked down at my hand. The ring he gave me for my 16th birthday. I felt the first tear roll down my cheek. I looked up on the mantle. The old family picture of all of us. I glanced around the room; they were all staring at me. They knew why I was crying.

“Can I have a tissue?” I asked as more tears fell. Matt nodded and handed me the box of tissues. I took one and wiped where I felt the tears, then I dabbed my eyes.

“I’m good now.” I said.

“Wait, before we start, can I have a little talk with Kaly?” Alex asked. They nodded. Alex and I walked into the kitchen and before saying anything he just hugged me.

“You’re fucking strong Kaly. Don’t let him set you back again. Please…just promise me that you won’t do what he did.” He said, I heard the crying sound as his voice cracked at the end.

“I promise.” I said and cried into Alex’s shoulder.

“Thank you.” He said and let go. I nodded as we walked back in.

“Ready.” I said and squeezed Alex’s hand. I gave him a tissue.

“Okay. I don’t wanna recap what happened that caused the need for the intervention so who wants to start?” Alex asked.

“I will.” Matt said. We all nodded.

“Okay. Kaly, I’ve known you your whole life. I was like….5 when you were born and Alex…4. I taught you how to punch. I stood up for you in high school when those rumors were circulating know. I got you out of class when Nick broke up with you. You’re beautiful. Okay? Your gray eyes. Your red-brown hair. The tattoos. The piercing. Your gorgeous. Don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. ‘Cause I will kick their ass.” He smiled, “Oh, and Mickey says you’re pretty damn sexy.” I smiled.

“Thanks Flyzik, and Mickey.” I laughed. Matt walked over to me and I stood up.

“I’ll always be here for you. You’re like my sister.” He said and hugged me.

“Thanks Flyzik.” I said and squeezed him tightly. We let go and sat back down. Alex turned to me.

“My turn.” He said and I nodded.

“Little sis. Kaly. I love you. I care about you. I’ll always be here for you. So will Rian, Zack, Matt and Jack. The whole band crew will, and their girlfriends. And if they don’t, I’ll personally kick their worthless ass. Okay? You’re beautiful. You’re smart. You’re everything a guy wants.” He paused and looked at Jack.

“And I think I gave a dead give away but whatever, anyway. You’ll always be my little sister, and I’ll always be there to kick some ass.” He said, and I blushed. I smiled and hugged him.

“I love you too.” I said hugging him.

“Okay, my turn.” Rian said. I nodded.

“You’re gorgeous. You’re like my little sister. I’ll always be there for you no matter what. Now..come give big brother Rian a hug.” He said standing up. I smiled and laughed. I walked over and hugged him.

“My turn and just stay over here ‘cause I’m expecting a hug.” Zack said chuckling. I nodded giggling.

“You’re beautiful and gorgeous. I’m here for you. Hell, my mom is even there for you. Just, don’t forget what we say today and I will kick anybody’s ass for you.” He said and hugged me.

“Thanks.” I said. I walked back over to my spot.

“’s my turn.” Jack said.

“Mhmm.” I said quietly. He nodded.

“You’re amazing. Don’t change. Please don’t.’re gorgeous, like extremely gorgeous. I wish you could see that. Don’t let the past hold you back. Promise me you won’t do what he did. I can’t loose someone like that again. Especially someone like /you/. I’ll always be here for you. Always. Day or night. If I’m at band practice, on the road or at a gig. I’ll find a way to help you.” He said looking dead into my eyes. A tear rolled down my face.

“T-Thank you Jack, and I promise.” I said hugging him tight. I felt his arms go around my waist. I cried into his shoulder.

“It’s ok, Kaly.” He said into my ear.

“Just ask her already!” Alex screamed.

“Make her fucking happy again Jack!” Rian screamed. I giggled and looked at Jack.

“What are they talking about?” I asked curious. I wiped my tears and sniffled.

“I like you. I like you a lot.” He said bluntly. Inside, I was doing cartwheels.

“I like you too.” I breathed. He smiled. I smiled. I leaned into kiss him and he closed his eyes. He kissed me and I smiled.

“Go out with me.” He said against my lips.

“Of course.” I said and kissed him again.
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