What is love?

Chapter 2- Strangers in the dark

I listened to the shallow breathing behind me, scared of who was behind me. I turned around slowly, coming face-to-face with a gorgeous boy, looked to be about 17 or 18, with blonde-ish /brown shaggy hair. He had dark brown, almost black eyes. I stopped breathing. He reminded me too much of Holden. Before I could open my mouth to say anything, I blinked and he was gone. Confused, I walked out of the ally, and looked up and down the street. No where to be found. In fact, neither was the man who was following me.

' Okay, this is weird.' I said to myself. I began my walk home, looking back occasionally, wondering where my stranger was. Pondering, I thought of Holdenn the rest of the way home.

Jeremy's POV

I watched the girl, Scarlette, walk down the street from my perch on the top of a warehouse. The man that had been followng her was cowering in a corner. I decided to tell him what I was thinking
'I was out hunting, when I sensed this alluring aura. It was sweet and sunshine, happiness, love, and at the moment, a little despair. Curious, I followed the aura, and realized it was coming from this pretty girl. She had brown hair, and green eyes, that had dark rings under them. Her lips were paled, and her eyes had a tinge of fear in them. I was concerned as to why, until I saw you following her. Stalking her. Furious, I jumped down and yanked her into an ally, before you could notice she was gone. I let go of her, and I sensed her body going rigid. Her breathe quickened in fear, mine in the proximity between us. She turned around, and I was stunned. Seeng her up close, I realized she was more than just pretty, she was absolutely beautiful. Looking past the dark rings and hurt, her eyes pierced me, amazing green eyes. She had beautifully shaped lips, parted slightly in confusion. She opened her mouth to say somethng, and I bolted. Up to my hiding place. Taking the you with me. Weren't you just wondering how you got up here? Anyways, I watched her look for me, then head home, with images of a boy named Holden, and me, side by side in her head. I'm rather happy I was in her thoughts.' I told him conversationally. He wimpered from his corner. I turned to hm, seeing red again.

' What do you think you were doing, following her?' I questioned him.

' I-i wa-j-just-' He stuttered. I had no patience for him.

' All you have to do, is tell me that your had no intenton to hurt her, and I won't hurt you.' I could feel my canines lengthening.

He just sighed and shook his head.

' That's what I thought.' I said softly. Moving fast as lightning, I ran up behind him and grabbed a handful of greasy hair.

' I needed to feed anyways,' I told him. 'This is more convienient. It won't hurt a bit.'

I dug my fangs deep in to his neck, drinking hungrily. His screams were muffled, and stopped a few minutes later.When I was done, I was disgusted. If I didn't need to feed at that moment, I would've searched for someone that wasn't a druggie. Throwing the body down, I pulled out a match, lit it, and threw it on the body. It caught quickly. So much for not hurting him.
' Yeah, sometimes I lie' I said to myself. I jumped off the building, and ran into the darkness, Scarlette's image swirling in my head.
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I added Holden to the Character Page, thanks to Dreamer's Freedom for the suggestion :)
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