Sequel: Horse Kisses
Status: There will be a sequel to this story, so keep reading!

Texas to Tennessee

Chapter Ten

Butterflies fluttered around my belly like there was no tomorrow, and my heart was racing faster than a racecar. Quickly, I sprang out of bed and ran towards the window. I opened it and at first saw nothing, but when I looked down I could see the outline of what looked like Jackson. He was waving his arms all around, and holding a sparkler. I laughed, shaking my head at that crazy boy. I half-whispered, half-yelled. “What are you doing?!?!”
“I had to see you!” He yelled back.
I heard a loud noise from my dad’s room and glanced nervously over my shoulder to see if he was coming. “I’ll be down in a second.” I closed up my window and stepped out into the hallway. I walked a ways down the hall and then knocked on my dad’s door. “Daddy?”
I heard the springs of his bed whine and loud footsteps. He answered the door, holding onto the frame to steady himself. “yeah?”
“I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I heard a loud noise.” I tried to peer into his room, but he blocked my view. Although, I did see shards of what used to be a lamp on the floor near the door. I guessed that was what had fallen.
“I’m fine.” He slurred.
“Okay. Goodnight.” I had barely finished speaking when he closed the door in my face. Something was definitely going on with him, but hopefully it would be just a one time thing. I snuck downstairs and quietly opened the backdoor, trying to minimize the squeak of its hinges. And then I was out! I ran barefoot through the grass towards Jackson, who was now standing in the middle of the lawn.
The moment I got close enough he picked me up and spun me around in a circle, laughing his all-too-adorable chuckle. When he put me down he gave me a kiss on the cheek.
I smiled, but then got all serious. “What are you doing here? It’s in the middle of the night!”
“Oh don’t act like you’re not happy to see me.”
“I am, but why are you here? I thought we were going to hang out tomorrow. It couldn’t wait until then?” I wrapped my arms around myself. The summer air was cool and there was a small breeze blowing. It made me wish that I’d brought a jacket.
Jackson took his jacket off, “Here, are you cold?” Without waiting for an answer he put his jacket over my shoulders.
“Thank you” I put my arms in it, and realized that I did feel a lot warmer. “So, you were about to tell me why you’re here...”
“Ahh, right.” He took a step closer to me, “I had something important to say.”
My heart was racing faster now, and it was hard to look in his eyes without bursting out into a smile. “Such as?”
“You’re impatient.” He smiled, and brushed some hair out of my eyes. “I just wanted to tell you that you’re my girlfriend.”
I must’ve blushed so hard that I was as read as a tomato, it was a good thing that it was so dark outside. “Oh? You’re telling me?”
He nodded, his lips dangerously close to mine. “Yes I am.” He kissed me. I was never going to get over the way his lips felt on mine, that was for sure.
“Okay” I whispered. I had the urge to stay out there all night with Jackson, but I needed to get back inside just in case my father were to check on me. “I need to get back in.”
Another nod, but neither of us moved. We were transfixed. It was as if a spell had been casted over us. He kissed my forehead softy. “Text me when you wake up.”
“Okay.” I blew him a kiss and then ran back inside.

