The Only Hope For Me...


"Frankie!" Mikey called from down the hall. I turned around on my heel just in time to see him pounce, attempting to jump on my back but instead crashing into my chest, sending us both tumbling to the floor.
"Mikey! Get off!" I giggled, pushing him off my chest and pulling myself back up. He jumped up after me and lazily looped his arms around my neck. He then gave me a devious smirk and wrapped one arm around my back while bringing the other behind my knees and lifting me up.
"No!" I screamed, then wrapped my arms around his neck for support and buried my face into his chest, squeezing my eyes closed and praying that he let me down. I had always been deathly afraid of heights, even though it was only a few feet off the ground, it's high up to me. I suppose everything's taller than it should be when you're as short as I am.
"Put me down! Put me down! Put me down!" I yelled into his chest. He laughed, then swung me around in circles. I screamed, terrified of being dropped, until Gerard had to com in and make Mikey set me down.
My entire body was shaking when I punched Mikey's arm and stormed off to my bunk, slamming the curtains shut behind me. Mikey was my best friend, I loved the kid, but sometimes he went too far. I pulled my knees up to my chest and tossed my head to the side when Mikey walked over and pryed my curtains open.
"Aww C'mon Frankie. Don't be upset!" Mikey smiled apologetically before plummeting down next to me.
"No Mikey, you know I hate that. It scares the crap out of me." I crossed my arms and turned my head away from him.
"Okay, I'm sorry. I won't do it again... today."
"Ugh! I hate you!"
"Love you too Franks." He smiled and pulled my body into his chest. Only a few seconds later his fingers were tracing up the side of my stomach and ribs, causing me to laugh like a mad man.
"M-mikey! S-stop it!" I giggled as he wiggled his fingers under my shirt and over my stomach.
"You didn't say I couldn't tickle you!" He laughed, moving his fingers faster as I desperatley tried to push him away.
"Mikey! Stop torturing Frank!" Gerard called from the couch in the front of the bus.
"You guys are no fun." Mikey pouted, crossing his arms over his chest and pushing his lower lip out.
"Yeah, yeah, poor Mikey. C'mon, we gotta get ready.
After we finished the venue, we all trudged back onto the bus and fell into our bunks. That was definitley one of our more exhausting shows, but it was way worth it for the amazing reactions we got from the fans.
"'Night guys!" Gerard called from his bunk.
"G'night Gee," we all called back before falling gradually into a peacefull sleep. Or so I thought.
I woke up around three a.m. in a cold sweat, my chest heaving in and out heavily. Tears streamed down my face as I recalled the nightmare... this time it was I who was killing all of my friends. I think this was the worst one yet. My body wouldn't stop shaking and I couldn't stop replaying the dream in my head. God, what the hell was wrong with me?
Suddenly, a wrenching feeling filled my gut, and it made me not want to be alone. Of course, I wasn't alone, I was in a bus with three other men, but, I needed to be with someone right now.
Slowly, I crawled out of my bunk and over to Mikey's, which was straight across from mine.
"M-mikey?" I pulled the curtain back and gently tapped his shoulder.
"What is is Frankie?" He asked, still half asleep.
"C-can I sleep with you tonight?" I asked quietly. He popped one eye open and sighed, wrapping his arms around me and pulling my body under the covers up against his chest.
"Nightmares again?" He frowned. I nodded my head and let more tears slip from my eyes. He pulled me into him tighter and rubbed my back gently.
"Frank, they're just dreams. It's not real you know..." he told me in an attempt to calm me.
"I know... b-but I can't help being s-scared by them..." I sobbed out.
"I know Frankie... I know. Just try to get some sleep, okay?" He smiled briefly, then closed his eyes and rested his chin on the top of my head. Not long after Mikey had fallen asleep again, I had joined him, into a peacefull, dreamless slumber.
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Uh, so... A Frikey that I started yesterday.
Tell me what you think, yeah?
-Beastly Harlot