Status: Done! :)

Will You Be There To Carry Me Home


Jack picked me up and set me in the wheelchair. I cracked a rib, thanks ambulance, and I broke my tibia. I have a neon green cast.

“I’m sorry.” Jack said for the millionth time.

“Don’t be.” I said as he wheeled me to the elevator, “I’m still going to the show tonight.”

“Yay!” Jack said pushing me into the elevator. I laughed.

“I think I’ll hang with Vinny during the show.” I said.

“That’d be cool, control his alcohol consumption.” He laughed.

“But, I’m singing Juliet’s part for Remembering Sunday again.” I said.

“Yeah… this time Alex isn’t going acoustic for it.”

“Yeah, it’ll sound really cool.”


Jack signed my cast while I straightened my hair. He kept smiling at me. I know why but it’s a bit awkward,
I haven’t put my shirt on yet so I’m in a flip flop, jean shorts and a bra.

“Alex! Get me my damn shot! I need it before we get to the concert!” I screamed. I’m nervous as hell that I’m gonna fall. Alex came running in with my shot glass.

“Jack Daniels.” He said as I tossed it back. I shudder slightly.

“Good shit.” I said. Jack laughed.

“What?” I asked.

“Your so different.” I gave him the finger.

“Alex help me out here!” He screamed. I giggled.

“Jackary means, your different then most girls. Your like one of the guys here. If the band is a puzzle, you’re a big fucking piece of it.”

“Aw..” I said, “Thanks.”

“Do me a favor?” Alex asked. I nodded.

“Get a fucking shirt on.” I giggled. Zack walked past without a shirt on.

“Merrick!” I screamed giggling.


“I want another tattoo!” I exclaimed.

“I wanna go with you!” Jack said clapping like a little girl. Zack nodded.


“WHAT ALEX?” I screamed.

“Were at the venue.” He screamed.

“Get me a damn tank top!” I screamed turning off the straightened. Something landed on my head.

“THANKS.” I put it on. Sick. It’s Alex’s striped one. Cool.

I grabbed my crutches and wobbled to the door. I stood there waiting for someone to help me down. Alex picked me up and took me down the stairs. Jack tossed me the crutches and I wobbled my way over with an police escort.

“Backstage?” He asked.

“Please.” I said.

My anxiety was sky high.



“If I fall or something, will you break the lights?”


“Thanks.” I said wobbling over as he tossed Alex another mic.

“AHKAY! My sister is coming out to sing a song or two with us.” He screamed. The crowd started clapping.

I hobbled out next to Alex and grabbed the mic.

“Hey.” I said into it, nothing. I grabbed Alex’s.

“Evan, you asshole. Turn on my fucking mic!” I screamed.

“Here we go, okay. So..yeah, I’m Kaly.” I said into mine.

“Kaly is hot!” Jack screamed.

“No shit!” I screamed back. A bra came flying at my head.

“YO!” I screamed, attempting to duck. I almost fell but Jack caught me.

“What the fuck?” Rian screamed.

“No tossing shit at my sister!” Alex screamed. Fucking asshole sluts. I flipped the crowd off.

“Remembering Sunday.” Zack said into the mic. The music started and Alex nodded to me. My heart raced with anxiety and happiness.

“He woke up from dreaming and point on his shoes. Started making his way past two in the morning. He hasn’t been sober for days.” I sang. I looked out into the crowd. Alex began singing the next verse.

I saw his face.
His smirk.
A glass bottle being tossed. Towards me.
It felt like slow motion, me trying to move.
Being stuck.
Not being able to move.
The panic attack starting.
The bottle closer to me.
The crowd seizing all movement.
The microphone falling.
The horrible sound of the microphone hitting the stage, echoing then seizing.
My crutch falling.
Me falling.
Why me?