All I Wanted Was the Truth

All I Wanted Was A Straight Answer

"You told her."

Edward was massaging his temples, frowning.

"Come on, Ed, we can trust her," Emmett said stubbornly, not phased by his brother's concern. "She only freaked out for a minute."

"Emmett, we've worked hard most of our lives to keep our existence a secret. What made you think telling Kaya Davey was even a remotely good idea?" Edward demanded.

Emmett shrugged, hands dug into his pockets, looking to the side. "We can trust her." he repeated.

"I have no doubt about that..." Edward muttered, his eyes flashing briefly at his brother. He didn't think of him as older, though in human years, he was. Nor did he call him younger, though Edward had been a vampire longer than Emmett. He was larger, to be sure. "I see into her mind from time to time. Not a particularly interesting one. But she does have her moments of actual intellectual thought; thought that usually surrounds you and I."

Emmett raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Edward smiled very, very slightly up at Emmett. "What do I mean by what, exactly?"

Emmett paused. "What do you mean, her thoughts are usually about us?"

Edward's smirk lightened, but remained just the same. "Exactly that. Whenever I take the time to delve into her mind, she's usually thinking about us. 'Why does Edward hate Bella Swan?' 'Why is Emmett talking to me?' It's different, but repetitive. She thinks these thoughts quite frequently."

Emmett scrunched up his nose, thinking. "What does she think, other than that?" he asked.

Edward looked politely surprised. "Emmett, you don't expect me to pour out the girl's inner most thoughts to you, just because you asked?"

He huffed. "All right then, I'll just find out for myself. I'll see her at school, after all." He turned to walk away, heading for the front door.

"Will you?" said Edward softly.

But when Emmett turned to ask his brother what he meant, Edward was nowhere in sight.
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Fan fic - not original. Stephanie Meyer owns all (except Kaya and her dad).

Just a short conversation between Emmett and Edward, after Emmett tells Kaya that he and his family are vampires. I'll do the next chapter right away; I just wanted this one as a... transitional chapter? Yeah, sure, let's go with that.

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