Status: Active!

Three's A Crowd

Little Shit

It's always the last thing you expect to see in situations like this. I'd expected to see the man I was running from, my father in a blind rage, my mother in a drunken worried stupor, or maybe even the police. Instead, Junior sat in one of Principal Figgins' chairs, picking at his nails. My mind began to instantly run through different scenarios that would lead him to my school; none of which calmed my frayed nerves even slightly.

“Jezebel, there you are.” At Figgins' words, Junior jumped out of his chair and spun to face me. His eyes looked scared, terrified even, and worried. The rest of him, however, was all swagger and cockiness. Something I've suspected as an inherited trait from our father.

“Yeah, you called for me to come here. Did you think I'd pop in the cafeteria, expecting you to be there?” My annoyance and concern levels were simply too high for me to pretend that I was a cute innocent little girl. Not this time. There was no need for it, and it honestly made no sense for the act at this moment. Junior was here for a reason, and the longer this chat held out, the longer it would take for me to figure out why he was here, at my school, looking like he had taken a shit in a pair of his friends designer jeans. “Why was I called down, why is he here, and why is this a principal's office type of situation?”

“Miss Kerrigan, I am aware that there are certain situations with your past that you would rather not publicize.” Oh god, is this really what this is about? My past? Bits and pieces of it just keep on popping up when they are absolutely not needed or wanted. “But in a situation like this, that has come to my attentio-”

“And by that he meas 'overheard your little brother in the hallway while he was leaving you a voice mail.' This is in no way my fault. I blame you for not picking up your phone.” I had to fight the urge to call Junior an ass. It would tarnish my happy little 'good-girl' visage. Instead, I pulled out my phone, expecting to see that there was no missed call, and that he had simply our 'situation' slip in conversation. Instead, I found my phone was turned off.

“Well son of a bitch! You weren't a little shit after all!” Fuck. There that goes.

“Miss Kerrigan!” Principal Figgins shouted, looking absolutely distraught by my choice of words.

“Well, can you blame me? The shock of it all would cause anyone to shout out with profanities so freely!” I desperately wanted to slap myself in the face, or maybe punch myself in the gut, for making such a sugary statement. It would take about five hardcore parties to cover the squeaky clean words from my happy little delinquent mind.

“Yes. Your situation. It has forced me to call in the police. They will be here shortly to question you, your brother, and all other parties relating.” That means Eva. How could he know about that, unless that was on the voice mail. I should probably check that out sometime soon..

“Eva has to be questioned by the police? Can she just not be involved, please?” The look on Figgins' face was absolute shock. That was my first him that I had made a mistake. The second was Juniors face; a look that told me I was a total moron. “You didn't know about her involvement at all, did you..?” Yup. Moron. That's me.

“No matter.” He said, leaning over to the intercom to call her down.

“What is wrong with you, Jez? Why the hell would you mention Eva?” Junior whispered, almost loud enough for Figgins to hear.

“Are you kidding? It sounded like he knew!”

“Why the fuck would he know that?”

“Like hell I knew! It just sounded like he did!” Turning to face Figgins, I raised my voice so he could hear. “Do you think I could go meet Eva in the hallway, please? Tell her whats happening myself, maybe. It would just be so much easier for us both.” My innocence charm was pulled up to full power. No way in hell could he say no to a face like that.

“Very well.” Before he had finished speaking, I was out the door, out the office, and running down the hall. My name was called out in surprise by various classmates, all of which I ignored. Eva would already be freaking out, wondering what involved us both that could possibly warrant us both to be called to the Principal's. When she finally came into view, I slowed my run to a stop, waiting for her to come up beside me as I caught my breath. I was slightly amazed that I was out of breath from such a short run. It must have been the
stress. Or at least, that was my official story.

“Jez. What?” She knew, as she should well, that she didn't need to elaborate beyond that. Or she was lazy. Either or.

“Well, we get to be interrogated by police. No big.” I grinned, slightly excited. I'd met up with a few police officers in my life, sure, but this is at school. Everyone will know before lunch. That just ensures Eva's protection from the assholes that would dare try to try to mess with her in any way. So it's kind of a good thing. Apart from, you know, being interrogated by the police at school and everything.

“But... why? We haven't done anything. And there's no way anyone could know about him.”

