Status: Active&Writing!

We Are the Kids From Yesterday


Mr. Iero, you can come in now." The counselor said to me and I got up from the blue padded chair I was sitting in and followed her into her office. It was medium-sized and there were two chairs, a desk, a filing cabinet, and a window. Your typical guidance counselor office.

"Alright, after we get your schedule sorted out, we can let you meet your homeroom teacher and get you sorted from there, alright?" She said, smiling sweetly and I nodded my head.

Another school, more changes and shit to deal with. Maybe this time I'll actually get to stay here. The people aren't that repulsive but so far I haven't seen anybody like me. Well for you to know about people like me, I guess you would have to know about me.

My name is Frank Iero, moved here from Minnesota, and before that, New Jersey. I live with my dad and his current girlfriend, I swear he has a new one every few months! We don't get along that well but I manage. I'm not athletic, not tall, and like scream-y music. Stereotype away! ...And I'm very sarcastic. I think I'm very nice, like a teddy bear but people never really talk to me, like that bothers me! Psh....

"Alright Frank, here's your schedule." Mrs. Whatsername handed me a sheet of paper with crap written on it that I could really not care less about.

"And if you'll follow me, I'll take you to meet your homeroom teacher before first core ends."

"Alright." I said, standing up and following the woman out of her office. My eye started twitching when her heels started clicking on the tiled floor. Some people just need to embrace sneakers....

We stopped outside of a door that was closed but through a narrow strip of window I could see a teacher at the whiteboard at the front of the class scribbling something on the board. Mrs. Whatsername knocked on he door before opening it and pushing me inside. I started blushing furiously because I felt the eyes of everybody in the class on me. The teacher, who was pretty tall, pretty round, and had buzzed short white hair, walked over to us and stuck his hand out for me to shake. I took it reluctantly, not really shaking it.

"I'm Mr. Rogerson. Welcome to my science class." He said with a smile and somebody in the back shouted out.

"New kid, can I marry you?" Some chick in the back yelled out and I looked over at her. Long brown hair with a blond streak through her bangs, blue-ish green eyes, the same Iron maiden t-shirt as me... Holy Hell, I think I'm in love!

"Down, Skunky, down!" Mr. Rogerson said to the girl and I was confused, who names their kid Skunky?

"Mr. Rogerson, we all know I'm not a skunk, more like" She said and the girl sitting next to her started yanking on her arm. Eh, blond. chubby cheeks, not really my type....

"Mariah, sit down." She said in a soft voice. I wonder if all of them are like this...

"Alright, well I'll leave Frank with you to get settled in. If you need anything, you can ask Mr. Rogerson or me, alright?" She asked and I nodded my head before she clicked out of the room and back down the hall.

"Okay, let's find you a seat..." Mr. Rogerson said, scanning the room for an empty desk.

"Ah, it looks like you'll be sitting next to Mariah..." He said and Mariah fist-pumped and the girl sitting next to her shook her head. Oh well, here goes nothing....
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