Status: Active!

Three's A Crowd

Lima Loser

Hell seemed to be the only way to describe McKinley. Every eye that followed me down the hallway to my English class held either a glare or terror. Normally, I would have loved the reactions that I received from my very loving classmates, but something seemed a bit off today. I almost had to force my natural bitchiness. I blame Karofsky for my lower than usual attitude. I wouldn't be bothered as much if he victimized me , but he always goes after Eva. The very same Eva who do little more then think about throwing a slushie in someones face. No, she wouldn't, but I would.

I am done with dealing with the aftermath of Karofsky's terrorizing. I am done with not getting to Eva before he does. I'm sick of it, I'm sick of him . Somebody, anybody needs to put him in his place. I plan on being the person.

With a plan slowly forming in my head, I ducked into my English class, late, backpack still slung over my shoulder. Karofsky would get what was coming to him, and I wouldn't even think of being subtle about it. I wouldn't be overly obvious either, but hell, either way it would be fun. He was going to suffer for all that he has done. My revenge plans began with one simple
fact, a little tidbit I had picked up in my short time at McKinley High...

“Jezebel!” My head snapped up at the sound of a very familiar, very pissed off voice. “Jezebel Kerrigan.” There, directly in front of my desk, stood the very man of question. Karofsky, looking so red in the face that he looked purple, slammed his fist on my desk.

“What the hell are you doing in here?” Every eye that hadn't been watching us before was now staring intently at what everyone was sure would be a fight. I would hate to deprive them of a good morning show... “I didn't think you could even read...” With an innocent little head tilt, I grinned.

“Listen here, you little bitch!” Clenching, unclenching, and re-clenching his fists, Karofsky stormed across the room to me, cruel intent clear in his eyes. “I'm done with your shit-!”

My shit!? Mine!? I'm done with you fucking thinking you're better than everyone else in this school, just because you're on the motherfucking football team! What the hell is your problem!?” I tossed my bag to the side, ready to strike back if he shot at me. I was ready for anything. Except for Azimio grabbing me from behind. My arms, now locked at my sides, started turning numb almost instantly. Azimio was holding on too tightly, cutting off my air supply, putting too much pressure on my ribs. They felt about ready to give under the crushing weight being applied. I coughed slightly, mind reeling and lungs aching.

“Stupid little slut!” His harsh whisper sent shivers of fear down my spine. The all to familiar words froze me in my place. Nothing good has ever followed the words. The worst day of my life started with those words; this is why I couldn't control the panic that surged in my chest violently.

Karofsky, I would imagine, was surprised at the viciousness in my glare, the danger in my stare. My vision blurred with tears as I pulled my knees to my chest, and kicked out as hard as I could at Karofsky's stomach. He flew one way, and Azimio and I flew the other. All three of us landing in a heap on the tiled floor. I, having recovered the quickest, grabbed my bag and ran from the room as fast as I could, headed straight for the one person who would know exactly what to do.

Running down the empty halls, I wondered where Mr. Bonn, my English teacher, was. The thoughts were all cut short when I ran into Eva's smart kid Algebra class. “Eva! Now. Leave. Please!” Hearing the desperation in my voice, Eva's head snapped up from her page. Typical for her not to notice a door being thrown practically off it's hinges. When she hesitated for a moment, being the people pleasing girl she is, I finally let some of my tears flow. The foreign helplessness that had partially replaced the panic in my chest rose to my throat, making my next words crack. “Please, Eves, I need your help...”

Jumping from her seat instantly, Eva ran past me, grabbing my arm to pull me from the room. Her determination rivalled my misery.

Running once again through the halls, I cursed myself for wearing flats as I slipped and slid around corners. Eva, wearing a pair of Converse, was making the corners without difficulty. It angered me slightly, and irrationally. It couldn't be helped with my emotional turmoil, but I still felt almost guilty for being angry with Eva only because she could run easily when I couldn't.