“Oh, think again. They know. Becuause guess who's stupid ass was waiting for me in Figgins' office?” I smirked, snorting out a small laugh as I turned my head to look at her. Perfect timing, too. Her eyes widening the way they did as her shoulders slumped was more than a little amusing.

“Oh no...” Another small laugh passed through my lips, as if they had the right to.

“Oh yes. Junior, being the little shit he is, showed up.”

Eva slopped, putting a hand on my arm when I kept walking. I saw no point in waiting for her to gather her bearings around the situation at hand. “What are we going to say?” I
smiled sadly, sighing lightly.

“What can we say? The truth, yeah? Nothing else we can say. If I had time, sure, I could come up with some elaborate story, but not in the time we have. They should be here now.”

“Jez, what's going to happen, do you think?” There was fear in her eyes, not unlike Junior's, but it was more frightening. I hadn't seen Eva as scared as she was in nearly a year. Junior is scared almost all the time, with the life we live. “Will they make you leave? They could do that. And it would be better, you know, for you to get as far away from him as you could. Safe houses are safe, I hear. You should go to one, and be safe and everything, and-”

“Rambling, Eva. Might want to watch that a bit.”

“Oh..” She dropped her hand back to her side and stared ahead of us, down the hall.

“Besides, I wouldn't let them take me away. And if they did, I would just find my way back. It would feel too much like being a caged animal, and I don't need that. It's the worst thing that could be done, to be honest, and if they make the suggestion I'll just shoot it down.” I smiled again, pulling Eva back into walking. “There is no safe place for Jezebel Kerrigan, and if there was, she'd find a way to make it dangerous.”

“Third person? Really?” Eva raised her eyebrows, attempting a small smirk to lighten her, or my, mood even slightly.

“You know what? Third person is cool.” I grinned brightly. “I should use it more often.” That earned a short laugh from Eva.

“Oh yeah, use it all the time. Seems like a perfectly normal thing to do.”

My response never even had the opportunity to be thought of. Walking into the foyer, we were met by four police officers. All were intimidating in their own ways, sure, but that isn't what had the breath caught in my throat. Two were familiar. I knew one very well, as a matter of fact. And judging by the look on his face, he was none too pleased to see me again. Couldn't really blame the guy; I'd put him through hell once upon a time. The other just kind of glanced at me with her usual uncaring recognition. I preferred that to the look of withheld hatred I was getting from the bulky middle-aged man.

“Well fuck.”

“Yeah, I'm feeling the same, Kerrigan.” His mocking smile brought a scowl to my lips.

“I'm so sure you are, officer.” I scoffed, placing a hand on my hip. “So very nice to see you again.” From the corner of my eye I could see the recognition on Eva's face. She may never have seen the man before, but she'd heard all about him.

“If you say so. This way.” He gestured with one of his father large hands towards the office. Let the games begin.

I turned my head to Eva, linking my arm through hers, being aware of the middle-aged officers homophobia, and smiled sarcastically. “Isn't this going to be so much fun? Just imagine it!”

“Oh, believe me,” Eva rolled her eyes at me, knowing full well why I was jumping all over her” “I've been imagining it.” Oh, isn't someone so happy to be here...

“I mean, it's just like all those murderers I've been reading about!” I giggled obnoxiously, covering my mouth with my hand and squeezing my eyes closed tightly.

“ You probably aren't helping us any, Jez. Seriously. Shush.” I could still see the twitch of a small smile on Eva's lips, but I stopped nonetheless. Partially because she was right. And partially to amp up the homosexual vibes I had to give of so all homophobic hatred would be directed towards me, and not Junior.

I bumped my hip on Eva's, winking at her and darting my eyes towards Figgins' door so as to clue her in that Junior was the reason for my acting the way I was. He my not be gay, but he was close enough to become the point of hatred of Officer Andrews the Homophobe. The shock on Eva's face surprised me a bit. Junior's sexuality was clear as rain to me, so I always assumed it was to everyone else, too. Apparently not..

“Lets get started then.” Eva and I were separated then, both taken into different rooms to be questioned. Eva was escorted by one officer, one stayed in the main office, and I was taken by the two I knew. Well then..

“Have fun, Eves!” I shouted to her. She never responded. I couldn't even be sure if she'd heard me.
♠ ♠ ♠
So hey, I finally finished it! And now I hand the baton over to Kate to pick up what I didn't really want to write. :)