Status: Done! :)

Will You Be There To Carry Me Home


I woke up with the worst hangover ever.

“MATTHEW FUCKING FLYZIK.” I screamed, Jack covered my mouth.

“Babbyy. Shut up.” He said. I nodded. The door opened and Matt walked in.

“Are you clothed?” He whispered. I nodded.

“Now give me the damn drink.” I whisper yelled. He nodded and handed me the bottle of his homemade hangover shit. I chugged it and got up.

“Kaly, can you at least get shorts on?” He whispered. I looked down, a cami and Victoria Secret hipsters. I shrugged and grabbed my booty shorts that were thrown on the floor. I walked out of the spare room in the bus that had a bed in it. Rian waved.

“Can I talk in a normal tone?” He said quietly. I nodded.

“We’ll be there in 3 hours.” Matt said walking by me. I nodded.


I sat by the tour bus with Zack and Rian.

“Is Jack still being mobbed by the fan girls?” I asked, they nodded. I looked away. I know that always happens but..I’m scared. Or something.

“Yo! Get off of Jack!” I heard Alex scream. Jack was trying to push some skanky hoe of off him but she kissed him. I gasped. She tried to pull his jeans off. It looked like he kissed back. I-I. I ran into the tour bus and slammed the spare door.

“Where’s Kaly?” I heard. I sobbed.

“Why didn’t you throw her off?”

“I don’t know.”

“Nice job to fuck up. Real fucking nice.” I heard a knock on the door.

“W-who is it?”

“Alex, can I come in?” I opened the door then slammed it when I saw Jack.

“I’m sorry.” Alex said hugging me. I cried in his shoulder.

“I’m sorry sis. Jack was just being a dick.” He said rubbing my back. I sniffled.

“I’ll be in then, we can listen to your iPod and have some brother-sister bonding, okay?” I nodded as Alex left the room. I took of my bra and switched into sweatpants and left on my tank top. I got under the covers of my bed and cried quietly. The guys were yelling and I couldn’t care less right now.

“Jack! You fucked up your relationship with her!”

“I didn’t mean to! Dammit! I’m such a fuck up!”

“Dude…do you know how happy Kaly is when she’s with you? Dude..I can’t even look at you right now. Hoe’s hooker red lipstick is all over your fucking face.”

“You better make it up to her, or I will fuck you up.”

“I will too. So will Emma, Jasey and Jordan.”

I sobbed more. I heard a knock.

“If it’s Jack, go away. Anyone else, come in.” I said crying. The door opened slowly. Alex walked in with Matt. Jack stood in the doorway looking at me. I saw sadness in his eyes. Regret. I saw a tear roll down his cheek. I sobbed and Matt shut the door.

“The bus is stopping at the grocery store. Do you want anything? Ice cream?” Matt asked. I nodded.

“A huge ass tub of chocolate ice cream, rainbow sprinkles, pineapple cups, chocolate pudding, chocolate milk, salami, American cheese and cheese balls. Please.” I said. Matt nodded. Matt hugged me.

“I’ll let the brother-sister bonding time commence.” He said leaving the room and shutting the door. Alex sat next to me on the bed and hugged me. I yawned.

“I love you little sis.” He said.

“I love you too big bro.” I said.

“Why did Lisa send you here?!”

“Get out hoe!”

“You messed up a perfectly good relationship!

I woke up to fighting. I took the pillow next to me and put it on top of my head. Let the fighting end.

“I love her!

“No you don’t!”

“YES HE DOES!” That one was extremely loud. Probably multiple fucking voices.

After a couple minutes of more fighting, I trudged out of bed and slammed the door open,

“I swear to God. If you guys don’t stop fighting, I will kick your asses!” I screamed. She was here. Right there. In. Fucking. Front. Of. Me.

I don’t know what came over me. I just dropped to the floor. Sobbing.

“I can’t do this anymore. Lilly. Get the fuck out. Kaly, I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry. I didn’t mean to. I didn’t want to. She kissed me and tried to get my jeans off. I’m sorry.” He said pulling me against him.

“I hate you! I hate you!” I screamed hitting his chest.

“I’m never good enough for anyone!” I screamed, sobbing. I buried my face in his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. Jack rubbed my back as I cried.

I heard the bus pull into a graveled area and the door slam shut then open then shut again. The bus pulled out again. I’m thinking Lily got off.

“Okay. We need to talk this the fuck out.” Alex said. I sighed. I don’t wanna leave Jack’s arms. I got up slowly and went to the couch. I sat in the middle of the couch. Matt sat on my left, Alex sat on my right. Jack sat on the chair across from me. Zack, Rian, Vinny and Evan stood.

“That was bull fucking shit. And it was fucked up.” Evan busted out. Vinny had a cup of alcohol and casually sipped it before busting a cap.

“Duuuddeee. Jack, why? It was so fucked up. I doubt you saw how Kaly reacted but she was like shocked. Tears were running down her face and she just ran into her room.” Good ol’ Vinny.

“I saw.” Jack said solemnly.

“Why? Why didn’t you push her off? Do you know what it looked like?” I screamed. He shook his head.

“Kaly is really hurt by it.” Matt said. Rian and Zack nodded.

“I can’t believe that. I was trying to help you. You know how the fan girls get. You know that! You knew how that would effect Kaly!” Alex shook his head in disgust. “I can’t put words to how mad I am at how much that hurt Kaly. No fucking words.”

“I’m sorry. I don’t know why. I was really tired. I just wanted to see you.” Jack said. Tears formed in my eyes. Jack got up and sat in front of me on the floor. He took my hands and his.

“I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Please.” He pleaded.

“I forgive you.” I said as tears ran down my face.

“Please don’t cry.” Jack said quietly.


I stood backstage as they went on stage.

“I WANNA FUCK!” Jack screamed. I laughed and walked over to the stage.

“We know you do Jack.” Alex said laughing. And of course, Jack was wearing the BONER shirt. They played Hello Brooklyn, Lost in Stereo, Too Much and Walls. They started playing Jasey Rae as Evan handed me the microphone. I need to sing the part for Remembering Sunday. Jack, Rian and Zack came backstage, as Flyzik gave Alex the acoustic.

“I’m gonna go acoustic while Jack goes and jacks off.” He laughed. He started the chords and Jack stood next to me.

“You’ll be amazing.” He said kissing me. I nodded and walked out. I stood next to his stool.

“The neighbors said she moved away
Funny how it rained all day
I didn't think much of it then
But it's starting to all make sense
Oh, I can see now that all of these clouds
Are following me in my desperate endeavor
To find my whoever, wherever she may be” Alex sang. I took a deep breathe.
“I’m not coming back.” I sang.

“Forgive me” Alex sang.

“I've done something so terrible.
I'm terrified to speak.” I sang.

“I'm not calling, I'm not calling.” Alex sang.

“But you'd expect that from me,
I'm mixed up, I'll be blunt.”

“You're driving me crazy.” Alex sang.

“Now the rain is just washing you out of my hair
And out of my mind
Keeping an eye on the world
From so many thousands of feet off the ground
I'm over you now
I'm at home in the clouds, towering over your head.” I belted out.

Alex sang the final verse. The crowd clapped.

“This is my lovely sister Kaly.” Alex said hugging me. I smiled and walked off stage.