Lost Within Temptation


(Mikeys POV)
It was 8:30am the next morning. I couldn't help but think of Aby and yesterday! It was amazing! I couldn't wait till 11:00am, I woke up early thinking time would pass but I was sat waiting downstairs for ages. I'd already got dressed and stuff. I dressed as casual as possible, but not over the top. I'd brushed my hair and it went in it's normal flick as usual! I wanted to go over early but that would just seem desperate. Gerard wasn't up yet as he came in 2 hours later than I did from the party, as did Frank! So I doubt he would be up anytime soon.
To pass the time I decided to go for a walk to the town center about a 10 minute away from my house. It was just about a ghost town there, no one was about, except for the old people coming to do early shopping and stuff. I walked round for a bit, then went to get a coffee from the local cafe. I found a bench to sit down at and just sat there for a bit. After a while, I saw a girl from school out of my class, I'm sure her name was Emma! We've talked quite a few times before, only in science though 'cause that's our only lesson together, except for form time, but she sat the other side of the classroom. She walked over to me and sat beside me, we started talking for a bit.
"Hey Mikey! What brings you into the town center this early?" she asked me.
"Hey, just came to pass some time really."
"Oh right. Heard about you and the newbie last night. Haha, so you two going out now then?" god news travels fast round here! I bet that Gemma told her! Her and Emma are like best friends.
"Really, wow things travel fast! Yeah we are anyway, how did you find out?" I tried to act as calm as possible, but I was a bit pissed that people were spreading it!
"Sorry to be nosy. Aww that's cute! And Gemma told me, you know her, she tells me everything! Haha!" I knew it! Oh well, she would've found out anyway, even if it wasn't from Gemma!
"Oh it doesn't matter, and I thought it would be her! Haha, well I better be off, I'm going to the ice rink!"
"Ah nice! You going on your own?"
"No, I'm going with Aby, Gerard and Frank."
"Oh right. Like a first or second date? Hope you have a nice time!"
"I guess so, and thanks, see you at school!"
"Aww, no problem! and yeah I'll see you there, bye!"
"Bye!" I got up and started walking back home. It was about 10:35am so I was kinda glad I'd started talking or it would probably would be earlier now. I got home and saw Gerard in the landing window upstairs. He was finally up! It looked like he'd only just got up. Didn't surprise me one bit. I walked in the house and started watching TV for a bit, and Frank finally came over. But for once he was early! He started talking to me about last night, and Gerard joined in the convo, he started making stupid jokes up so I decided to go for Aby 5 minutes early. Hopefully she wouldn't mind.
I never like telling Gerard when I get a girlfriend, 'cause he always seems to make fun of it, so I let him find out his self, and avoid him completely. It's weird 'cause he never has girlfriends, well he has dates but never anything else. Frank's the same but his dates seem to go on longer. I think those two have a packed or something, like 'not to get a girlfriend' or 'if one doesn't get a girlfriend, the other one doesn't!' stupid really.
I went up Aby's path, and went to knock on the door. But I got distracted by her and someone arguing, I didn't want to disturb them so I waited till they were finished. It sounded like her and her brother were arguing about hospital or something within that area. I was waiting for about 10 minutes because her mum joined in. Finally they were finished so I knocked. Someone answered the door but it wasn't Aby. "Hi, are you Mikey?" it looked like her brother.
"Hey, yeah I am. Is Aby in?" I asked quite confused.
"Ermm she'll have to cancel today, she's got to go to the hospital, she said sorry about it." He said quite nervously then I heard Aby shout in the background. "I'M NOT GOING!" she said quite angrily.
"Oh right. Is she okay? and will she be at school tomorrow?" I asked quite concernedly.
"Err yeah she's okay, nothing to worry about really, and I don't know, she should be!" he had to think to get the first words out, so I was quite concerned about her. I wondered what was wrong with her. "She said that she would pop round to yours in a bit, if that's okay?"
"Yeah, that's fine! What time?"
"She said about 5."
"Okay, I should be in!" Thank god! I was gonna be able to see her today! At least that was a bonus. I wasn't gonna bother her about the hospital though, it wasn't any of my business. She might tell me later. I didn't really feel like going to the ice rink now. I wanted to see her. So I stayed at home hoping that she would come early. Of course Gerard felt the need to take the mick, so I went out of his way till he went ice skating. Frank didn't say anything, he just kept quiet. To get out of their way, I thought I'd go to the park. I hadn't been there since that stupid fight, no one had really. It was empty today, partly because it was a Sunday. No one went on a Sunday, that's why I did. I went to sit down on a bench, and just sit quietly for a few minutes. All I could think about was Aby, I wondered what was wrong. I don't think it was anything big, or she wouldn't be going to school, right? I didn't know, but I hoped it wasn't.
(Aby's POV)
Omg.. I felt so bad for letting Mikey down. I hated having to go to the hospital, it was stupid anyway! I could have gone tomorrow when I didn't have a date. Well it comes to the hard part of telling Mikey tonight why I had to go... how do I even begin? it's gonna be so awkward. I'm gonna have to tell him sooner than later. Cause it could be to late by the time I tell him, so I decided tonight I would.
We just got from the hospital when it was about time for m to go meet Mikey. God I was dreading this. I grabbed my coat and off I went, of course he was already standing at his gate waiting for me, it made me smile a little. My heart was beating so fast by the time I'd left my gate. I had to tell him now..
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hope you like this chapter guys! next ones gonna be revealing :) Gee xx