Status: hope you enjoy

You See the Mute Emo Guy Over There? Tell Him His Ex Is a Ghost

Chapter One

Death. The one thing everyone fears today. Even I used to fear it when I was alive, but one day that has came to a close. That is the day I wanted. School had ended on a Monday, the day I hate the most in the whole wide week, and I got home. I came to find it empty my boyfriend Alezander was at his tutor’s house and my parents are state senators so I am used to being alone in a house. I probably would have let my murderer in my house actually they had been in my house times before, but that is not how they got in. As I slept I was woken by a breeze from my open window. I got up to close my window when I saw my murderer. I looked at it right in the eyes and thought, “This can’t be happening not to me, not to me.” I tried running to my door and screaming, but my attacker hooked me to my bed and tied me up really tightly. “You won’t get away with this, “I said making my intruder laugh. “I already am,” it said, “Every night I drug you and bind you so those marks will you normal and your death is a poison that I made myself. I will never be caught Antoinette.” I looked my predator in the eyes as it tightened my binds, gagged my mouth, and made their beverage. I looked them right in the eyes as they poured the drink into my mouth. It was so disgusting I thought as I kept trashing my bed making everything fall out especially my favorite teddy bear. Tell me the police won’t think I did this to myself; tell me they would never tell this to Alezander. I could never do this Alezander. I thought as I closed my eyes for the last time as my killer dashed right out of the scene taking all the homicidal evidence. That was my death and now I am a ghost going through walls and stuff. I flew around when I saw another ghost and hurried after them. I followed the other ghost to a ghost city it looked like a New York, but filled with ghosts. I looked around lost when someone taped me on the shoulder in a ghouly way. “Hello Antoinette! Welcome to the land of the ghosts. You are here till you have been done right. Now I will answer any questions you have and I am your caretaker Cinda. You are a ghost now Antoinette and you will be stuck here till you have been found justice or you may choose to stay here once your justice has been found,” the lady that touched me I guess named Cinda said. We walked to a hospital where I was shoved on a gurney and raced to an emergency room. I saw Cinda’s head pop up in the room shaking. “What’s going on Cinda?” I begged. “It seems you were pregnant when you died Antoinette,” Cinda said. “How did you know when even I didn’t know?” I asked. Even in the human world I didn’t know I was pregnant. “I am your caretaker it is my job to know and I was just like you Antoinette,” Cinda said. I had a faint flashback of the ghost doctors pulling out my ghost baby and I felt some of my tears roll down. Me and Cinda left the hospital with my newborn son Alezander Jr. where I asked, “I thought birth is more painful than that and that it took longer to happen and to recover.” Cinda laughed and said, “You can only have emotional pain here. You are still dead Antoinette.” “Will I ever get to see people that are alive?” I asked. Maybe I can still see Alezander, show him our baby and tell him I love him. “You can’t do much there except blend in unless you get a seer and about your boyfriend you can’t really touch him like you used too. Your hand slips right through him till you can give him sight,” she said, “Now you will be living in Red Rose Plaza.” We went up an elevator and to a hotel suite. The rooms are so big. I felt like being a kid and bouncing on their huge beds. “We live in a hotel?” I asked. “You do ,” she said, “I live nearby just think of me and I will show up and take care of Alezander Jr. he gets to live with his mommy. You don’t need to change clothes ‘cause you can’t sweat and stuff wakeup call dead can be fashionable. You live in whatever you died in.” “Poor Halloween deaths,” I joked making us both burst out laughing at my corniness, “ Um Cinda how did you know so much about me?” “Well kiddo I read your file and I had to go through all the stuff you had to and will have to for what you want. I’m just an older version of you,” she said, “Now let me teach you about being a mom.” I smiled as we walked into his new nursery. Don’t worry my love I will find a way to see you my death won’t stop us.

[Present Day Real World: Coroner’s Assistant Paul’s POV] I got to the scene with all the tools my boss, Mr. Dulonzini, needed. “Mr. Dulonzini a word,” a blonde man in a suit said making my boss move. “Would you mind keeping my daughter’s death a quiet situation,” The dead girl’s dad said. “Wouldn’t you want people to catch your daughter’s killer faster Mr. Pristine?” my boss said. “My personal family stay that way Mr. Dulonzi at home and personal. My daughter may not have even been killed just look at her,” Mr. Pristine said. My boss nodded and said, “Than you should speak with the police Senator Pristine.” Mr. Pristine left, letting Mr. Dulonzini talk about his foul mood. “Poor girl,” he said. “You will write it as a murder right Mr. Dulonzini?” I asked. He shook his head and said, “Paul you and I both know we have no evidence, yet and probably only you, the girl and I will know this secret, because of that ignorant senator.” “Why?” I said, “Won’t the police notice?” “Do you see lots of evidence Paul? We have a bloody smart killer that will be set free to roam and kill as it pleases. What about her appearance and what her parents believe to be her behavior? Her parents well respected senators have air tight alibis want this swept under a rug so be it,” he said shaking his head, “Poor poor girl.” I looked at the body one more time as we hauled her in the blue body bag. Mr. Dulonzini was probably right I thought as the police pulled him aside leaving me alone to clean everything up.

[Ghost World: Cinda’s POV] I left Antoinette’s suite her baby was sleeping so well in his new crib. Poor girl her murderer will never be solved though my life is just like hers with a happier twist my love is now married to me and is still alive. I put my hands in my pockets as the city got colder I touched something in my pocket. I pulled it out and had a flashback:

When I just got here my caretaker Dupree gave me a ring to travel from Earth to the hand of the ghosts. When her murderer finally got solved she found me and said, “Pass your ring down when you know who to give it to when you are a caretaker. You’ll know when the time is right.”

My tears dripped down a little as I took out of the ring I had written notes of how to use it and hope maybe Antoinette can find peace like I have. I put the ring in a bundle with the notes I wrote and left them in the lobby for her to collect later. Soon enough like me wouldn’t need the ring. I had written notes of how to use it and hope maybe Antoinette can find peace. I transported to my house on Earth where I was greeted by my husband. “Hello hunny,” I said, “You won’t believe the day I had.” He smiled and said, “You can’t believe mine,” I held his hand as he retold his day to me making me smile. I would have missed these times with him.

[Present Day Real World: 3rd Point of View] Antoinette’s death was addressed at her school in an assembly and therapists can flying around the school trying to get the kids “help” so they said, but that’s all a joke. In the assembly there was a murderer, a grieving lover, and a dead girl’s ghost.
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i missed this story so i took it from my old account
>who killed Antoinette?
>Who will be Antoinette's seer?
>will Alezander kill himself?
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