It was hours before I woke up the next morning, but when I did, I had this goofy smile on my face. I laid in bed for awhile just playing back the events of last night in my head. How was it possible that I’d seen the white of his teeth even in the dark? And how was it possible that a kiss so soft and so brief could make my knees go weak? Maybe it’d all been a dream. That must be it... but it’d seemed so real. Shaking my head, I tried to clear out all my thoughts. I sighed and rolled over to my phone, which was on the other side of my bed. After turning it on it vibrated twice. A new text. It was from Chance.
“I love you.” Was all it said. I pressed the delete button. What was the point in even texting back? Yeah, I’d loved him once, maybe. But sometimes people do things that you just can’t forgive them for.
“And so the day begins.” I mumbled to myself, as I got out of bed. I went and took a nice long shower, and then put on shorts and a t-shirt along with some tennis shoes. I heard my dad downstairs, probably making coffee. I was a little hesitant to see him, but went anyways.
“Morning dad!” I said cheerfully as I practically skipped into the kitchen.
He was wearing plaid pajama pants with an old white t-shirt. His hair looked like a rat had made it’s nest in there, and the dark circles under his eyes probably could’ve passed as black eyes. “Your shower woke me.” He slowly poured coffee into his favorite mug and sat down at the table.
I looked him over, “Sorry ‘bout that.” I crinkled my nose when I realized he was drinking his coffee black. I opened the refrigerator and grabbed some bacon. “I’m going to make some bacon, do you want any?”
He shook his head, taking another long sip of coffee.
“Alright.” I grabbed a frying pan out of the drawer under the stove and put some butter on it and then heated the stove up. “Do you have work today?”
“Nope. It’s my day off.”
“Okay, well Jackson and I are going to hang out again today. Is that alright?” I looked up from the hot pan at my dad.
He stood up, but obviously the sudden movement made him dizzy because he sat back down again holding his head. “Sure.”
“Where were you last night?” I had to ask. I was pretty worried. My dad never ever has gotten drunk.
Again, he stood up, this time making it to me. “Why do you care? Is it your business?” He was suddenly too close for comfort.
“No.” I held my ground, even though he was inches away from my neck. I turned around to face him. “I just care, and I’m worried about you.”
It was such a quick movement I hadn’t even known what had happened. Dad grabbed my hair and yanked it to the side, “You’re just like her.” He pushed me away from him, throwing me off balance, causing me to bring my hand down onto the stove.
“Ow!” I cried out, the pain of my head pounding and hand burning. I looked at him with wide eyes. He seemed to realize what he’d done because he backed up and muttered a sorry on his way up the stairs. I ran and put my palm under the sink, letting the cold water wash over it. I was scared. My dad had never done something like that before. What had gotten into him? His voice kept ringing in my ears, “you’re just like her.” Was he talking about my mom? I could feel tears in my eyes but I wouldn’t let them spill. I looked back over at the bacon that was popping and no longer felt hungry. I turned the stove off and went back upstairs to find a bandage that I could wrap around my hand, which, by now felt like it was on fire.
Thirty minutes later I texted Jackson. It was ten in the morning and I figured he’d be awake by now. He responded almost immediately. “Texas! I thought you were gonna blow me off.”
A small smile crept onto my face, I replied quickly. “Nahh. So I’m awake and ready.” I pushed send and then grabbed a hairbrush, my hair was already half dry and I knew that when was completely dry it’d be a messy wave. I didn’t bother with any makeup, it would just smear off anyways.
“Okay, I’ll pick you up soon.” He said back.
I didn’t respond. Instead I peaked out my bedroom door, looking both ways down the hall. No signs of my dad. I made a beeline downstairs and out the door, closing it as quietly as I could. I walked out into the sunshine, loving how it beat down on my face, and then sat down on porch steps, waiting for my boyfriend to pick me up. Wow, I still couldn’t believe that I’d only been here for almost two weeks and already I had a boyfriend! I shook my head, (I’d made a habit out of that) I was turning into a Tennessee girl.
I wasn’t waiting for more than seven minutes when Jackson pulled up in that old truck, his country music blasting. He turned it down and ran and opened the door for me, as I got in. As we pulled out of my driveway I looked behind me, watching the house get smaller and smaller.
“I’ve got a surprise for you.” He said in a childish voice.
“Oh really?” I was skeptical.
He glanced from the road to me, “Yes. Hold on.” He pulled over to the side of the dirt road. Reaching around behind his seat, he pulled out a bandanna. “Put this on.”
I laughed, thinking he was kidding and then realized he wasn’t. “Seriously?” I took the bandana.
“Holy shit! Texas what happened to your hand?!” His eyes were locked on my bandaged hand.
I touched it nervously. “I burnt it, by accident.” I lied. There was no point in telling him about what had happened with my father.
He held it gingerly in his own hand, and carefully kissed it. “Are you alright?”
I nodded, “I have a high pain tolerance.” I shot him a smile and it seemed to make him relax a bit.
“Okay...” He hesitate, still starring at the hand.
“I’m fine! Now where are we going?” I changed the subject, hoping it wasn’t too obvious.
It wasn’t. “I’m not telling. You’re gonna wear this bandana, and then we’ll take it off when we get there.” He helped tie the red cloth over my eyes. “Can you see anything?”
“No, but this is ridiculous.”
“It’s all part of the surprise, darlin’.” I heard him start the truck up again and pull back onto the road.
I hummed along to the radio as Jackson drove for what felt like hours. I had ended up closing my eyes and leaning back in my seat, there was no point in having them open since all I could see was red. I could feel the road go from the dirt road to grass. That’s when the four wheel drive kicked in. I wanted so badly to rip off the bandana but I knew better, so instead I traced the lines of the bandage on my hand.
“Okay, We’re here.” Jackson said after awhile.
I felt the truck roll to a stop and I heard him jingle the keys. “When do I find out where ‘here’ is?” I was feeling impatient and anxious, plus my head hurt which wasn’t helping.
“All in good time my dear.” He cooed. I could feel his body move to get out of the truck. He slammed the door and then came around on my side. “I’ll help you.” He took both of my hands. “take a step down.”
I did as I was told and stepped down onto some grass. “How much further?”
Jackson laughed, “Fine. You can take off the blindfold.”
“Thank you!’ I expressed, reached up to undo the knot. I pulled it free and opened my eyes. We were standing somewhat in the woods, and a little ways in front of me there was a lake. It was a beautiful lake, saying the least. The sunlight hit the water causing the appearance of sparkles shooting off the surface. There were some Weeping Willows down by the bank, their leaves seemed to want to taste the water just as much as I wanted to. “Wow” I whispered finally.
“This is just the beginning.” Jackson told me as he took my hand.
We began to walk past the lake and I wondered about what he’d just said. “This is just the beginning.” Was he talking about our relationship or how we had to walk a little ways before we got to his special place? I dwelled on those thoughts for awhile, but then pushed them away. I sure didn’t want to miss out on today just because I was daydreaming.
Jackson lead me to the edge of the woods where I saw a trail. It wasn’t too noticeable, in fact, I wouldn’t have noticed it if we hadn’t stopped in front of it. The bushes and grasses were either pushed to the side or flattened out on the ground, proof that someone had walked this a lot. I smiled, unsure if this was safe. “You know, if you plan to kill’re not going to get away with it. Because people will miss me.” I looked at him knowingly.
Jackson shoot his head, chuckling. “I”m not going to kill you. Now come on.” He pulled me gently into the woods, and onto the trail with ease, but of course I went without a fuss.
We walked in silence, but it was the good type of silence. The kind where even though you’re not saying anything, you’re having a conversation with your eyes and body language. The walk didn’t take too long, and I had loved looking at all the trees. Even a few birds were having a conversation.
“Okay, this is it.” Jackson stopped short, making me bump into him.
“Why’d you stop?” I asked.
He turned around and picked me up farmer’s style. Then he laughed. “Let’s go, Texas.”
“Whoa!” I exclaimed. I wasn’t a big fan of being picked up, but with him...I didn’t mind too much.
He carried me about ten steps and then he ducked behind this huge oak tree. When I tore my eyes away from his to look at the view, I couldn’t believe it.