Status: going to try to write a little every week, but i may forget...

Strange Days at Decaydance Records or How Pete Wentz Adopted Me, Figuratively Speaking

The Beginning

I never expected for this to happen, never planned for it to happen, never wanted it to happen. I'm not even sure exactly how it happen. Don't get me wrong, it was a happy change in life, but all of a sudden I'm Pete Wentz's new music project.... anyway here's the story of how my life got to be this way.

It all started on a Saturday. Not a very impressive day for Alleen Hatshirm. It was raining, and I had nothing to do. I was roaming through my music when Fall Out Boy came on. I'm not one to keep very up to date really with my music, and I thought today was a good day to catch up on Decaydance Records news.

I got on my browser and checked my email, then proceeded to go onto Decaydance Records website. I began finding out news: Pete new music project, the Black Cards, awesome! Checking out the Academy is..., Cobra Starship, Hey Monday, Travie, and my personal favorite Panic! at the Disco. God bless Brendon and Spencer.

Well, anyway, I click onto an interesting, obscure link and a video pops up. It's Pete Wentz, sitting in the middle of a couch. "Hey," he says, obviously not to me, but to a camera lens, "You have officially run into my secret page, and have won the grand prize. It's the shirt off my back."

"What the...." I remember saying those exact words. Weirdest video ever, right.

"Nah, I'm just screwing with you." Pete says, startling my questioning of his sanity. "You get an all expense paid trip to see a week in the life of Decaydance records. So here's my number, call it, and I'll get everything squared away with."

So I grab my cell and type in the ten digits, press send, and wait. After a couple of rings, I hear, "Hello?"

"Yeah, um, Pete Wentz is insane, so he posted a video on his website giving me his number."

I heard a little laughing over the other end. "No, I'm not too insane, but Thank You. So, I know this is sudden, I just had the urge to do it, so I did it. So, tell me where I need to send these two vouchers, and they'll be on their way." So we did boring stuff involving mail and this and that, and I was officially going to see my favorite recording company in action.

Fast forward a few months, and here it is, a couple of days after graduation and I'm at the airport in LA after the flight.

"I really don't want to meet Fall Out Boy," Caden says to me, as he waits for his bag.

I grab my bag from the carousel. Then look around, not really knowing what to do. Suddenly, I see a guy holding a sign with my name on it. "That kind of thing happens in real life!" I say to myself, then walk to the driver. He then escorted me to the car and I was on my way to Pete Wentz's house....
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Good, bad, or ugly?