Winter Truths

The Oneshot

The pure white blanket of snow made a satisfying crunch under her old shoes. Her pale skin had a blue tinge and her jet black hair had a thin layer of frost, and yet she didn’t seem to notice.

She skilfully avoided the dead, creeping trees as they reached out to stop her reaching her goal.

Her breath formed white crystals as she exhaled. Her clear blue eyes rapidly scanned her surroundings as she moved towards the centre of the dead, frost bitten woods.

Continuing across the land she could almost feel the temperature drop lower and she absentmindedly rubbed her bare arms.

After what seemed like hours, the white rotting carcasses of trees opened out into a clearing.

There the grass had died a long time ago and had never grown back. In the middle of the iced baron circle, stood a solitary grave.

She stood frozen for a few tense moments as her brain took the snapshot of reality.

Next her legs began to work and she walked closer to the gravestone. The same blood red roses, from her last visit, were still placed among the frost, which gave them a plastic look.

She placed her hand on the grave and felt a chill run through her.

She opened her mouth and whispered to the deserted woods-

”I’m still not sorry”
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