All I Wanted Was the Truth

All I Wanted Was A Bike Ride Pt. 2

I stood rooted to the spot, wondering what I should do. Technically, Alice had asked me if I would like to come in. That gave me the option of turning tail and beelining it back home. I seriously considered doing so, as I was scared out of my wits. Surely they wouldn't be completely offended if I left now?

But something at the back of my mind told me leaving would be a bad idea. Besides, Emmett would think I didn't like his family, and that wasn't the case. I was simply frightened of them, and the fact that they had been 'expecting me'.

After a few endless moments, I found myself walking forward after Alice. I looked down at my own feet, surprised. They seemed to be leading themselves into the Cullen house.

I crept up the steps slowly, as if I was a robber about to break in. The door had been left wide open, revealing the white interior and entire first floor. It appeared empty.

"Please don't hesitate to come in. We don't bite." A ghostly chuckle emenated from inside the house, making me shiver involuntarily. The voice hadn't been Alice's - it was too deep. Feeling my muscles tense in anticipation of the unknown, I moved into the house and took a look around.

It was just the same as before - grand piano to my left, a sweeping staircase to my right, and a beautiful view of the river directly in front. The white furniture, the white walls, and the white light that shone throughout the house helped calm me fractionally. Not much, though.

I was only two steps in the door when I heard it shut behind me, and whipped around. Dr. Cullen was standing in the doorway, smiling warmly at me. "Hello again, Kaya."

I smiled nervously. Since I had met him multiple times before, Dr. Cullen didn't intimidate me as much as he probably should have. "Hi, Dr. Cullen."

"Please," he said, walking forward slowly with an extended hand. "Call me Carlisle outside of the hospital."

I took his hand, which was just as cold and hard as Emmett's was. "Carlisle, then." I replied, smiling more naturally now.

After our brief handshake, Carlilse stepped past me and said, "This is my wife, Esme."

I turned to face him and his wife, who was surprisingly motherly looking. Her face, unlike the rest of the Cullen's, was more rounded and welcoming. She offered me a hand to shake as well, and I took it gladly. I was prepared for the pulse of icy energy that shot through my arm.

"Hello, Kaya. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." She smiled.

My smile, still in place, widened. "The pleasure is all mine." I hid the fact that I was slightly perturbed that Emmett had evidently told his family about me.

I felt a sudden presence to my right, and turned. I jumped as I realized Alice had been standing beside me, and I hadn't heard her walk up. "Hi again, Alice."

She smiled a startingly impish smile. "Hi, Kaya!" She reached up and, without any explanation whatsoever, wrapped her arms around my neck in a hug. She pulled away before I could do anything, let alone hug back. "I'm so glad you're here!"

Stunned, I nodded mutely.

Esme and Carlisle were staring at their daughter, clearly taken aback. They obviously hadn't expected her to be so forward.

Alice gave no heed to the tense atmosphere, though. In fact, she seemed entirely immune to it. Even as I thought this, I felt my pulse slow and my muscles relax. Carlisle was staring at the foot of the stairs, shaking his head reprovingly, but smiling. I turned to face the stairs, and saw a tall and handsome Jasper Hale grinning apologetically at his father.

"Kaya," Carlisle said, shaking his head infitesimally at Jasper. "I believe you know my son, Jasper."

I nodded, looking back to Jasper. "We've never met before, but I do recognize him." I paused. "It's nice to meet you, Jasper."

He smiled politely. "A pleasure." He remained where he was.

As I was looking at Jasper, wondering what I'd done to keep him at a distance, Emmett materialized at the top of the stairs. Nobody but me looked up.

"Kaya!" he rumbled, grinning. "Finally!" He bounded down the stairs to greet me. "What took you so long?"

I stared at him, perplexed. "What took me so long?" I repeated.

He bit his lip. "You haven't told her yet, have you, Alice?" he asked.

"No, not yet!" she chimed. "I can tell her now, if you'd like me too."

Emmett sighed. "Please do, Alice."

Alice was at my side in an instant, whispering in my ear. "You see, Kaya, we knew you were going to show up."

I frowned. "I didn't even know I was going to show up - I had no idea where I was going."

She giggled. "We knew because I saw you coming ... in a sort of vision. I get them a lot."

I turned and gaped. "You can see the future?"

She shook her head, wagging a finger at me as if I was a small child that had gotten a question wrong. "I see results, really. When a person makes a choice, it affects a lot of different outcomes. Your decision to go for a bike ride brought you closer to our house, and your further decision to take that little trail," - she pointed out front - "... determined that you'd end up here!" she finished ecstatically.

I nodded, dazed.

"So what are we doing today?" Emmett cut in impatiently.

Alice smiled mischievously. "We're going to Port Angeles."
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Please let me know of any spelling or grammatical errors ... thanks.

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