Status: Done! :)

Will You Be There To Carry Me Home


I don’t want this to happen. I don’t wanna go to the funeral. It shouldn’t be happening. I heard a knock on the door and ignored it.

“Come on.” Jack said walking in. Black suit. Tears blurred my vision, “She’d want you to go Kals.” I went to my closet and grabbed my black cardigan. I adjusted my bangs and walked over to Jack.

“It’s ok.” He said quietly. We walked downstairs and I, out of habit, grabbed my purse and walked outside. I sat on the step and closed my eyes. Can’t this be a joke. I don’t wanna believe this. I got up and walked to the car. I sat in the passenger seat staring at my hands. Time blurred and I felt like a zombie. I sat in the front row of the church with Jack, Alex, Vinny, Zack, Matt and Rian. Her family abandoned her a long time ago. /They weren’t even here/ Her siblings were and the rest of her friends. Her college professors, her coworkers. Jack tapped my shoulder when it was my turn to go up.

I walked up to the microphone thing and stared out into the mourners. I took a deep, shaky breath and started.

“We shouldn’t be here, but we are. Due to a drunk driver that took an innocent life.” I stopped and breathed.

“Emma was like my sister. I met her in my freshman year of high school. She had just moved here to her Uncle’s house and was in my homeroom. We had lunch together and criminal justice one. She fell in love with Vincent Petrocelli.” His /real/ name felt weird coming out of my mouth.

“He adored her. We /all/ adored her. She didn’t deserve this. Vinny, I mean Vincent, said that in her will, that she had wanted me to sing at her funeral.” Jack and Zack got up with their guitars and started playing “If I Die Young by The Band Perry”. I started singing, and the tears came rolling down my cheeks like a hurricane. I saw Vinny crying.

When the song ended and the guys picked up her casket. I sobbed loudly and fell to my knees. Jacey ran over to me and hugged me.

“Why?” I asked through my sobs.

“I don’t know sweetie.” She said rubbing my back. I saw Jack look back at me and I saw a tear roll down his cheek.

“Just take me home. Please.” I pleaded Jasey.

“We have to go to the cemetery but then I’ll take you home. I promise.”

“I can’t watch.”

“You don’t have to.” She said. I nodded and we walked down to the cemetery down the street. I was the closest thing she had to a /real, supportive/ sister. I was taking it worse then her /real/ siblings. When we got to the cemetery, they placed the casket into the dirt and I swear, part of me left and went with her.

Jack looked across at me and then walked over to me. He handed me the first rose and I walked over and cried as I tossed the rose gently into the grave. I walked back and Jack handed Jacey’s his. He put his arm around me and started walking me to a tree. When we got there, he took me into his arms and held me close.

“I’m sorry.” He said quietly rubbing my back as I sobbed, and sobbed. Then sobbed some more. The gang came over a while later. We walked to the car, silently except my sobs.

I laid on the couch and stared at the ceiling. Everyone wouldn’t leave me alone. They let me cry and they just talked quietly, about me, in the next room but still watching me. Life isn’t fair.
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almost donee :)