Before I knew it, we were running down the streets of Lima, faster than we had down the polished and slightly slushie sticky hallways. Eventually, when the school was far behind us, we slowed to a walk, panting ready to collapse. As we walked, a thick silence filled with questions and reluctance surrounded us. When it became clear that she wouldn't ask, I cut through the silence with a simple biting sentence.

“Karofsky and I had a nice little chat.” My sarcasm was painfully obvious, with enough venom laced in with it to kill a large man. Eva flinched, raising her arms as if to hug me, but dropping them back to her sides, thinking better of it. Smart girl. It wasn't until I mentioned Azimio that I got an actual verbal response from her. “Azimio was there, of course, and said my 'trigger phrase' so nicely. I still have butterflies.” My sarcasm was accompanied with an eye roll now. My very mature teenage reaction to my sarcasm.

“He did what!?” Eva's scream tore at my ears as her arms wrapped around me tightly. Protectively. It was strange, to put it lightly. I've always been the protective one. Always.

“It's fine, Eves. Everything is alright now. I was just a little shaken up.” I grinned, pealing her arms off of me, needing my space. I quickly changed the subject off of my feelings and onto something that had been bothering me for a while.“You know what? We're huge losers. My 'trigger phrase'? What, are we in a sci-fi movie now?”

Eva laughed along with me, nodding her head. “You'd think that you would know we're losers by now. You have Hermie as your cell background.” I laughed again, thinking back to the stupid little goldfish that Eva and I had skipped school for to buy.

“My god! We're Lima Losers!”

We eventually ended up at Eva's house, stopping a few houses away. “What is my mom doing home?” Eva asked, her eyebrows knitted together. Whatever her mom did, she didn't do it at home.

“I was going to ask the same thing...” I muttered, making my way to the side yard, ready to climb up to Eva's window before a hand landed on my shoulder.

“Stop!” She hissed, pulling me back. “We can't go in there with her home!” I groaned, knowing she was right, but bored and emotional. I needed some Ben and Jerry's right then. No other time would do.

“Well, what do you propose we do!?” I hissed back, glaring lightly. “We don't have anywhere else to go!”

“We wait.” She said it as if it was so obvious and reasonable that I wanted to just walk into the front door and start something. I needed something to happen; I was too restless. I needed a fight or some ice cream. I'd opened my mouth to argue, but just at that moment a car door slammed shut, a car engine started, and the sound of a car driving away cut me off. Eva crept over to peek around the side of the house before waving me forward. We walked in the front door, but no fight followed. I would have been disappointed, but the ice cream was calling my name.

The day passed quickly after that, filled with Ben and Jerry's, A Fish Named Wanda, and Harry Potter. My loser theory was confirmed.

“So, Jez, I was thinking...” I muttered a quick curse before letting her continue. “We should join a club at school.”


After I paused the movie, I turned my whole body towards Eva, regarding her cautiously. Maybe she was mentally ill...

“You okay there, Eves?” I asked, feeling for her temperature. Normal.

“I'm fine, Jez! I was just thinking... We're outcasts! We need more friends than each other.” That hurt. Like a dagger to the heart. Worse than any panic attack I had ever had.

“So, I'm not enough. Right? That what you're saying?” Eva's eyes grew wide, and her mouth dropped open.

“No! That's not it at all, Jez! I'm just... I don't want to be slushied anymore.” My cautious questioning gaze hardened into a glare. It isn't like I like watching her getting slushied, unable to do anything until it's too late and she's already covered in the cold sticky substance.

“What exactly do you propose?” It came out slower than I intended, and much more poisonous. I almost flinched at my tone, but didn't. Eva, however, did. With a grimace on her face, as if bracing for one of my freakouts, she muttered something too lowly for me to hear. “Speak louder, Eva!” The words were spat, once again making Eva grimace, and me want to flinch.

“We should join Glee Club.”

Fuck. No.
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Sorry it took so long to update! Stuff came up, blah blah blah. So, here it is now! =D